818 Headband regular seeds

Cali Connection Seeds


818 Headband - An Avalanche of Resin Production

The 818 Headband regular cannabis strain, also known as Sour OG, is the perfect strain for marijuana extract producers. The sheer layer of resin is immediately striking - especially since the average THC content hovers around 20%. Whether you are seeking concentrates or flowers - you’ll be blown away by the outrageous quality of this masterpiece.

When growing 818 Headband regular cannabis seeds, you will need to prepare yourself for searching for males. Unless you are a breeder, males must be destroyed before you place your crop into the 12/12 photoperiod.

Each plant will have an abundant harvest - upwards of 800g/m² in 9-weeks - which makes it necessary to grow her using the Screen of Green technique. By using netting, you can ensure stems will not break under the weight.

  • Plant to Lamp Distance: 50cm;
  • Growth Tip: Trim The Underside Growth During Week 1 of Flowering;
  • Container Size: 11-15L;
  • Water Volume Per Plant: 0.25-0.50L Per 24hr;
  • Indoor Humidity: 65% or Less;
  • pH (Soil): 6.5.

Free Your Mind With 818 Headband

As your taste buds roll in delight with the lemon-zest-fuel-hash-pinesol flavors, your mind will suddenly feel lighter. Worries, regrets, and pain will quickly float away, and you will be left with a positive outlook on the world in front of you. This strain contains over 20% of effective THC that is perfect for recreational and therapeutic use.

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This strain is out of production

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