Panama D.C. feminized seeds

Czech Republic


Panama D.C.: The Bridge Between Indica and Sativa

The beauty of the Panama D.C. feminized cannabis strain is the fact that she is the bridge between Sativas and Indicas. Her background is filled with notoriety, and she consists of a mind-blowing Sativa from Panama and Deep Chunk. These two strains have given their most standout traits to Panama D.C., and you will only find Indica-leaning winners with this one.

When growing Panama D.C. it is essential to know that she is a fast grower. Depending on the size of your grow room, she can benefit from 1-2-weeks of vegetation. If you go over this, you may find her overgrowing your garden in no time.

It is recommended to use an 8-11L container when growing Panama D.C because she will finish in 8-weeks. Pay close attention as she begins flowering, and you may find pink pistils.

  • Lighting Requirements: 600-W HID or LED equivalent
  • Indoor Temperature: 32℃ or Less
  • Growth Tip: Add support Poles During Veg
  • Plant to Lamp Distance: 50cm
  • Grow Tip: Sea of Green

Disappear Into The Resin Of Panama D.C.

Panama D.C. is an Indica-dominant hybrid that will erase your mind of any negative thoughts. Her tastes overflow with lemon-wood-diesel, and they are sure to please any palate. You will quickly find out that her effects are reminiscent of quicksand, and all your worries will quickly sink below - never to be seen again. This is an incredibly potent strain that’s perfect for anyone with depression or anxiety.

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