Eagle Bill Regular seeds

Sensi Seeds


Eagle Bill Regular: Fancy Name, Great Effect

Eagle Bill Regular is a cannabis strain of Sativa dominance produced by Sensi Seeds. It is a crossbreed of Haze and Jamaica origin, coming with Silver Pearl characteristics. It has been created as a tribute to Ben Dronkers – aka ‘Eagle Bill’ Armato - one of the first to use cannabis for therapeutic purposes.

Growing Details:

Eagle Bill is incredibly productive indoors, matching the productivity of strains such as Silver Haze. Its Sativa genetics will make it grow tall and narrow – growing thick buds along the centerline as the plant blossoms. We recommend using a SoG or SCROG method in order to extract the thickest and most resinous buds available indoors. Try planting seeds in a suitable environment which gives the plant room to manoeuvre and grow tall during the flowering stage, allowing for the buds to grow close to the stems and produce plenty of trichomes. Outdoors the strain will grow best in a sunny/Mediterranean environment and will grow tall and narrow. You can expect a large yield for each strain planted.

  • Great for vaporizing.
  • Energizing, exciting high – perfect for daily consumption.
  • Satisfyingly large yield for both indoors and outdoors.
  • A powerful, delicious strain is a fine tribute to the great ‘Eagle Bill’ Amato.

Perfect Social Strain

The strain has an intense lemony aroma – typical of a Sativa strain from Sensi Seeds. It also has hints of lemon, pinewood and a distinct haze quality which makes the buds incredibly satisfying to consume. Produces a powerful, uplifting, euphoric high. Perfect for socializing.

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This strain is out of production

Unfortunately, it has been discontinued, but we've picked some very similar seeds for you – take a look.

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