Amherst Sour Diesel feminized seeds

Humboldt Seeds


Amherst Sour Diesel: Outdoor Giant And Massive Yielder

The Amherst Sour Diesel cannabis strain is a Sativa-dominant multi-hybrid. The more you learn about this feminized plant, the more you want to get her. The origin of this elite strain is shrouded in mystery. All we know about her is the 80:20 ratio of Sativa/Indica. She also has a high level of THC 27%, which will bring an incredible long lasting feeling of euphoria. Outdoors this plant can turn into a real three-meter giant and bring an incredible amount of harvest.

Indoors, this strain is a medium-sized plant with a huge number of large, dense buds and side branches, yielding 400-600g/m2 in 65-70 days. If you grow it outdoors and give it a lot of space, you will be amazed by the size of the plant! Not to mention the amount of harvest that this strain will bring with 2000-3000g/plant yields by late October. Amherst Sour Diesel requires a temperate, warm, dry and Mediterranean climate or greenhouse.

  • Suggested nutrients: Advanced Nutrients
  • Recommended techniques: Low stress training (LST), main-lining and defoliation
  • Indoor lighting: We can suggest HID 1000W lights used during vegetation and HID 600W during flowering may produce around 400g/m2
Amherst Sour Diesel Trip Report

Amherst Sour Diesel Trip Report

King Of The Party

The manufacturers of this multi-hybrid have created something outstanding with sustained effects. Amherst Sour Diesel has the controversial aromas of ripe fruit and oil. Everybody will like its taste of tropical fruits, oil and exotic trees. However, it has an undoubtedly incredible impact with her powerful and long lasting euphoric and uplifting effects.

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Pack size :
3 seeds
5 seeds
10 seeds
13 reviews
  • WeedLord
    7 March 2020
    7 March 2020
    • Advantages
      One for every grower to have in stock.
    • Disadvantages
    • General impressions

      Tastes delicious, with a balanced head and body stone.

  • maxxx
    20 December 2019
    20 December 2019
    • Advantages
      Very potent and high-yielding. Money and time spent right!
    • Disadvantages
      Brings all of the slugs and ants to the yard… Had to use a lot of stuff to get rid of them all. The smell is extremely strong, no idea how somebody would grow it indoors, strong filters needed
    • General impressions

      decent strain, recommended to everyone! Strong and high-yielding. Effects are fire! Black buds are killer just as the black leaves! Just use twice as much as you would with buds and immerse into a land of dreams and happiness! The bonus AK47 is just bland grass in comparison to it

  • Wizard
    9 November 2019
    9 November 2019
    • Advantages
      Finally my girls are going to finish flowering soon! One a little earlier than the other, just two weeks. Both are beauties.
    • Disadvantages
    • General impressions

      It’s totally worth it, especially for the first time! I might have overdone the fertilizers tho

  • Bro
    3 November 2019
    3 November 2019
    • Advantages
      Very hardy, that’s 100% true! Resilient strain, been through overfeeding and HST no problem. Very special one!
    • Disadvantages
    • General impressions

      BOMB!!!! 1 bowl for a dude with 30 years of smoking behind his back and he’s silent for 7 minutes straight! Thank you so much Herbies! Outdoors set up, 1,9 m tall, 1 kilo yield, all my expectations are beyond exceeded! real beast, just try it! Use organics!

  • Amateur
    27 October 2019
    27 October 2019
    • Advantages
      Decent strain, good in both quality and quantity
    • Disadvantages
      you just HAVE TO spray the plant early in its development against hoppers, snails and slugs. I noticed them too late and almost lost the plant
    • General impressions

      I planted it in a swamp after raising the soil level beforehand. In 5 months I only came to visit it around 5 times. It loves getting nutrients in any amounts. It’s delicious itself too! If you’re growing it outdoors remember to use pesticides!

  • Seaside Grower
    13 October 2019
    13 October 2019
    • Advantages
      High speed and productivity. It’s all forgiving and stress-resistant. The buds are big, heavy and dense. The effect is unexpected and strong, gotta be careful. + it comes in a very hip packaging, really awesome
    • Disadvantages
      To me it’s the smell, even though it’s a great aroma! Just smells too much especially closer to the harvest and during the curing
    • General impressions

