Exotic Colours feminized seeds

Exotic Seeds


Exotic Exotic Colours Feminised Seeds Info

It is a variety with a columnar structure, where the branches grow very close to the stem, with two clearly distinct aroma types, finding in many cases a correlation between the colours and the aroma, with the darkest individuals exhibiting floral and fresh aromas, and finding some more acidic flavours, keeping the floral point described above. As for individuals who do not show colours so intense, a very strong lemon scent predominates, which in some case reminds us of incense aromas. With regard to yield, structure and resin level there is not much variation, being a variety in which we can find individuals with a very high resin level, medium-high yield, and where the feed rate should be low profile since it does not support high conductivity values very well. Its effect is powerful, with a tendency toward more reflective states, of tranquillity and contemplation, with a very interesting relaxation point for medical users.

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