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White widow Auto feminized seeds (White Label Seed Company)

White Label Seed Company


White Label Cannabis Seeds Company White Widow Automatic Autoflowering Feminised Seeds Info

The advantages of auto-flowering strains for both indoor and outdoor growers are manifold. Light cycles and even light spectra cease to be a concern in either environment, as the plants will begin flowering at a certain point in their life cycle no matter what the ratio of hours of light to darkness is. Another special quality of this autoflowering cannabis seed strain is its ability to complete its flowering cycle undisturbed, even in a growing environment that would cause problems for regular and feminised strains - for example, one with irregular hours of light and darkness, or even considerable light pollution during the dark hours.

For White Widow Automatic, the first signs of flowering begin to show in the third or fourth week after germinating the autoflowering cannabis seeds. The flowering period continues for another six or so weeks, meaning that White Widow Automatic can go from seed to harvest in as little as 75 days. For outdoor growers in temperate to warm climates, this means the potential to harvest two crops from the same area during one summer; for indoor gardeners, three or even four crops per year could be achieved.

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Pack size :
1 seed
Total price£7.79 / per seed
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