Sementes Feminizadas de Gorilla Z (Barney's Farm)

Barney's Farm


Informações da Cepa Gorilla Z

A Gorilla Z da Barney's Farm é uma híbrida com 60% de dominância Indica, um cruzamento entre duas strains lendárias e sensacionais - a Original Glue e a Z. Feita com potência e sabor em mente, ela dá um baque, e logo depois mais outro. Simplificando, é uma mescla obrigatória para todos os apreciadores de cannabis e usuários casuais.


Esta é uma combinação vencedora de duas das variedades de cannabis em maior tendência no mercado atual. Ambas antecessoras são lendas americanas que povoam as prateleiras superiores dos dispensários da Costa Oeste dos Estados Unidos. Com uma árvore genealógica como esta, é claro que a Gorilla Z não pode ser nada além de excelente tanto em termos de sabor quanto de efeitos.

Tempo de Floração

É realmente surpreendente que os rendimentos fartos da Gorilla Z requerem apenas 55-65 dias de floração, e que as colheitas ao ar livre estejam prontas no início do outono.


Esta strain de cannabis tem rendimentos de 600-700 g por m² em cultivos indoor, enquanto no outdoor (se for dado espaço suficiente para o sistema radicular se estabelecer e tempo suficiente no crescimento vegetativo), os cultivadores experientes podem colher facilmente 2000-2500 g por planta.


Os efeitos são fortes e poderosos, meditativos e instigantes no início, e eventualmente transitando para um estado de espírito perfeitamente calmo com uma relaxante brisa corporal.

Para Dormir
Para Relaxar

Nível de THC

Esta strain tem um teor de THC muito alto na casa dos 24%, tornando-a especialmente popular entre os pacientes medicinais que usam a Gorilla Z para tratar dores crônicas, insônia, artrite e outras condições resistentes à terapia.

Relatório de viagem do Gorilla Zkittlez

Relatório de viagem do Gorilla Z

Aroma e Sabor

Os sabores e aromas desta strain são frutados, lembrando frutas doces e outros tons adocicados. Esta é claramente a influência de sua mãe Z, enquanto a Original Glue fornece a esta híbrida uma mistura de terpenos complexa e agradável, ainda que difícil de descrever.

Cepas Doces

Dicas de Cultivo

A Gorilla Z é uma verdadeira beleza, com seus buds coloridos e com uma camada de cristais por cima. Os buds quando finalizados são quase brancos de tão cobertos com tricomas resinosos. Alcançando uma altura de 100-140 cm no cultivo indoor, mas 140-170 cm no outdoor, ela vai esticar e dobrar de tamanho durante a floração, portanto tenha isso em mente e proporcione espaço adequado para que suas meninas cresçam. À medida que se aproximam da colheita, especialmente se as temperaturas noturnas forem um pouco mais frias, podem aparecer tons de rosa e roxo claro.

  • Faça desfolhas e use a técnica de LST para aumentar a produção de buds.
  • Podas apicais ou FIM são recomendadas se você quiser mais buds.
Relatório de crescimento do Gorilla Zkittlez

Relatório de crescimento do Gorilla Z

Sementes de Gorilla Z

Esta variedade é vendida apenas no formato de sementes feminizadas, com a garantia de que praticamente todas elas produzirão fêmeas. Portanto, não se preocupe com plantas macho e concentre-se no que é importante - a produção destes buds extraordinários.

delivery Envio: a partir de 1 dia
20 análises
  • Indica_Jones
    11 Agosto 2023
    11 Agosto 2023
    • Vantagens
      A aparência desta planta, o sabor e o cheiro são INCRÍVEIS!
    • Desvantagens
      Não encontrado
    • Impressões gerais

      A Gorilla Zkittlez é imediatamente minha variedade favorita; o sabor, a aparência e o efeito me convencem muito! O sabor lembra doces frutados, o rendimento é muito cheio e supera minhas expectativas. Mesmo que eu tenha alguns botões grandes como uma Skunk ou um Big Bug, a variedade compensa isso em termos de sabor e efeito! Quem já comeu uma variedade doce está exatamente aqui!

    Fotos de clientes
  • MistaKillaB
    7 Junho 2023
    7 Junho 2023
    • Vantagens
      Estirpe legal
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      Parecia e cheirava incrível. Um dos fenômenos decolou e empilhou alguns botões grandes. Recomendaria esta cepa.

    18 Março 2023
    18 Março 2023
    • Vantagens
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais


    Fotos de clientes
  • mark
    31 Maio 2021
    31 Maio 2021
    • Vantagens
      100% germination. this strain is awesome
    • Desvantagens
      none. great strain
    • Impressões gerais

      What a strain this is guys, absolutely stunning to look at. Sparkles away covered in trichomes smells sweet and I couldn't wait to get stuck into it. Indica leaning hybrid but the sativa genetics come through at first, then it's bye bye activities hello sofa and munchies. Slept for a solid 6hrs which is great and had no stoneover in the morning a good solid 5/5 from me. many thanks to herbies team! you’re awesome!

