Ghost Train Haze #1 (Rare Dankness Seeds)

Rare Dankness Seeds


Botão carregado com THC com rendimentos monstruosos

As sementes de maconha Ghost Train Haze # 1 femininas serão um verdadeiro tesouro para todos os cultivadores. Esta variedade incrível foi criada por Rare Dankness cruzando Ghost OG e Nevil's Haze. Ghost Train Haze # 1 fem foi premiada como a melhor Sativa na High Times Cannabis Cup de 2014 dos EUA. Esta variedade conquistou o prémio na High Times Cannabis Cup 2013 na categoria Medical Sativa. Mas o prêmio mais importante é o status de vencedor anual do High Times Strongest Strains on Earth.

Ghost Train Haze # 1 cresce bem em ambientes internos e externos. Segundo relatos dos produtores, a cepa produz 120 gramas de botões curados por planta dentro de casa, mesmo sem nutrientes e cuidados especiais. Os cultivadores ao ar livre podem esperar até 1 kg por planta - um verdadeiro monstro! O período de floração varia de 65 a 80 dias.

  • A boa proporção de folha para botão torna mais fácil manicure esta planta;
  • Serve bem para suppercropping e LST;
  • Esteja pronto para alongamento de 100-200% durante a floração;

Ghost Train Haze # 1 - Potência incrível

Esta cepa tem teor de THC excepcionalmente alto - 25%. O efeito é muito potente, trazendo energia à cabeça ao lado de sentimentos felizes de euforia. Ghost Train Haze # 1 é adequado para usuários médicos como uma terapia contra depressão, estresse, insônia, dores crônicas e fadiga.

Ghost Train Haze #1 (Rare Dankness Seeds) coleções relacionadas

Este produto está esgotado
Tamanho do pacote :
1 semente
6 sementes
3 análises
  • oxieg3ngrows
    13 Março 2021
    13 Março 2021
    • Vantagens
      This will go down as one of my favorite harvests to date.
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      Rare Dankness really knocked this strain out of orbit. Strong sour lemon and lime terps and glue-like resin all the way. She has it all. Smell, taste, bag appeal, density without being annoying to break up. Rare Dank will be getting more of my tent space in the future for sure. The plant grew extremely easily and did not require much care other than normal feeding and de-leafing. The rosin produced from this flower is so strong it had me TOO high lol

    Fotos de clientes
  • luke
    4 Março 2021
    4 Março 2021
    • Vantagens
      Very resistant genetics, and very potent flavorful finished product!
    • Desvantagens
      She ain't a big yielder that's for sure.
    • Impressões gerais

      Strain ran outside stellar putting up with mother natures cruelty and harsh shitty growing conditions we had this year. Had not a single bug issue when everyone I know was battling bugs outside including myself on other plants I had out there.
      Wonderful strain for outdoors!!!
      No mold or PM issues even with the heavy rainfall and high rh on the daily during flower.
      And now for the main squeeze the buzz. Upon my first three tokes of the ghost train I was already Bruce Lee cross kicked with euphoria. You know when u RIP a large dab and u get the sweats! No kidding I got that in 3. I was On cloud nine flying on a 100% sativa head high after my next rotation. Truely invigorating and energetic high.
      All mental and cerebral. Allowing u to focus right in on a task and literally zone right out into an activity. Felt like I had the patience and energy to take my 2 toddlers to the grocery store... like I said I thought lmfao. But u get the sence of extreme focus and patience. Amazing all day smoke puff puff get shit done! She get her 5 outta 5 for her buzz! POWERHOUSE SATIVA 🔥💣💥A must try for all connoisseurs.

    Fotos de clientes
  • SleepyWillow
    12 Janeiro 2021
    12 Janeiro 2021
    • Vantagens
      A nice day time smoke. A sativa with a slight couch lock. She was a beast! Huge nugs!
    • Desvantagens
      Very long flower time is a down side.
      Sensitive to light
    • Impressões gerais

      This strain is a 3 month flower! While she does take a long time if you grow her to full potential it is worth it! Pretty easy strain to grow. Very resilient. Tolerated Low and high stress training with no ill effects. She was more sensitive to light then my other grows. She did get light burn directly on everything under my bloombeast. Dried the plant in whole branches so I don't weigh anything wet. Very happy with the results have received many compliments on the finished product which has prompted me to keep this strain around. I have 2 growing outside and they are 7ft tall! Can't wait to see what they do.

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