10 for 10 on germination
6 hours ago
Chris long
I just ordered a few seeds, Auto flowering seeds. I've been growing outside for the past two years. But this year being legal in Ohio everyone thinks they can throw seeds in the ground and grow like it's a vegetable. My plant this year turned into a hermaphrodite and full of seeds. So I ordered the seeds from Herbie seed my first time and I'm gonna try growing indoors over the winter. I chose the auto flowering seeds cuz I want to see if they really do have a life cycle of 30-60 days. I'm counting on BIG BUDS and Christmas buds. I'll post pictures of how I do. Hopefully they'll be as great as the pictures look. Thanks for your company being there for us enthusiasts of great looking buds
10 hours ago
There customer service and communication is second to none. I have always found their service reliable and very timely.The representatives I have dealt with have always been helpful and polite, an excellent company to deal with.Payment issues have been difficult at times, the company has provided videos to explain alternative payment methods and eventually the issue has been resolved.Grew a plant last year for the first time in 40 years. Their help and articles were exceptional leading to a plant that was also exceptional.
10 hours ago
Thanks guys for your help as my seeds never made it and you replaced them for me 👍!...Great customer service!...
14 hours ago
Great customer service and always great seeds purchased through PayPal this time and the seeds were here within 2 weeks
22 hours ago
Service price and delivery is very good 👍🏿
22 hours ago
All the seeds never generated. What a waste. It's been 14 days and this what they look like. Used there directions and nothing.
23 hours ago
Maryjane Bunker
Half of my seeds either didn't pop or died before roots established in rooter. I paid $15 for one seed and was really looking forward to trying the Blackberry Moon Rock Only to have it die in the rooter. I'm out .Moving to a company that has a viable product
23 hours ago
I've been using Herbies for a couple of years now every seed I've gotten has germinated an they have good varieties I have no complaints thanks Herbies
1 day ago
Great online customer service for us older folks thanks amber
1 day ago
Read All Reviews
    Cinderella 99 Regular seeds
    Cinderella 99 Regular (Brothers Grimm Seeds)
    THC 23 %
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    • Photoperiod
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    Cinderella XX feminized seeds
    Cinderella XX (Brothers Grimm Seeds)
    THC High
    • Feminized
    • Photoperiod
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    THC N/A
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    Mix Pack
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    THC N/A
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    Rosetta Stone XX feminized seeds
    Rosetta Stone XX (Brothers Grimm Seeds)
    THC N/A
    • Feminized
    • Photoperiod
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    Rosetta Stone Regular (Brothers Grimm Seeds)
    THC N/A
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    Queen of Soul Regular seeds
    Queen of Soul Regular (Brothers Grimm Seeds)
    THC N/A
    • Regular
    • Photoperiod
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    Princess Haze Regular seeds
    Princess Haze Regular (Brothers Grimm Seeds)
    THC N/A
    • Regular
    • Photoperiod
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    Killer Queen XX feminized seeds
    Killer Queen XX (Brothers Grimm Seeds)
    THC N/A
    • Feminized
    • Photoperiod
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    Killer Queen Regular seeds
    Killer Queen Regular (Brothers Grimm Seeds)
    THC N/A
    • Regular
    • Photoperiod
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    Durban-Thai x C99 feminized seeds
    Durban-Thai x C99 (Brothers Grimm Seeds)
    THC N/A
    • Regular
    • Photoperiod
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    Apollo XX feminized seeds
    Apollo XX (Brothers Grimm Seeds)
    THC N/A
    • Feminized
    • Photoperiod
    Out of stock
    Apollo Haze Regular seeds
    Apollo Haze Regular (Brothers Grimm Seeds)
    THC N/A
    • Regular
    • Photoperiod
    Out of stock
    Apollo 11 Regular seeds
    Apollo 11 Regular (Brothers Grimm Seeds)
    THC N/A
    • Regular
    • Photoperiod
    Out of stock

    Brothers Grimm is an American seedbank which was first founded by a famous strain enthusiast who goes by the name of ‘MrSoul’. This mysterious character has become known for breeding some of the finest quality hybrids on the market today – known for their fast-flowering, densely resinous nature within every bud, within every pack of seeds. The company focuses on taking classic strains and reinventing them to create monster hybrids that both taste and feel great.

    Brothers Grimm Catalog – Your No. 1 Source Of Stable Genetics

    The seed bank’s founder, Mr. Soul, and his friend, Sly, began to sell their seeds in 1996, and their strains soon had a cult following thanks to the uncompromised quality of their creations. The guys worked with pure landraces and inbred lines, and each and every one of their offerings was only introduced to the market after it had been fully stabilized and made to produce uniform plants with consistent characteristics.

    Where Everything Happens According To A Plan

    The breeders at Brothers Grimm create new varieties the only way it should be done. They start with the vision of a perfect plant: how it should look and grow, what terpene profile it should have and what effects it should produce. Then they decide what parent strains have to be used to achieve this goal. When they select a mother and a father from their unique bank of seeds, they can explain exactly why they should be crossed and how their features will intermix.

    Multi-Generational Breeding Programs

    When you cross two plants – no matter how great their genetics are – you get too much variance. It’s true that their off-springs will have what they call ‘hybrid vigor’ and some will be real keepers, but if you want to make desired characteristics present in every seed you sell, you’re facing years and years of work. And this is what Brothers Grimm does – they painstakingly grow generation after generation of plants, selecting only the best, backcrossing them and cubing them until they completely breed the variance out.

    While it takes time, the results are worth it, because the genetics can be propagated in their original form almost indefinitely. When in 2002 Brothers Grimm abruptly shut down their operation due to security concerns, their strains lived on. In the case of Cinderella 99, for example, people used her seeds for up to five generations and still loved the results. Fortunately for all of us, the breeders opened shop again in 2015 in Colorado and resumed their breeding program, setting the bar as high as ever.

    Brothers Grimm Seeds For Your Amateur Breeding Projects

    With premium genetics like this, it’s only natural that people are eager to get them in their most natural form. That’s why most of Brothers Grimm’s best-selling strains come as regular seeds. You can simply use them to produce more ‘free’ seeds for your future grows and count on progeny being exactly the same as the parent plants. Alternatively, you can create your own exciting F1 hybrids. In either case, your plants will never ’hermie’ on you. Incidentally, the same goes for their feminized varieties, so be sure to check these out as well when they’re in stock. You may find the seeds by Brothers Grimm a bit pricey compared to others, but with stellar genetics like these, they’re worth every penny.

    Official website: Brothers Grimm Seeds