Blueberry Headband feminized seeds

Humboldt Seeds


Brand Humboldt Seeds
Type of seeds Feminized
Type of seeds Photoperiod
Suitable for growing Indoor, Outdoor
THC 19 - 23%
CBD 0.1%
% Sativa/ Indica/ Ruderalis 30% Sativa / 70% Indica
Harvest 450 - 600 g/m² indoors
1000 - 4000 g/plant outdoors
Indoor flowering time 65 - 70 days
Outdoor finish Mid October
Height 300 cm outdoors
Effect Mind jorneys on the couch
Genetics Blueberry x 707 Headband


Easy to Grow, Thick Branching, and a Sticky High Yielder

The feminized cannabis strain Blueberry Headband from the Humboldt Seed Organisation is an Indica-dominant hybrid, a high yielding cross between the legendary Blueberry and 707 Headband. A magnificent hybrid, a perfect mix of flavor and potency in a plant; she’s truly a top shelf, connoisseurs’ choice.


Due to her Indica heritage, which she dominates in with 70%, she will do well indoors, outdoors or in greenhouses. She prefers slightly warmer and sunnier climates with more dry environments. Finishing indoors in just 9-10 weeks it will provide for abundant yields of 450-600g/m2 in high-quality buds, and outdoors in mid-October you can expect yields anywhere from 1000-4000g/plant. She will grow numerous branches that fill with long, dense and sticky flowers and could use some support in the final weeks of flowering, to deal with the buds’ weight. Big, dense buds make it a bit more sensitive to humidity and therefore mold and mildew, so regular defoliation and good airflow are crucial.

  • Recommended techniques: Screen of Green (ScrOG), Topping and Defoliation.
  • Lighting suggestion for Indoor growing: HIF 400W for vegetation and HID 1000W during flowering periods may produce 55g/plant.
  • Suggested nutrients: Canna, House&Garden
  • Usually testing at 19-23% THC with <1% CBD

Blueberry Headband: Fruity and Potent Indica

The aromas are intense, indulging those around her in smells of spices and aniseed. The flavors are sweet and lemony with berry, cherry and spicy undertones, with effects well balanced between body-buzz and cerebral, starting from uplifting, euphoric and giggly, and transitioning into relaxed, happy and calm.


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