Auto Glueberry O.G. (Dutch Passion)

Dutch Passion


Informações sobre cepas de Auto Glueberry OG

Com sua exótica variedade de sabores e aromas, Auto Glueberry OG é uma prova obrigatória para todos os cultivadores e conhecedores de cannabis! Um híbrido Sativa-Indica clássico, sua história remonta a criadores com uma veia criativa selvagem, criando uma cepa que está fora deste mundo com ascendência incluindo Gorilla Glue e OG Kush.


Desenvolvido por Dutch Passion, Auto Glueberry OG é uma autoflora feminizada com linhagens asiática e americana. Gorilla Glue é cruzado com OG Kush para criar Gorilla OG e, em seguida, hibridizado novamente com o Auto Blueberry original para produzir o premiado Auto Glueberry OG. e genética robusta!


Auto Glueberry OG tem um desenvolvimento confortavelmente rápido e está pronto para colher em apenas 77 dias. Seu rendimento é grande tanto interno quanto externo, com operações de cultivo interno produzindo até 500g / m 2 (1,7 onças / m 2 ).


O Auto Glueberry OG oferece uma energia mental enérgica e edificante, ideal para qualquer hora do dia. A cepa fornece efeitos anti-ansiedade e sensação de alerta, bem como ânimo edificante e otimismo geral.

Para Animar

Nível de THC e CBD

Com um teor de THC entre 22-26% e um equilíbrio perfeito entre a entrada de Indica e Sativa, não é de se admirar que esta variedade proporcione efeitos tão agradáveis.

Cheirar e saborear

O sabor doce e o perfil único de terpeno aromático do Auto Glueberry OG juntos alcançam o equilíbrio perfeito entre o amargo e o doce. Seu aroma mentolado sugere notas de limão e frutas exóticas, enquanto seu sabor suave e terroso combina o sabor clássico de diesel azedo com notas sutis de mirtilo.

Gosto de Diesel
Gosto de Mirtilo

Growing Auto Glueberry OG Weed Strain

Auto Glueberry OG é uma variedade de cannabis autoflorescente para iniciantes, ideal para cultivo interno, externo ou em estufa. Essas sementes autoflores feminizadas estão prontas para serem colhidas em cerca de 11 semanas após a germinação e normalmente produzem um rendimento extra grande. Aqui estão algumas informações úteis de cultivo para ajudá-lo ao longo de sua jornada de crescimento desta linhagem:

  • Os galhos se dobram facilmente, tornando-os ideais para o cultivo interno, mesmo em espaços pequenos
  • Sua estrutura aberta permite que a luz alcance até os ramos mais baixos facilmente
  • Recomendado para cultivo doméstico e produção comercial
  • Fácil de aparar, enquanto os resíduos resinosos podem ser transformados em extratos BHO de alta qualidade

Sementes Auto Glueberry OG para venda

A cepa de cannabis Auto Glueberry OG é uma das melhores cepas para comprar para cultivo em interior, especialmente se você sempre quis experimentar a técnica SoG. Obtenha sementes feminizadas com autoflorescência online hoje e prepare-se para uma incrível experiência de cultivo!

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8 análises
  • Kushlove420
    11 Junho 2021
    11 Junho 2021
    • Vantagens
      Auto Glueberry OG is an absolute joy to watch grow ♡♡
      She responded really well to low stress training and defoilaton.
      I always train the branches on my plants to where the buds will get maximum sunlight and I use hemp string to tie the branches exactly where I need them to be for best lighting.
      When she started flowering, each week her buds became more and more beautiful as well as fatter ♡
      There was hues of purple all throughout that sparkled when the light hit it just right and each Bud was nicely covered with trichomes that just made every bud ever so delicious looking ♡♡
      She has subtle hint of diesel and a fruity blueberry tone that just makes your mouth water. She needs a really nice after taste in your mouth after you hit her, almost like sweet candy..
      I'm very happy with the end result and how much I got off of this beautiful girl. You never go wrong when you are growing Dutch Passion genetics♡♡
    • Desvantagens
      Can cause dry mouth
    • Impressões gerais

      Dutch Passion really knows what they're doing when it comes marijuana strains especially this beauty of an auto, Glueberry OG !!
      She is the auto version of the hard-hitting, resin dripping photoperiod, "Glueberry OG"♡♡
      The strain is a sativa dominant and very potent hybrid! THC levels are very high !! This is truly an American delicacy ♡♡
      This is my second time growing this strain. I loved every second of it !!!
      This would be a great strain for anyone just starting out because she is very forgiving and is also very rewarding as long as she's treated well and kept happy ♡
      I definitely recommend this autoflower strain to all my fellow growers!!
      He definitely won't be disappointed and you will absolutely love the end product !!

