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How To Smoke Weed Out Of An Apple

Last updated: 8 May 2020

apple bong

An apple pipe, sometimes mistakenly referred to as an apple bong, is a smoking device you can have ready to go in minutes. Not to be confused with a guide on how to make an apple bong, you’re now reading an article that reveals the secrets of an apple pipe. Bongs use water to filter the smoke before you inhale, while a pipe creates a direct line from the smoke to your lungs. Just imagine how much engineering skills it would take to fit a water-filled chamber inside an apple! That’s why we give preference to the apple pipe – a smoking device that’s easy and fun to make for weed enthusiasts of all calibers. Ever wondered how to make a pipe out of an apple? Let us explain.

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Why Would You Want To Smoke From An Apple?

Smoking weed out of an apple is an easy way out for when you don’t have anything else to smoke from. The secret to its popularity is the accessibility of an apple pipe’s parts – if you can get your hands on some pot, you can definitely find an apple and a pen. Besides, if you want to keep your cannabis consumption on the down-low, using an apple pipe is a great way to be discreet and avoid owning glass. It’s also just a fun, organic way to smoke!

Disclaimer: Before purchasing and growing cannabis seeds, ensure that cannabis cultivation is legal in your region. Ensure compliance with local laws before attempting any of the steps in this guide.

Provisions For Your Pipe

apple pipe

For the first method, you’ll need just three things:

  • Apple
  • Ballpoint pen
  • Cannabis
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Make sure the pen is the disposable kind with an easily removable tip and inkwell. You only really need the empty pen casing for this method.

how to make an apple bong

For the second method, the apple slice pipe, you’ll need:

  • Apple
  • Toothpicks or skewers
  • Knife
  • Paper towel
  • Cannabis

Got everything you need? Then you’re ready to learn how to make an apple pipe. Let’s get started!

Method 1 – Your First Apple Pipe

We’re going to break down step by step how you can turn an apple into a pipe using only a ballpoint pen. There are other methods, such as the hollowed apple pipe, which requires more materials, but the basics are the same.

Twist Off The Stem

how to make an apple pipe

First, you’re going to want to completely remove the stem from the apple. Use your fingers to twist off the stem as close to the apple as possible, ensuring you get it completely out of there.

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Carve Out The Apple Bowl

Take your pen apart so that you just have the hollow tube. Puncture the apple at a slight angle with this tube and push until you’re about halfway through. You’ll likely end up with some apple bits inside the hollow pen. If so, you can wiggle your tool around in your chamber or try blowing it out in the next step. 

how to smoke out of an apple

Make The Pipe Mouthpiece

Next, you’re going to make your mouthpiece. Choose a spot on the side of the apple that would be most comfortable to smoke from and line up the pen so that the two chambers meet from the bowl to the mouthpiece. Once you’ve punctured the apple and the holes are connected, blow through the mouthpiece to remove any stray apple bits in the two chambers you’ve created.

Make a Carb For A Controlled Hit

Finally, you’re going to need a carb to control your hit. Do the same thing as with the mouthpiece, making sure that the carb chamber intersects with the system you’ve already created. You could either make it perpendicular to your mouthpiece or as an extension of the mouthpiece’s chamber, depending on where you like your carb to be. Regardless, the carb should be in a place that’s convenient to cover with a finger while you're lighting the pipe.

Time To Spark Up!

apple bowl

Now it’s time to enjoy the literal fruits of your labor! Pack your bowl at the top of the apple and use it like a classic pipe. Instead of using something like punctured tin foil for a screen, consider using a large nug as a bed for your ground-up cannabis. This way, you won’t lose any of your bud in the apple and will even have a little extra to smoke! There’s no special way to light an apple pipe – just use it in the same way you would your typical glass pipe. After all, it’s the same concept!

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Method 2 – The Apple Slice Pipe

You can also make a pipe out of a piece of an apple, in case you want to leave a healthy snack alongside your bowl. This takes a little more effort, requiring a knife, skewer and paper towel, but the result is both delicious and nutritious.

