White Widow é uma cepa mundialmente famosa e clássica que tem ganhado inúmeros copos e prêmios desde sua introdução e a Pyramid Seeds a cruzou com uma planta Ruderalis e fez uma versão autoflorescente de última geração. Normalmente fica curto e compacto abaixo de 100 cm, mas pode facilmente atingir mais de 150 cm se fornecido em condições ideais. Termina em 8-9 semanas a partir da brotação proporcionando um ótimo rendimento até 500g / m² ou 40-200g por planta, que costuma testar em torno de 17% de THC.
Clássico Original Remasterizado
Esta versão rejuvenescida da White Widow favorita de todos os tempos é super fácil de cultivar e bem adequada para cultivadores iniciantes. Auto White Widow é uma grande variedade autoflorescente que termina rápido, em apenas 7 a 8 semanas, e produz quase todas as qualidades de seus famosos pais. O bom rendimento, tanto no interior como no exterior e o tamanho curto e compacto torna-o uma boa escolha para plantações em terraço e varanda. Produzindo botões longos e estocados com boa ramificação, a versão autoflorescente pode exigir um pouco de treino que garantirá uma colheita ainda melhor. Assim como seus pais famosos, as versões autoflorescentes herdam boa resistência a pragas, fungos ou doenças.
Termina em 7 a 10 semanas a partir da germinação;
Rendimento de até 500g / m 2 ou 40 a 200g por planta;
Ótima relação entre o botão e a folha, fácil de aparar;
Cheiro moderado a forte;
Normalmente ficando em torno de 70 a 90 cm dentro de casa, mas em uma configuração de hidro ou estufa pode facilmente chegar a + 150 cm;
Níveis de THC geralmente em torno de 17% com 1-2% de CBD;
20 ou mais plantas recomendadas por metro quadrado dentro de casa.
Cepas Doces
Sabor, cheiro e efeitos
A Auto White Widow, tal como a sua famosa mãe, irá proporcionar-lhe cheiros adocicados e aromas a guloseimas ou caramelo que parecem ainda mais realçados na versão autoflorescente. Normalmente testado em cerca de 15 THC e 1 a 2% de CBD, o Auto White Widow é uma ótima escolha para usuários de medicamentos que buscam o alívio da dor e da inflamação ou para aqueles que procuram controlar os sintomas de depressão ou estresse. Os efeitos são principalmente cerebrais, eufóricos, criativos, edificantes e relaxantes, tornando-o uma boa escolha para o uso diário.
Auto White Widow (Pyramid Seeds) coleções relacionadas
Frosty and pretty sticky. The high is a lot of a body high but there is still a significant head high as well. Smells and tastes really good, like an earthy sweet pine with a little citrus.
25 Dezembro 2019
25 Dezembro 2019
we'll see
Impressões gerais
I soaked the smallest seed in pН 5.5 water. Three days after I noticed a 3mm seedling and put her on a wet cotton pad and then planted in soil. I gave her GHE nutrients and pure water at intervals. 10 days after I saw a couple of new leaves. I will post some picks a month after.
6 Dezembro 2019
6 Dezembro 2019
Top strain
Not that I’ve spotted
Impressões gerais
My WW is 14 days from germination and she grows like mad. I feel a weak smell in the apartment and I imagine her odor during flowering. Thanks god I use a carbon filter that I’ve tested during my previous grow. Herbies team, you’re cool! Top service every time I order from you.
5 Dezembro 2019
5 Dezembro 2019
She’s very forgiving. Don;t know the taste yet but I’m sure it’s yummy!
Not very strong plant
Impressões gerais
My baby is 49 days from germination, 40cm tall. Grow box size: 40х40х80. Lighting: 3 LEDs (blue and red), 10W each. I messed up with lighting and vegetation took longer than I expected. On day 40 I noticed that her leaves are light green and googled it to check what was wrong with the plant. It was the lack of Mg. I used organic worm castings with all micro elements needed. 6 days after her leaves turned a bit darker. I keep feeding her.
29 Novembro 2019
29 Novembro 2019
great strain
Impressões gerais
I love this strain! She’s as good as described!
7 Novembro 2019
7 Novembro 2019
All seeds germinated.
None at all!
Impressões gerais
The strain doesn’t need much care but don’t leave her unattended at all. I got GG Auto seeds as a bonus and they’re super tolerant. ))
26 Outubro 2019
26 Outubro 2019
top yields!
nothing so far
Impressões gerais
It’ the 2nd time I grow this strain and I got a record yield of over 100g per bush! It took me 2 days to finish harvesting. She’s a MONSTROUS yielder! Will order again for sure!
