Sementes Feminizadas de GG#4 Original Glue Auto (Fast Buds)

Fast Buds



Esta strain de cannabis autoflorescente feminizada é uma cruza entre a GG#4 Original Glue e uma Ruderalis, resultando em uma autoflorescente com colheitas XL e altas quantidades de THC. A GG#4 Original Glue Auto (Glue Auto) se tornou um verdadeiro clássico desde sua introdução no cenário da cannabis, e esta versão mantém os incríveis sabores e aromas da árvore genealógica original, mas na forma feminizada e autoflorescente.


Esta strain rende 400-600 g por m² em cultivos indoor e 50-300 g por planta em outdoor.


Assim como a linhagem original da GG#4 Original Glue, a alta potência é a característica predominante desta strain de cannabis autoflorescente. Os efeitos duradouros e fortes variam de relaxante e contente a estimulante, proporcionando uma brisa balanceada. Os níveis de THC são altos, geralmente beirando os 24%, e a maioria dos usuários acha que os efeitos são sentidos tanto na mente quanto no corpo.

Para Animar
Para Relaxar

Aroma e Sabor

Para os fracos de coração, melhor ficar longe da GG#4 Original Glue Auto, e isso se prova igualmente verdadeiro para seus sabores e perfil de terpenos, que são fortes e pungentes. Seu aroma mais proeminente é de pinho misturado com notas cítricas. No entanto, por trás disso, você descobrirá os ricos subtons de diesel, fazendo da GG#4 Original Glue Auto uma strain deliciosa, ainda que maravilhosamente complexa para os sentidos.

Gosto de Diesel

Dicas de Cultivo

A alta potência e os buds deliciosos e cobertos de tricomas são as principais razões pelas quais os growers costumam escolher esta strain de cannabis feminizada. A GG#4 Original Glue Auto normalmente está finalizada em apenas 8-9 semanas após a germinação. Seus buds vão ficar brancos de tão cobertos de resina, colando na tesoura na hora de dichavar, o que é uma das razões pelas quais essa strain recebeu esse nome ("glue" significa "cola" em inglês). Durante todo o período de floração, cheiros fortes e pungentes de combustível, pinho e limão serão parte do cultivo, portanto, investir em um filtro de carvão pode ser uma boa ideia.

  • Esta planta cresce até atingir alturas facilmente gerenciáveis de 60-100 cm.
  • As técnicas recomendadas são o LST e a desfolhação.
  • Uma lâmpada de LED de 300W ou luz equivalente durante a fase de vegetação e floração é sugerido para cultivos indoor, de forma a conseguir mais de 70 g/planta.

As sementes autoflorescentes GG#4 Original Glue Auto da Fast Buds é um caminho seguro para uma colheita rápida e fácil. Disponíveis à venda na Herbies, elas permitirão que você experimente todos os incríveis efeitos da GG original sem nenhum tipo de trabalho extra.

GG#4 Original Glue Auto (Glue Auto) (Fast Buds) coleções relacionadas

delivery Envio: a partir de 2 dias
21 análises
  • MasterKushOG
    24 Agosto 2023
    24 Agosto 2023
    • Vantagens
      Variedade incrível com botões densos e pesados. O cajado é muito fácil de fumar, mas o efeito é sentido imediatamente e é muito forte. É como se uma onda de tsunami tivesse coberto você e girado em um redemoinho de consciência. Literalmente em 5 a 10 minutos você obterá a pedra mais forte que permitirá que todos os pensamentos deixem sua mente e corpo para obter o máximo relaxamento.
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      Planta incrível! Fácil de cuidar, não requer cuidados desnecessários. Ela floresce muito rápida e abundantemente. Embora os botões sejam pequenos, são muitos e após a secagem retêm até 30% da massa, o que dá um resultado final surpreendente. Os botões ficam muito bonitos, densos, totalmente cobertos de cristais. O botão maduro tem o formato de um botão de peônia e tem um rico aroma de diesel e lavanda.

    Fotos de clientes
  • OrganicAutomatic
    12 Junho 2023
    12 Junho 2023
    • Vantagens
      Alguns dos botões mais lindos que já vi. Acho que para mim é coisa de um dia, mas fumo há dez anos sem parar. Definitivamente algo forte e relaxante 😌 e muito saboroso um pouco de frutas cítricas e frutas vermelhas.
    • Desvantagens
      Não encontrado
    • Impressões gerais

      No geral, entendo porque é uma variedade lendária. respondem muito bem ao treinamento de baixo estresse e até mesmo à superação que acidentalmente aconteceu na quarta semana.

