
The Top 10 Pro-Cannabis Celebrities Who You Need to Know

Last updated: 24 April 2020

Pro cannabis celebrities

Have you ever wondered if your favorite celebrities toke up on their couches just the way we do? There are many famous people out there who use their public platforms to show that smoking weed is a totally normal thing to do! Many of them actively try to move the conversation around cannabis in a positive direction by participating in cannabis-related business ventures or politics. Let’s find out who some of these heroes are!

Pro cannabis celebrity Seth Rogen

Seth Rogen

Of all the weed smoking celebrities out there, Seth Rogen is probably the most well-known and outspoken on cannabis usage. I mean, you don’t just write and star in a movie called Pineapple Express for no reason. By being so open about habitual weed smoking, he’s able to normalize cannabis use in the public eye, proving that it’s indeed possible to be successful and stoney at the same time.

Pro cannabis celebrity Rihanna


Rihanna is no stranger to being honest about her weed smoking. The nine-time Grammy award-winning singer has posted multiple pictures of herself smoking weed on Instagram and says that she has nothing to hide, showing just how sexy pot smokers can be. She is also an active advocate for the legalization of marijuana in the United States.

Pro cannabis celebrity Patrick Stewart

Patrick Stewart

When Sir Patrick Stewart admitted that he smokes weed every day, he hoped to change the way in which the world perceives marijuana usage. Yes, even Captain Picard himself tokes up. The 79-year old actor announced his support for Oxford University’s initiative to study the health benefits of using medical marijuana, and stated that cannabis helps alleviate his own pain associated with arthritis.

Pro cannabis celebrity Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus is also an active and public advocate for cannabis. The 27-year-old singer once called weed “the best drug in the world”, and is actively involved in the public discourse around normalizing and legalizing weed. She has had several controversies around her public weed usage, and even once smoked on stage at the 2013 MTV Europe Music Awards.

Pro cannabis celebrity Justin Timberlake

Justin Timberlake

With a career in music, movies and television that has spanned almost 30 years, Justin Timberlake has used his platform to be outspoken on his own cannabis use. The singer and actor has stated to Playboy magazine that he enjoys smoking weed, as it helps him to calm down and enjoy the moment when life moves too fast. 

Pro cannabis celebrity Kirsten Dunst

Kirsten Dunst

Kirsten Dunst has been quite vocal about occasionally smoking marijuana throughout her career. It is no surprise that the renowned actress has a friendly relationship with weed, as she is best friends with Carl Sagan’s daughter. She also stated in 2007 that she “has a different outlook on marijuana than America does,” clearly implying her support of marijuana usage.

Pro cannabis celebrity Snoop Dog

Snoop Dogg

The legendary rapper has built his career on being the most famous weed smoker in the world. Snoop Dogg is the ultimate celebrity stoner, with stoners all over the world dreaming of the chance to light one up with the stoner god himself. He’s extremely outspoken about his love of ganja, which he has shown on his podcast, on stage, in his 2012 documentary “Reincarnated”, and even through his own line of cannabis products.

Pro cannabis celebrity Susan Sarandon

Susan Sarandon

As one of the most legendary actresses of our time, Susan Sarandon’s support of cannabis is groundbreaking. She once stated to High Times that “if more people smoked...the world would be a better place.” The Academy Award winner has also stated that smoking marijuana is a much better alternative to drinking, and actively supports legalization.

Pro cannabis celebrity Danny Devito

Danny DeVito

Danny DeVito is also an active supporter of legalizing marijuana. His support of Bernie Sanders in the 2016 and 2020 Presidential Elections solidified his liberal views and ganja support, as Sanders also advocates for legalizing marijuana. The It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia actor has stated multiple times his love of smoking pot, and that he and his wife even partake together.

Pro cannabis celebrity Whoopi Goldberg

Whoopi Goldberg

The legendary comedian is such an active supporter of marijuana that she opened her own cannabis company, Whoopi & Maya Medical Cannabis, in 2016, which specializes in producing medical marijuana products for common women’s health issues like menstrual pain, inflammation and stress. She has been outspoken about her cannabis use throughout her entire career, and actively uses her public platform to push the cannabis conversation in a positive direction. 

Learn More About The Wider Cannabis Community

Now that you know how many A-list celebrities actively support cannabis use, maybe you’ll be interested in learning more about the practice of cannabis cultivation. There’s so much more to explore and so many more things to learn about weed culture! If your favorite celebrities are as active in the community, you can be as well.

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