Cut Off A Side Of The Apple

how to smoke weed out of an apple

First, cut off one side of the apple, avoiding the core. You’ll have a large slice, about a third of the apple.

Establish The Basic Shape Of The Pipe

how to make a bong out of an apple

From this apple section, cut off the two outer thirds of the apple piece to make a roughly rectangular pipe shape.

Carve Out The Bowl

how to make a pipe out of an apple

Next, use a knife to carefully carve out a bowl on the flat, fleshy side of the apple. Position your bowl toward the top of the apple slice. It might also be helpful to use your fingers to smooth out the bowl.

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Complete The Mouthpiece

how to smoke from an apple

The mouthpiece is up next; slice around 1cm (a little under half an inch) from the bottom to make room for the mouthpiece. Then, from this new flat end, puncture the slice with a skewer to meet just underneath the bowl you already carved out. Be careful to line it up properly!

Some Optional Steps

smoking weed out of an apple

A purely aesthetic decision, you can also slice off the side of the apple with skin on it so that it looks more purely rectangular, but this won’t do anything to enhance your actual smoking experience. Another matter of preference is, if you want a carb on this pipe, to poke a hole perpendicular to the chamber you just created.

Light It Up!

Finally, it’s time to light up! You may want to use a paper towel to dry off your pipe, particularly inside the bowl, before you pack it. Cut yourself up some apple slices and enjoy your stoney snack!


Now that you’ve got the basics down for the design of the apple pipe, you may have some other questions. We have the answers!

Does an apple pipe make weed taste better?

Unfortunately, no, smoking weed out of an apple pipe isn’t going to make your weed taste like apples. But since you won’t be smoking out of glass, you will get to enjoy a taste untainted by resin build-up! 

How long will the apple pipe last?

It’s probably for the best if your apple pipe remains a single-use device, since apples brown quickly once they’ve been cut. You could probably get away with using your apple pipe a few times in one day if you’re good about storing it in the fridge in between smoke sessions.

Are there other fruits I can smoke out of?

Apples certainly aren’t the only fruit you can use for smoking! Basically any fruit and many vegetables are great for impromptu pipes. If you’re not feeling challenged enough with an apple pipe, try making one out of a strawberry, banana or carrot.

Good, Old-Fashioned Organic Fun

With this guide in hand, you’ll be ready to incorporate fruit into your next smoke sesh. It’s fun to switch things up by trying something new to enhance the cannabis experience every once in a while, and hopefully, this guide has inspired you to get creative with your cannabis use. We’d love to hear in the comments below what other fruits and vegetables you’ve turned into pipes!

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Is it stronger than silk?
I made it, smoked it all and even ate the apple 😋
Can you still use if the apple is bad
Herbies Seeds
Hello, it is better to use a fresh apple :)
Jacob T. Bingis
stoners can smoke out of anything. i once made a pipe out of a seashell and a bottle
THX :) Great info. Now I know how to smoke weed from apple ✌☮✌
Great ideal I like it but I'm finna try a mango
yeah I did it out of a mango got high asf my whole fridge was gone
Hello Deez, WOW that sounds like something exiting!
sacha mills
My new vegan breakfast
Beans and Rice
I wonder how many people are going to try this
Probably all weed smokers.
henry manahan
Gonna try this right now..
already tried it fkn worth it
One of the first ever times I smoked weed I was going to this party & I made one of these because I was pipeless! Now 2 years later I still don’t have a pipe 😂
Screw Vegans
Apparently it's pretty normal. One of my buddies said he's been doing it for years whenever he needs an impromptu pipe
favorite way to smoke in the fall. roll up some J's and pack some Apple bowls at the park and forest.
Smoked out of an apple yesterday wow i really like it! Highly recommended! Many thanks to Herbies team. You are the best! :)
Don Dada
I have smoked out of a potato :D
Gabriel Cox
the best tasting pipe I've ever made was a cucumber
The best thing about using an apple is that you can eat it when you get the munchies
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