15 Outubro 2019
15 Outubro 2019
great strain
Impressões gerais
My plant is 1 month and 2 weeks on the pictures. She grows normal but I doubt that 56 days is enough for her.
28 Setembro 2019
28 Setembro 2019
a lot!
Impressões gerais
A good strain! Definitely worth buying and growing!
19 Setembro 2019
19 Setembro 2019
Robust and delicious strain.
Nothing that I’ve noticed.
Impressões gerais
It’s the 3rd time I grow White Widow. My plants varied in height - 1st bush was 30cm tall, 2nd one was 43cm and the 3rd one was 82cm. All three look similar - like triplets. You can enjoy WW alone or in a good company. She’ll make you the kindest person ever ready to share your eternal happiness with the whole world. All problems seem tiny and easy to deal with. Close people get even closer. All in all, she’s a peace-maker! I used 300W LEDs, good ventilation and temp. up to 30C (the smell in this case is not heavy) to chop top-shelf crops! I’m sure you’ll enjoy WW as you grow and taste her. Thanks to Herbies team for excellent service!
10 Setembro 2019
10 Setembro 2019
Impressões gerais
The 2nd batch of plants is about to be chopped. Two weeks before harvest. I got impressed with my 1st grow of WW. She’s a meditative strain indeed. Plants from my 2nd batch like candies and wood. Harvested her twice from spring to fall. Recommend her to novice growers!
Other One
25 Junho 2019
25 Junho 2019
just great
Impressões gerais
The strain is very forgiving and robust indeed. All seeds germinated! I went on a trip and left them for 2 weeks without water - they kept growing as if nothing happened! I keep them on a windowsill under direct sunlight (approx. 4-5h a day). All plants increased in height up to 50cm during 10 days i.e. 5 cm per day !!!!!!! I got 720 wet buds and 3 huge bags of leaves from 6 plants! She knocked me out for 5 hours!
22 Junho 2019
22 Junho 2019
Impressões gerais
My plants are 1 month from seeding. Love them!
11 Junho 2019
11 Junho 2019
Impressões gerais
100% germination, all 5 seeds. All plants are 20 days from seeding.
3 Junho 2019
3 Junho 2019
Impressões gerais
The strain is very forgiving and robust. I grow her outdoors and my baby pulled through heavy rains and hails. She had some leaves damaged and the bottom foliage was washed out after a week of raining cats and dogs.On photo she’s over 2 months from seeding. I don’t expect a huge harvest considering all stresses she’s been through. I’m lucky to have her alive and giving nice buds
25 Maio 2019
25 Maio 2019
great strain
Impressões gerais
It took 2 days to germinate. After I planted her in soil I used 320W LEDs and she stayed small-sized (like an orange) for 60 days! Then she started growing like hell - now my baby is 90 days old!!! She’s gorgeous! Look forward to flowering!
14 Maio 2019
14 Maio 2019
Impressões gerais
Hi, guys! Here’s a brief report on my Pyramid Seeds grow. All seeds were in the original packing and arrived super fast. I soaked just one seed - it germinated next day and sprouted a week after. :) As for the setup, I used 150W HPS during vegetation and 3 HPS lamps (105W and 50W) during flowering. DWC, 10L pot and HESI nutrients. The strain is fairly easy to grow, suitable for LST. To be honest, using LST turned out quite an adventure for me as I went too far with bending and almost broke the stem at the end of the 3rd week of vegetation. I put some honey on the broken part, fixed it with a band aid and the plant just continued growing. :) After this, side colas started thriving - they ended up taller than the stem. So, the strain is very tolerant and forgiving. Ideal for novice growers and those who like to try different training methods. My plants went through some stress like nutrient burning resulting from too high/low pH levels. Despite a small pot and weak lighting, I expect to chop at least 50g or even more. :) She smells terrific! I love its candy-like aroma with fresh notes a spring meadow and wood. The smell in a 10х4 m room is very strong. Herbies guys you’re awesome! Thanks for great service! It’s not the first time I order from you and will keep doing. Decent crops to you all! And may the power be with you!
23 Abril 2019
23 Abril 2019
nothing so far
Impressões gerais
+ A good one!
2 Abril 2019
2 Abril 2019
Huge buds. Easy to grow. Smooth yet potent effect.
Hungry for phosphorus.
Impressões gerais
She gives a smooth yet strong effect. Made me calm, relaxed and peaceful inside. Her effect lasted 2 hours. The plant grew small - 25 cm in height with a big cone.