Somango XXL feminized seeds

Nirvana Seeds


Brand Nirvana Seeds
Type of seeds Feminized
Type of seeds Photoperiod
Suitable for growing Indoor, Outdoor
THC High
CBD Medium
% Sativa/ Indica/ Ruderalis 25% Sativa / 75% Indica
Harvest 550 - 650 g/m² indoors
Indoor flowering time 56 - 70 days
Height Short indoors
Up to 200 cm outdoors
Effect Creativity booster
Genetics Somango x Critical 47



Don’t let its combination of heavy genetics fool you. The high of this strain is very leaning, with a touch of mild relaxing elements and immediate clear soaring high. Her THC level is typically 20%+. The Somango XXL’s most distinctive attributes are her sweet fruity aroma and mango taste. Organic indoor cultivation will be useful, except your outdoor cultivation environment is a hot dry southern climate. Somango XXL is a big producer, her buds are covered with resin and are very hard due to its tight calyx formation, although growers have to be watchful for molds and make sure the humidity is low at the final part of blossom.

  • From seed to harvest is 60 - 65 days.
  • One plant outdoor will bring 283grams.
  • One plant indoor will bring 525-575grams.

Effects and taste

Her high is described as cerebral, inspiring mood and increasing creativity and energy. The mind remains pure, making this strain an excellent choice while getting tasks done or pursuing hobbies, despite its Indica dominance. It also relaxes the body, soothing aches and pains as it flourishes the mind. Somango is an Indica-dominant hybrid that has a sweet mango flavor and a tropical fruit aroma.

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