Auto Northern Lights CBD feminized seeds

Pyramid Seeds


Auto Northern Lights CBD - The Compassionate Choice

When nothing else works, Auto Northern Lights CBD is here to help. Its time-tested lineage of Northern Lights paired with a CBD-abundant cutting gives you the benefit of growing medicine that nature intended. Its bountiful harvest and inviting taste will always bring you back to the medicine cabinet for your next dose.


Growing Auto Northern Lights CBD seeds is a unique experience. She offers growers a yield of up to 500-grams per square meter, which is incredibly high for an autoflowering strain. It is best to place stakes in four corners around her because the branches will need support as the buds begin to fill out.

Early on in the growing process, utilizing the Screen of Green (SCROG) method to train each top into a canopy will also help support the branches and create a huge yield with fewer plants.

Although this strain is easy to grow, it is imperative to pay attention to the EC and pH when growing Auto Northern Lights CBD with hydroponics. Make sure to keep the pH between 5.2 and 5.8, and an EC of 1.2 during the vegetative stage and 1.6 during the flowering stage. When growing in soil, a pH of 6.2 to 6.8 is necessary for every nutrient availability.

Since Auto Northern Lights CBD is an autoflowering cannabis strain, it is best to provide her with ample light from the sun when growing outdoors. Try to avoid shaded areas, as she will produce her best flowers in full light. This also means that you should use a strong metal halide light when growing indoors.

  • Lighting Schedule: 18/6 during both vegetative and flowering stages
  • Strain Appearance: High calyx to leaf ratio for easy trimming
  • Humidity: Less than 65%
  • Temperature: Less than 32℃
  • Nutrients: Organic compost with added nitrogen and phosphorous amendments or a name brand nutrient line for hydroponics.
  • Resistance: Mold and heat stress

When Nothing Else Works, Auto Northern Lights CBD is There For You

Its trifecta of potency, the speed of growth, and bumper-crop yield make Auto Northern Lights CBD seeds the go-to strain for indoor and outdoor producers alike. Its effects can only be described as life-changing, through its pinpoint accuracy of relieving various symptoms, from pain, nausea, and many more. Time and again, its lemon-drop taste will keep you coming back for more, but don’t let its sweet taste deceive you - Auto Northern Lights CBD packs a punch, and then some.


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