    Fotos de clientes
  • HAPPY91
    29 Junho 2021
    29 Junho 2021
    • Vantagens
      This plant grew super easy when using Coast Of Maine. I didn't do much of anything to this plant except a little HST because it was close to my light. Very easy and simple just needed light feeding and of course water and light other than that super easy.
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      This is all day stuff to me. If you smoke a lot of it you will find yourself locked on the couch watching something or playing something then slowly leaning toward a melt into the couch very relaxed and maybe fall into a nap. Growing this was very easy and didn't need much of anything except water light feeding and light.

    Fotos de clientes
    20 Maio 2021
    20 Maio 2021
    • Vantagens
      This strain is a bomb!
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      Let's just put some honesty out there to start this one off.... There aren't many autoflowers out there that truly hold par with photo flowers when it comes to potency. THIS ONE DOES!!
      This Gorilla Glue by fastbuds is some absolute fire!! Just as good as any photo I have ever smoked! Not to mention, the smell and taste are so much better!!
      Absolute 5 star strain! 1000% I will be growing this again!
      5 plants and total dry weight comes up to 530 grams! Plus, 9 grams of dry sift keef from trimming!Trimmings will also be processed into RSO! WHAT A GROW!!

    Fotos de clientes
    7 Abril 2021
    7 Abril 2021
    • Vantagens
      the absolute healthiest plants i have ever seen!
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      Let's go over my grow setup a bit.
      Vegging T5 Flouroscent lighting
      Flowering 1000 watt hps- 10 plants
      3 gallon fabric pots
      Bushdoctor coco loco by fox farms
      General Hydroponics flora trio nutes
      Advanced nutrients big bud for sugar
      No nutrients for the first 30 days from seed
      After 30 days (4weeks) I started my nutrients.
      Week 5 feeding- 5mlpg each of the flora trio.
      Regular ph water to 6.4 every other watering until the beginning of week 9.
      After week 8. I cut out all nitrogen completely. And raised my bloom, and micro nutrients levels to full dosage for the remainder of the grow. 10ml per gallon of the floramicro and 15ml per gallon of the florabloom. Also supplemented 5ml per gallon of Advanced big bud at this time.
      These plants got this feeding every other watering for the remainder of the grow.
      In the odd watering, they were still given 5ml per gallon of the Big bud, and .5tsp per gallon of recharge!
      With this method I have raised the absolute healthiest plants i have ever seen! Everyone grows healthy plants in veg, not many do in flower! You will with this method!

    Fotos de clientes
  • Chimken
    9 Fevereiro 2021
    9 Fevereiro 2021
    • Vantagens
      I got 403 gramms out of 3 plants in 0,72 square meters.
      The buds are perfect.
      I can not be happier 😎
      It was a truly successful experience.
    • Desvantagens
      Can cause dry mouth
    • Impressões gerais

      Great strain! My first successful grow cycle is over and it was done with 2 Fast Buds Gorilla Glue plants.
      One of them grew bigger, the other one turned purple at late flowering.
      I did not feel any issues while growing, so the finest genetics, nutrients and proper environment made their business.

    Fotos de clientes
  • Don Bob
    17 Janeiro 2021
    17 Janeiro 2021
    • Vantagens
      good quality bud
    • Desvantagens
      not all are ready in the time given
    • Impressões gerais

      i have done 4 of these 2 different times half are done in 9 weeks the others are done in 12 weeks the 1's that take longer drink cal-mag like crazy 12weeks for an auto is too long might aswell do photo-p plants..... but the bud is quality citrus orange/lime smell

    18 Janeiro 2021

    Olá Don Bob,

    Muito obrigado pelo seu feedback sobre esta variedade, é realmente uma informação muito útil para quem deseja experimentar esta variedade pela primeira vez

    Respeitosamente, Herbies Seeds
  • Derek420
    16 Agosto 2020
    16 Agosto 2020
    • Vantagens
      Buds are hard as rocks on all three plants frost level is great the crystals have big fat heads so it make killer concentrates with great yields they are great producers I got 148 grams off one on the others was 108 and 96 g's
    • Desvantagens
      The short phenos with huge buds can rot so be careful
    • Impressões gerais

