Deep Purple regular seeds

TGA Subcool Seeds (SubCool’s The Dank)


Deep Purple Effect: The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Rarely the effects of cannabis are so distinctively layered, as they are in case with the Deep Purple marijuana strain. It starts off very light with a funny disorienting feeling that grows into a psychedelic sensation of enhanced audio and visual perception. This is when you really want to put on some great music or watch a visual effects-heavy movie. After users get used to the altered state, they start feeling joyous and relaxed. This euphoria continues until they hit the point of a pleasant couchlock and heavy munchies.


Top-Grade Taste And Aroma Of Real Fruit

Deep Purple wasn’t called so for no reason! Partly, this name was used thanks to the strain’s tastes and aromas that remind users of purple fruit. First of all, it’s juicy grapes that you can feel bursting in your mouth on the inhale. The initial taste is followed by delicious notes of dark plums. However, that’s not it, of course. The flavor palette couldn’t be complete without the connoisseur-worthy aroma of tobacco, musk, and soil.


A Simply Gorgeous Grow

Deep Purple regular cannabis seeds turn into gorgeous, compact plants. The cherry on top of their sturdy look is crowns of large, tapered nuggets in bright green. This weed plant is an explosion of color - while the buds are covered in fiery orange pistils, the whole plant also gradually turns purple the closer it gets to the harvest time. An added bonus to having this beauty in your garden is a pretty short flowering period of just 50-60 days.

  • Lower the temperature at night during the last weeks of flowering for enhanced purple hues.
  • Deep Purple regular benefits from being defoliated - use this technique to boost the yields.
  • This is a regular cannabis seed, meaning you’ll have to sex the plants and discard of males at the beginning of the flowering period.   
  • When grown outdoors, Deep Purple regular cannabis strain prefers a semi-humid, warm climate.

What Genetics Made The Deep Purple Strain Happen?

As you’ve probably already figured, the two main standout characteristics of the Deep Purple strain are the shades of lavender and eggplant in its color, and the vibrant, sweet flavor of grape and other fruit. The color is coming from Purple Urkle, while the taste is definitely inherited from Querkle. The combination of these incredible parent strains is what makes Deep Purple a strain you want to try and come back to.

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