      Hi to everyone here! As any other grower I was not excited about two things about this strain, its potency and high yields.
      Due to certain circumstances I had to plant the germinated seeds straight into the soil, I only covered them with clear plastic cups for protection. I planted them on June 1, 44 lat, 500m above the sea level. To make watering a little easier for myself I used hydrogel. 3 seeds - 3 plants, perfect. I was fertilizing them often and a lot, the plants didn’t mind overfertilization and handled it exceptionally well. Some say that the strain is not pest-resistant. Luckily this year I didn’t have any pest problem even though last year caterpillars took an active part in the process of canna cultivation! Might be that the spraying with green soap that I did on the early stages this year worked! Might be pure luck! The tallest plant I had to bend, which didn’t slow down its growth. They all started flowering around the beginning - mid september. At the beginning of october I tried the buds for the first time and they left me amazed! A bowl could leave me greened out! At the end of the cycle I had a big branchy tree, around 2-2.5 m tall and more than 1m wide. The other two were smaller, one is a meter tall, another one 1.5m tall, even though the conditions were the same for all 3 plants. As for the buds their quality is the same in every plant, they are big, dense and heavy. As many have noticed already, the only weakness of this strain is its smell! You can feel standing as far as 30 meters from the plant. As for the yield, idk if it was 2-3kg claimed by the seedbank, I didn’t weight it, but from the big one I’ll get around 5 l of dry buds for sure! By the way, this bush got almost washed away by a stream of water from the roof, but I saved it, it survived and gre the biggest of the three! Another great quality of the strain is its resistance to cold. There were nights when the temps got to 0 degrees C but they did nothing to my plants. 
      So not that long ago I decided that it’s time! Trichomes are all milk-white, there are some dry spots appearing on the flowers… With this strain I feel like it won’t do any good to keep it for too long because it will just be melting you into the couch every time and this feeling is not something I personally enjoy. So that’s kinda it! I’ll dry it, cure it and enjoy the final result that will most certainly blow my mind! Perfect strain!!

  • Wizard
    12 October 2019
    12 October 2019
    • Advantages
      Resistant to temp fluctuations
      2 plants - 98 and 89 cm 
    • Disadvantages
      Doesn’t like to be overwatered too often
    • General impressions

      I like it!

  • Deacon
    10 October 2019
    10 October 2019
    • Advantages
      3/3 germination. Potency. Effect.
    • Disadvantages
      None! It all depends on you
    • General impressions

      Outdoor growing.During the vegetative period I did FIM a couple of times, I was stretching the plants as well. It was quite stressful for the plants. I was watering it and fertilizing with organic fertilizers and urea. Now it’s 30 days in flower, I treat it with potassium once in a while. The buds are already pretty potent! I feel the Sativa effect. Gonna keep waiting! Peace and love!

  • XxxXx
    6 September 2019
    6 September 2019
    • Advantages
      So, here’s what. It didn’t take long for me to realize how bomb Amherst is when I was smoking it with some fellows. 10/10, 3 hours long effects, maybe even longer. After that I decided to grow one of these girls myself, ordered it on Herbies, it came, it germinated and now grows happily in a forest
    • Disadvantages
      None to me! So low-maintenance, I grew it at home in a bucket first and when it was 30-40 cm I replanted it and now I keep it in the forest. I fertilize it with manure and some nutrients for tomatoes and cucumber, anything goes, let’s just see what happens.
    • General impressions

      I’m satisfied so far! Here’s a pic. Respect, Herbies!

  • Jlian
    16 August 2019
    16 August 2019
    • Advantages
      High-yielding, disease-resistant, tall. The best strain! At least the best out of what I’ve tried and I tried a lot!
    • Disadvantages
      Very thirsty lady, needs to be watered a lot. Takes long to get ready for harvest
    • General impressions

      The buds are extremely potent but it’s a fun uplifting high. So it’s not that Indica bs that makes you sluggish after two hits! And I love it because i’m an active person, so this strain is right for me 

  • Nazgul82
    24 July 2019
    24 July 2019
    • Advantages
      Other parts of the plant, not only the buds, have potency to them. Not much else to say, we’re still growing
    • Disadvantages
      The smell from the bush is way too strong
    • General impressions

      Idk what to do because it’s still in veg, three months after the seed! Not a single hint of flowering! It’s already 2 meters tall, no fertilizers, only rain water. Couldn’t be happier about that! I have 2 bushes now, planted a night apart. The second one is a little smaller than the one on the picture. The first try I did in a month and a half

  • Rams
    19 May 2019
    19 May 2019
    • Advantages
      I don’t know yet
    • Disadvantages
      None so far
    • General impressions

      Hi guys! I gave autoflowers a try but was disappointed with their size and just how weak they are. So as for these girls they’re 42 days from seed now, 40 and 30 cm in height. The second one was pretty slow at first and I defoliated it. I keep my lamps closer to the plants, even though some novice growers put it up really high trying to grow longer internodes to get better yields but it just doesn’t work like this! It’s time to set them apart now, because this 80x60 box is not enough for them anymore. My next update will be on the effects, after I try the buds. Peace!

  • ROY
    29 April 2019
    29 April 2019
    • Advantages
      Absolutely undemanding :)
    • Disadvantages
    • General impressions

      Top strain! 2 of 3 germinated, bomb quality, never tried anything better! Not picky at all! Wanna try growing outdoors but afraid the weather might ruin everything. The yield is nice as well btw.

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