      I've grew these out 5-6 times and it never lets me down always stony 😁

    17 Agosto 2020

    Olá Derek,

    Obrigado pela avaliação desta cepa, de fato uma cepa fácil de cultivar e confiável que é :)

    Respeitosamente, Herbies Seeds
  • Derock
    16 Julho 2020
    16 Julho 2020
    • Vantagens
      Stable as I've seen I've had two phenos out of about 10 of them one taller lanky with tight compact buds the other phenomena is short with big chunky buds be careful they are so big bud rot got a couple of the tops of the shorter ones I've grown and that's with 45-50% rh
    • Desvantagens
      Watch for bud rot on the short pheno
    • Impressões gerais

      Very potent will put you in bed 😁

    22 Julho 2020

    Olá Derock,

    Obrigado por sua revisão detalhada. Estamos felizes que esta cepa atendeu às suas expectativas e você está tão otimista sobre isso.

    Respeitosamente, Herbies Seeds
  • zactheanthrofox
    5 Julho 2020
    5 Julho 2020
    • Vantagens
      Over/Under watering resiliency was decent.
      LST friendly
      Seems not to mind how "hot" the soil can be.
      Tolerates heat well.
    • Desvantagens
      One of my freebies is acting a little strange but I think I figured out the issue.
      Other than the little runt auto there's really nothing to complain about.
    • Impressões gerais

      Good for beginners. Who doesn't like autos that does most of the work? Can't speak for it's bud development or bud structure yet but I bet this is going to be dank to share with my friends.

    9 Julho 2020

    Olá Zactheanthrofox,

    Obrigado pela revisão a esta cepa. As plantas nas fotos parecem boas! Esperamos que o resultado final corresponda às suas maiores expectativas

    Respeitosamente, Herbies Seeds
  • Dan420
    5 Dezembro 2019
    5 Dezembro 2019
    • Vantagens
      Potent genetics, compact and easy to grow plant. 
    • Desvantagens
      Nothing so far.
    • Impressões gerais

      This girl is 2 weeks old from seeding. I use flower soil 10L pack, rain water for watering, lighting: IGL300W. Mighty and potent cannabis bomb. Looking forward to harvest.

  • Hey there
    23 Novembro 2019
    23 Novembro 2019
    • Vantagens
      It smells delicious and soooo tasty! 
    • Desvantagens
      The effects are quite weak for me. Effects from the bonus seeds are much stronger!)
    • Impressões gerais

      It’s a good strain, but for me it’s a one-time deal. Plants from bonus seeds are more potent)))) Many thanks to Herbies!!!
      I didn’t face any problems because the strain isn’t picky.
      I’m gonna order LSD25 and compare them)))))

  • Yoda
    5 Outubro 2019
    5 Outubro 2019
    • Vantagens
      Strong and stable genetics!
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      This strain is definitely worth trying and here is why.
      First, all 14 seeds I bought have germinated! Second, I made a huge mistake and thought I’d ruined it all (I was about to order new seeds) but these plants are so robust and unpicky that it’s hard to believe! They survived my poor-made transplantation (I smoked AK47 and was stupid enough to transplant 1-week old plants from starter cups and supposedly damaged their roots when taking them out) as if nothing happened! I bought a pH and PPM tester and water them now with 80 PPM and 7,2 pH (with some lemon juice added to make it 6,3).
      Soil type: BioBizz All Mix
      Nutrients: Bio Grow and BioBloom (all BioBizz products are organic)
      15L bags
      Lighting: Apollo 6 LED (do not recommend full spectrum Wattshine P450 from AliExpress)
      Happy growing to you all! I will upload pics closer to harvest!

  • Smoker
    12 Setembro 2019
    12 Setembro 2019
    • Vantagens
      Guys, this strain is so cool! 
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      Medium smell but it doesn't matter if you have a carbon filter.
      Grows fast thanks to her potent genetics. At the end of the 4th week all plants switched to flowering which is amazing - I expect to harvest it close to week 9.
      Here is a combo of best growing conditions:
      Grow box size: 80x80x180
      Cool tube HPS 400W
      2 fans
      Carbon filter
      Grow bags 15L
      BioBizz soil or its analogs
      Flora Series nutrients 
      Advanced Nutrients (best nutrients according to expert growers on
      If you are limited in time, do not use complicated growing devices like DWC or aeroponics - these methods are quite time-consuming and well-suited for the experienced ones.

