Auto Blue Ace CBD feminized seeds

Delicious Seeds


A Spectacular Result from Tireless Work

Delicious Seeds have spent the better half of 4 years to work through over 5 generations to perfect this strain, creating a non-photo dependant plant with a THC:CDB ratio ranging from 1:1 - 1:2, so far the impression its made has been positive and soon this will be a must-have for many medical-growers.


Growing your own first-rate medicine has never been easier with the auto-flowering variety, which doesn’t need lighting plans and cycles, taking even more worries off your plate. Flowering time is 60-65days and this will result in 500g/m2 indoors and 100g/plant outdoors. The THC content of 4-8%, and 8-16% CBD makes her highly valued for her medicinal applications and is ideal for therapeutic use and can still be taken during the day, leaving you free to master your everyday life.

  • Height: Small/medium.
  • High resistance to mold and pests.
  • Tolerance: High to over/under watering.

Medicinal and Relaxing to Help You Accomplish the Day

The high CDB content gives her the signature flavour of sweet citric fruits with pepper and an undertone of hash to finish it off. The effects are not highly psychoactive and will instead bring feelings of relaxation and possibly introspection, with medicinal effects for pain-numbing and anxiety.


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