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Damn Sour feminized seeds

Green House Seeds


Origin of the Strain

 Damn Sour fem cannabis strain originates from Sour Sage, which was bred by crossing S.A.G.E and Sour Diesel. The result of breeders’ careful work is a plant of medium height with long branches and large resinous cones.

Damn Sour Cultivation Tips

Damn Sour cannabis seeds fit gardeners of any level because the plant is unpretentious and suits well both for open ground and indoor cultivation. Here is a few recommendations based on grow reports of experienced marijuana cultivators:

  • Damn Sour loves good soil, so hydrogen enrichment is highly advisable;
  • Placing plants too close to each other is not worth it;
  • Plants respond well to SCRoG and LST techniques;
  • During the flowering period, this lady shows rapid and dynamic growth.

Taste, Aroma, Effect

Sweet aroma, light citrus motifs and spicy hues - all this gets grower who chooses Damn Sour cannabis seeds. In addition, the effect of this cannabis is deep, intense and prolonged. Consciousness receives a powerful dose of positive, creativity and activity. Bright fantasies, thoughts, ideas and plans - Damn Sour guarantees all this.

Pack (number of seeds)

Selected: 1 pack (10 seeds)
$122.22 / $12.22 per seed
delivery Shipping: from 15 days
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