    Fotos de clientes
  • Dunk_Junk
    10 Março 2021
    10 Março 2021
    • Vantagens
      It's a nice high, a happy high. I like it A LOT.
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      She grew very well with minimal input from me. I wanted a low maintenance grow. The flowers are very dense, sticky and heavy! There were no 'small buds'. They were all a very decent size. Impressive yield! This is a very nice sativa dominant hybrid, an absolutely amazing smoke.

    Fotos de clientes
  • internetdemo
    3 Julho 2020
    3 Julho 2020
    • Vantagens
      Easy to grow, very forgiving. Makes great for dry vaping, and cannabutter.
    • Desvantagens
      Everyone says dry eyes, which I get when I smoke any strain, so I'll list that.
    • Impressões gerais

      This auto didn't respond well to an extended light schedule, so I kept her at 16/8 and she loved it. I get very subtle hints of blueberry with this strain, but overall I loved her. I had to constantly clean my sheers when I was trimming her. I pushed her to the very end of the life cycle so that made this strain a creeper I would definitely recommend this strain.

    22 Julho 2020

    Olá internetdemo,

    Agradecemos por compartilhar sua experiência com essa linhagem. E ficamos felizes em saber que você gostou dessa variedade e a avaliou tão bem.

    Respeitosamente, Herbies Seeds
  • Ferenc
    16 Junho 2020
    16 Junho 2020
    • Vantagens
      Great strain
      I got dense buds
    • Desvantagens
      Can cause paranoia
    • Impressões gerais

      I like her name. The plant itself is great with the standard life-cycle.
      It is not difficult to grow this strain easy to manage and also she is strong so no need to worry.
      She does her job and produce nice and stinky flowers. The smell for me is nothing special ordinary strong weed smell.
      The effects of bud is OK first in thought it is not strong because it took time to hit me. I started feeling a light high but then it started kicking in. For me it is not that relax feeling and not the trip one but not even bad.
      I can say nothing bad to this strain but I can't also say it is one of the best in have ever tried.
      Finally, I put up with a 9 stars to grow Mrs. Glueberry OG and the effects of the bud gets 8 stars from me.

  • CloudSlappy
    20 Maio 2020
    20 Maio 2020
    • Vantagens
      Overall it was an easy grow. The plant never showed signs of deficiencies or nutrient burn.
    • Desvantagens
      I do think that this particular seed was not the strongest so it resulted in smaller airy buds BUT that didn't affect the potency. Sure I wanted to get the huge yields and dense buds, but I'm not disappointed in the final product.
    • Impressões gerais

      Whoa baby! This strain is fantastic. It's exactly the high I want. It starts at the head and puts me in a bit of a spacey mind-set before taking over the body and making me sleepy. I've slept the hardest I've ever experienced on this strain. I tried to have a conversation with someone right after smoking and before long the words just started to escape me. I had to stop talking because I couldn't think of any words.

  • StoneyMelony
    8 Maio 2020
    8 Maio 2020
    • Vantagens
      Made me creative and relaxed
      I got rock-hard nugs
      I like her mind-blowing effect
      Covered in trichomes
    • Desvantagens
      Can cause dry mouth
    • Impressões gerais

      This is high potent rock hard sticky bud with a power full smell, it totally blasted away the smell of my other plant Zkittelz. The buds are as i said rock hard, heavy and when you crush em there is a lot of weed. it is a pleasure to smoke and the taste is way better than the smell. I personally can not find a good description but i think it comes closest to diesel. and then maybe little bit berry once in a while. It is more a pungent strong OG kush flavour. When you smoke it, you know it immediately that you did after 2 puffs. It goes straight behind the eyes. I think it is a energetic weed with the right dose, Some far out thinking as well, You can say mind blowing effect. But it over powered me as well, when i smoke too much, i can get insainly high or have a hours trip to cough lock city.... listening to some music. wow haha End of the day it is a power full strain, covert in trichomes, very sticky, very tasteful, I like it very much.

  • Magician
    2 Maio 2020
    2 Maio 2020
    • Vantagens
      So strong and so flavorful, I've absolutely fallen in love with this strain. Easy to grow. Great sized plants with exceptional quality buds. Tastes sweet.. like berries.
    • Desvantagens
      Can cause dry eyes
    • Impressões gerais

      Made me giggly, hungry and uplifted. A very easy strain to grow with fantastic quality weed at the end, I highly recommended this Auto. Top quality seeds. My Big Thanks To HerbiesHeadShop.

  • Maxranger
    18 Março 2020
    18 Março 2020
    • Vantagens
      It was a pure pleasure to grow this strain. This strain is perfect for both daytime and nighttime smoking. + A great pain reliever. She’s worth growing by both first-timers and experts.
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      Great for both beginners and experts, ready to forgive many mistakes but also given the perfect conditions will excel and reward you with a great yield. This strain is perfect for both day and night smoking. Leaves you relaxed but functional and if ya pop in a little more it's great before bedtime. This strain also carries great pain relief properties for those looking for something medical.

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