Medical 49 CBD+ feminized seeds

Vision Seeds


Medical 49CBD+ Heavily Yielding with The Greatest Medical Value

Medical 49 CBD+ is a feminized cannabis strain with the Russian Snow, AK 49, and Skunk 1 as the parental figures. She has made great strides in the balance between medical and recreational uses. A spicy, sometimes bittersweet, taste manifests in maturity which take a maximum of 8weeks from sprouting.

There is no worry when it comes to meeting the growing specifications of the famous Medical 49 CBD+ cannabis strains. Not only does her flowering period take a short time but also has strong and resinous Indica buds with 70% dominance. The CBD and THC levels tie at a ratio of 1:1.

The height is something to adore as she does well in both indoor and outdoor environments. Growing up to 80cm indoors, you can expect both compact buds and flowers which don’t require too much support. Her yields go up to 300g/m² in indoor settings but can be more when planted outside. The yields are not so high, yes, but the quality is A-list. You can expect to reap your yields after 60 days from harvesting, which is pretty some good time to enjoy your smart work.

  • Lighting hours per day: 18.
  • Water PH: 5.8 – 6.2.
  • Optimum growing temperature: 26°C.

The Power of Natural Medicine

Being a cannabis strain balancing even THC and CBD levels, Medical 49 CBD+ gives remedies to medical anomalies like severe headaches and persistent pains. Appetite regulation occurs nearly instantly after the sweet and fruity aromas and taste mingle with the patient’s mouth.

delivery Shipping: from 7 days
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