Dinamed CBD Autoflowering (Dinafem Seeds)

Dinafem Seeds


Dinamed CBD Autoflowering: Relaxamento, Efeitos Terapêuticos

Esta variedade de cannabis autoflorescente pode ser consumida tanto para fins médicos quanto recreativos. Graças aos seus níveis de CBD em torno de 17%, Dinamed CBD Autoflowering tem muito potencial para tratar sintomas relacionados à ansiedade e espasmos musculares, entre outras condições. Se for consumido clinicamente, é melhor usá-lo como um extrato de óleo ou em um vaporizador, em vez de fumá-lo. Usuários recreativos que também apreciam o sabor e o cheiro da maconha, mas não desejam os efeitos psicoativos, também apreciarão esta cepa, pois ela contém menos de 1% de THC.

Sabores e aromas: mais doces do que sua cepa média de CBD

Muitas cepas de CBD têm a reputação de inclinar-se para o lado cítrico em termos de aromas e sabores. Dinamed CBD Autoflowering é um pouco diferente, porque é mais doce e frutado ao invés de apenas ácido e cítrico. Este perfil torna a cepa altamente valorizada tanto para usuários medicinais quanto recreativos.

Dinamed CBD Autoflowering: um crescimento que agrada aos novatos

Uma das características de destaque desta variedade de maconha autoflorescente é que ela é extremamente fácil de cultivar. Embora esta seja uma planta relativamente pequena com rendimentos modestos, o período de germinação é muito rápido em apenas 2 dias.

  • A planta atinge cerca de 1m (40 ”), o que a torna uma boa para apartamentos e varandas.
  • Espere rendimentos de cerca de 100g (3,5 oz) por planta.
  • Requer poucos nutrientes, mas deve ser fertilizado com freqüência.
  • Esta variedade pode ser colhida no verão, permitindo uma segunda rodada.

Genética projetada para colheitas fáceis e rápidas

Dinamed CBD Autoflowering é uma variedade de cannabis autoflorescente e um resultado do cruzamento de Dinamed CBD com Critical Auto, tornando-o um híbrido 20% Indica, 30% Sativa e 50% Ruderalis. Essa genética significa que essa versão autoflorescente do popular Dinamed CBD é muito mais fácil de cultivar do que seu pai e está pronta para colher muito mais rapidamente .

Dinamed CBD Autoflowering (Dinafem Seeds) coleções relacionadas

Este produto está esgotado
Tamanho do pacote :
1 semente
3 sementes
5 sementes
10 sementes
5 análises
  • StealthyDutchGuy
    17 Junho 2020
    17 Junho 2020
    • Vantagens
      Easy to grow
      Made me relaxed
    • Desvantagens
      Can cause dry mouth
    • Impressões gerais

      One of my first strains to grow. Germination and growth was quite vigorous compared to the older seeds (Hindu Kush) by Sensi Seeds. Really love the smell. O.k.. When vaped I feel muscle tension release, body relaxes. Some times I get a very, very mild body high.
      The taste is like fruity with citrusy notes. Once I tried 1 puff of Dinamed and one puff of Hindu Kush. I was floored for more than 4 hours. I don't know if it was because I got a bit less sleep that night before but that's hard to imagine it could have that effect. It doesn't make you high or stoned, but the feeling is relaxed, but a bit sedated. That might be the word. It works for my IBS quite well. I do not vape every day, so my experience is still a bit limited.

  • GrowSport
    3 Junho 2020
    3 Junho 2020
    • Vantagens
      Easy to grow
      Made me happy and relaxed. Love it!
      Suitable for small grow rooms
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      I am super happy! Very nice strain. Good for small tent. If you want bigger harvest, try to stretch plant in vegetative period.

  • Jeanpol
    26 Maio 2020
    26 Maio 2020
    • Vantagens
      Not picky, beautiful and strong
    • Desvantagens
      He suffered a small bout of botrytis due to the work of the worms. I found and annihilated 2 of them.
    • Impressões gerais

      Harvest day 77. Strong strain since the first day. Interesting phenotype variance between 3 seeds I cultivated. Although I started in mid-August (northern hemisphere) and the temperatures and sun hours have not been too much, dinamed has taken the best of herself.
      The internodal distance is very short. Perhaps it is because the nighttime temperature compared to the daytime is quite high. During the nights, the plant slept inside the house.
      He suffered a small bout of botrytis due to the work of the worms. I found and annihilated 2 of them. Without a doubt, and waiting for the effects and the flavor once dried and cured, I will grow her again.

  • Stickyfarmer
    14 Maio 2020
    14 Maio 2020
    • Vantagens
      Easy to grow 😊
    • Desvantagens
      Didn’t notice any /
    • Impressões gerais

      Harvest day.
      80 days from seed to harvest
      Grow went well no problem easy to grow.
      Plant was compact and bushy and did require some defoliation.
      127.3 Grams (wet weight).

  • w33dl3
    11 Maio 2020
    11 Maio 2020
    • Vantagens
      Every time I smoke it I feel happy, creative and relaxed 😊
      Helps me deal with anxiety and stay clear headed.
      Recommended nutrients: GHE FloraKleen, GHE MaxiBloom – great stuff; Growth Technology
      Ionic Cal-Mag Pro – good stuff.
    • Desvantagens
      Grew dwarfy
    • Impressões gerais

      Never really thought it would be a good idea to try and grow an autoflower next to a photoperiod.
      I'm not sure if it was because of the 12/12 cycle or the LST being too tight for her or just the fact that the photoperiod strain outgrew and shaded her so hard, but she grew dwarfed and thus ended up not yielding very much in the end. Curing - in a RH62% jar and the smell was really good and unique.
      After a month of curing it still has the same fresh, bright and unique smell. This stuff really has a smell unlike any other strain I've previously grown!
      Vaporized, it tastes very much like it smells. It's slightly on the sweet side with the strong herbal and floral notes, quickly turning more woodier as it's vaped.
      The effect is very clearheaded and good at reducing anxiety; providing calmness and deep relaxation. The small bit of euphoria dissipates quickly, leaving you able to still focus on the work at hand. Very suitable strain if you need to remain productive. 😇

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