  • Focus
    7 Setembro 2019
    7 Setembro 2019
    • Vantagens
      FastBuds rock!
      41 day from seeding, 12L pots, GHE BioSevia nutrients
      My little monkey keeps growing and glowing)😂
    • Desvantagens
      Looks like guys from FastBuds left no weak point in their strains)))
    • Impressões gerais

      Top strain, gives no troubles at all!
      Grows fast and furious with Gorilla-worth resistance! 🦍 😂
      Thanks to Herbies team!!! 
      Great strain!  👏
      It’s the second time I buy it and every time enjoy her potency!

  • Edward
    11 Agosto 2019
    11 Agosto 2019
    • Vantagens
      Powerful genetics. 
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      Grows madly, likes lots of light. Give her more light for rock-hard nugs.
      Full spectrum LED 103W + 16W for side lighting, + 3 LED 2700K, 25W. Nutrients: Flora Series GHE. Here is a small grow report with pics! The central bud developed a beautiful flower - check it out!

  • Goodmood
    20 Julho 2019
    20 Julho 2019
    • Vantagens
      A top-shelf strain! I buy her for the 3 time and she never disappoints. Good germination, 80-130cm height, feels good in a grow box, well-suited for prunning. Resistant to high temperatures. Yields range from 60 to 100g from a plant. On the 2-3 week she develops beautiful purple tones - I guess it’s a matter of her genetics.
    • Desvantagens
      Sensitive to mold. It’s better to keep low humidity.
    • Impressões gerais

      After 60-70 days your seed will turn into a robust, flavorsome cannabis bush.
      100% guarantee that you’ll remember her sweet taste and aroma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Strong, long-lasting 3-wave effect. The 1st wave lasts 40 minutes and starts gently as if telling you Keep going, I’ll catch up) The second wave lasts 90-120 minutes boosting your energy and giving all kinds of inspiration, including sexual arousal in 80% (for both men and women).The third wave (60-90 min) fuels your appetite and makes you hungry.

      Great strain!

  • Shayn
    11 Julho 2019
    11 Julho 2019
    • Vantagens
      Crazily powerful energizing strain! Rock-hard, heavy buds coated in resin with an unforgettable aroma! A true cannabis bomb)) Used 20/4 during 61 day in total. The final photo is taken on 56 day.
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      A potent Sativa strain! Gorilla climbs on your head to fill you up with wild energy! Increases your heartbeat and makes you feel like moving.))) My wife says it makes me a bit spoffy) I enjoy the strain anyway) Just one thing - make sure you have LOTS of things to do before you light up your Gorilla) Best choice for Sativa fans! Peace to all!

  • Best Grower Ever
    15 Junho 2019
    15 Junho 2019
    • Vantagens
    • Desvantagens
      nothing so far
    • Impressões gerais

      The best strain I’ve even grown in my entire life. Super potent genetics, dense, sticky buds. The plant is robust from the very first days. Top-shelf quality! Knocked me out from one drag for 3-4 hours! Check her out! She’s a rare gem! Yammy! Peace to all!

  • Misterious
    15 Junho 2019
    15 Junho 2019
    • Vantagens
      Finest strain, one of the best ones!
    • Desvantagens
      None, if you grow her right)
    • Impressões gerais

      A heavy-handed strain! Thanks to Herbie!!! 600g of raw nugs and 80g of dried buds from a single plant! The most dense buds you’ve ever seen!! Potent genetics!!! Three seed lobes instead of two!!! This wild beast is soooo devastating! Feels like a real gorilla climbs from your toes right to your head and starts beating your brain!!!))) Guys, if you have some growing troubles with her - just make more effort and you’ll succeed! I use DWC, 250HPS +2 LEDs 40W + Flora Series)

  • Goodwin
    12 Abril 2019
    12 Abril 2019
    • Vantagens
      I used 800x500x2000 grow box. Lighting: a combo of TL-PROM FITO 45 UN. 2 pots 11L each. Soil+perlite+vermiculite+coco. Grows fast and easy. Yield: 40g of dried buds from a plant. 
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      A nice weed. Worth trying.

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