A-Train regular seeds

T.H. Seeds


A-train Regular: the Jorney Begins 

So started our journey on the A-train: the first stop was to figure out the mom. Trainwreck is a spindly plant that needs support almost immediately. The MiS helped girth it out a bit and overall she stayed pretty true to her low-leaf count, which really helps with manicuring. The smell is very clean and not too spicy; more of a light menthol with a dry afghan-based undertone that slowly overtakes any room.

The Stone You've Been Dreaming Of

A-train Regular tastes like mint and lemon, and the effect is relaxing yet uplifting and creative. 

This is classic stoner weed. The medicinal qualities seem apparent enough: ocular pressure lowered, appetite enhancement, stress relief; this plant has it all.
So grab a ticket and jump on the A-train to Stonesville.

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