Auto Nefertiti feminized seeds

Pyramid Seeds


Auto Queen

Unlike its photoperiod version, that’s a cross between White Widow and Black Widow, Auto Nefertiti is a Sativa dominant plant with a wide and compact structure. This autoflowering strain is a great choice for outdoor gardens where it shows its full potential. Not a great yielder or the highest potency strain there is but Auto Nefertiti is a great choice for all those looking for a relaxing, uplifting daily strain with great flavor and aroma. It will take a bit more to finish but it’s well worth the wait.


A great outdoor strain

Being a Sativa dominant autoflower and having that Haze heritage makes Auto Nefertiti a great outdoor strain and it’s where it will reach its full potential. The Haze in it is responsible for it wide and compact structure, great branching and vigorous growth. Usually staying around 100 cm indoors but can easily reach 150 cm if given enough room. The sativa in it will also require a little more time to finish flowering and a little more work and tending to, so this strain might not be the best choice indoors for beginner growers. Buds will be lengthy, not very dense but will be covered in resin. When growing indoors, use at least 20L containers or use at least 15 plants per square meter if growing using Sea of Green (SOG) method.

  • Height from 70-120cm indoors and 120-150cm outdoors or in hydro;
  • Finishing in 10 to 14 weeks from seed;
  • Usually yields about 400g/m2 or 40-60g per plant;
  • Testing at around 13% THC;
  • 15 or more plant per square meter are advised when grown in a Sea of Green (SOG).

Effects, flavors and aromas

Auto Nefertiti isn’t the best yielder and with flowers usually testing at around 13% THC, it isn’t the most potent of strains either but she makes up for it with an excellent taste and effect. Aromas are pungent, sweet, with earthy undertones with spicy, sweet flavors with hints of strawberries and oranges. Effects are uplifting, relaxing and sociable which make it a great daytime strain. Auto Nefertiti is medicinally used to relieve the symptoms and to battle stress, fatigue, depression and anxiety.


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Pack size :
1 seed
3+1 seeds
5+2 seeds
1 review
  • TNellis7
    9 March 2021
    9 March 2021
    • Advantages
      Lots of resin build up.
    • Disadvantages
    • General impressions

      First-time grower! Very impressed with a strain.

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