Caramella Auto (Expert Seeds) feminized seeds

Expert Seeds


Brand Expert Seeds
Type of seeds Feminized
Type of seeds Autoflowering
Suitable for growing Indoor, Outdoor
THC 18%
CBD High
% Sativa/ Indica/ Ruderalis Indica dominant
Harvest 400 - 500 g/m² indoors
45 - 90 g/plant outdoors
Indoor flowering time 45 days
From seed to harvest 60 days
Effect Can bend space and time
Genetics Cream Caramel Auto x Deimos


Expert Caramella Autoflowering Feminised Seeds Info

Caramella Auto is the result of crossing Deimos with Cream Caramel Auto; two of the best and most well-known automatics on the market. Caramella Auto is a 3rd generation automatic that offers better quality, higher yields and more, higher quality resin than previous generations. Flowers very quickly and produces a pleasant and relaxing effect, making it appropriate for medicinal use owing to its high levels of CBD. In northern climes, this is an excellent option for early summer harvests while in a Mediterranean climate, two or even three crops a season are possible.

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