A cannabis afegã é nativa de um ambiente montanhoso de grande altitude e, como tal, é naturalmente forte e capaz de repelir pragas e outros elementos potencialmente adversos da natureza. Esta planta é a planta base para muitas linhagens que estão disponíveis hoje em todo o mundo e é uma produtora e lançadora muito pesada.
Trabalhamos com este afegão em particular desde 1974 e nunca tivemos problemas. Isso é o mais estável possível.
be warned that too much in one sitting can be a bit much. She is definitely not for beginners
Impressões gerais
To me, this is definitely a quality strain, and the first 100% Indica strain I've had. The high is pretty heavy and it takes over the body, so I use this strain after work or before I go to bed. However, if you're smoking this strain, be warned that too much in one sitting can be a bit much (for me it was); standing up I got extremely dizzy and had to stop smoking, sitting down I drift off for what could be a few minutes, so just know this is definitely a relax-type strain. I also get EXTREMELY hungry on this strain, so I use it to treat my nausea/digestive issues... As much as I love this strain, it is a bit strong for me to smoke on a regular basis, as I'll usually fall asleep and won't get to enjoy the high, so this will be a strain I'll only go for on certain occasions.