  • lion7
    8 Março 2021
    8 Março 2021
    • Vantagens
      Made me feel relaxed and happy
    • Desvantagens
      Didn’t notice any
    • Impressões gerais

      Very nice buds caked in thc. Smell is very old school with the new school kick. Gets you very stoned. Not too heavy at first then kicks in as it goes. You'll end up eating and feeling very relaxed.

  • Jose
    19 Janeiro 2021
    19 Janeiro 2021
    • Vantagens
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      An authentic producing beast with a great, very pleasant fruity flavor. You can not ask for more. I encourage you to cultivate it!

  • oRIeNTe
    13 Janeiro 2021
    13 Janeiro 2021
    • Vantagens
      Good genetics
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      Excellent strain, good producer in weight and resin. I think that outdoors it stays giant.

    Fotos de clientes
  • Lll
    7 Outubro 2020
    7 Outubro 2020
    • Vantagens
      Good productive germination potency
    • Desvantagens
      All perfect. Thanks
    • Impressões gerais

      Good effects

  • Heath Hamby
    9 Março 2020
    9 Março 2020
    • Vantagens
      Great producer
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      Wow!!! Is all I can say !! Super plant great genetics !! Grew this indoors and plants were brachy rock hard buds covered in tricomes !! Amazing high !! About to plant 2 outdoors now can't wait till october

  • biggreens420
    23 Fevereiro 2020
    23 Fevereiro 2020
    • Vantagens
      Dense buds, all in trichomes!
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      This pheno was more like zkittles. Smoke wise fruity and sweet with a small earthy hint. The buds turned out nice and dense, with a great coat of trichs. The effect starts off with a head high, which soon turns into a relaxing body stone and made your mouth really dry after. I would recommend this strain to most people as there’s nothing to not like about it! Thanks Herbies!

  • NewbieLearner
    3 Fevereiro 2020
    3 Fevereiro 2020
    • Vantagens
      Great strain
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      A great heavy yielding strain. An awesome smoke. Loved the purple at the end and the taste is great too. Got a cerebral high with no strong negative effects. It does foxtail a bit naturally. I think it’s just the strain. Grew both indoors and outdoors and the indoors are the photos here. The outdoors fox tailed a lot more but the indoor have incredibly huge heads. Have a look at the purple was amazing to see as well.

  • Birale91
    29 Janeiro 2020
    29 Janeiro 2020
    • Vantagens
      I really love this strain! Beauty, dense buds!
    • Desvantagens
      Can cause dry eyes.
    • Impressões gerais

      Strong hit. Sweet grape smell. Purple, red, pink, yellow and blue colors, not on a bud or two, almost everyone. Very beautiful buds. Cheers to Herbies!

  • HighasfinCali
    2 Janeiro 2020
    2 Janeiro 2020
    • Vantagens
      Huge outdoor yield, easily over 5 lbs just in top colas.
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      Mine came out with a lemon/fuel taste & a knockout high, Barneys outdid themselves with this strain.

  • Greenlanka
    23 Dezembro 2019
    23 Dezembro 2019
    • Vantagens
      Well this was definitely a great strain to grow, if you live somewhere with long summers. I had to keep taking her in to the garage on cold nights in Ontario. I harvested her end of October, so about 10 weeks of flowering. She adapted well to LST and gave me very nice nuggets with lots of trichomes. The smell is delicious like candy and fruit. Smoke is nice once cured and the taste is even better. Thumbs up to Herbies! She’s a keeper.
    • Desvantagens
      Can cause dry eyes.
    • Impressões gerais

      These buds are very sugary and the smell of candy and gas. Wish you could just smell them. Plant grew normal, no troubles with her. A great strain with a great smell.

  • Vegetoo420
    19 Dezembro 2019
    19 Dezembro 2019
    • Vantagens
      Awesome strain!
    • Desvantagens
      Can cause dry mouth.
    • Impressões gerais

      I trained this strain HST, top, mainlining, lollipopping, defoliation and she loved this! Buds are compact and sticky! I have to shake all jars before open because of the rosin! I loved growing this strain and I will do it again for sure! I had a very good pheno! The smell was good, plant alive and she’s strong during curing! Totally recommend this strain!

  • gdogfunk
    5 Dezembro 2019
    5 Dezembro 2019
    • Vantagens
      Amaaaaazing plant!
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      I had some overwatering issues in veg, but she came right back and was an amazing plant. I had to use plant yo-yos to hold the heavy colas up. I was amazed at the size of some of the colas that had the tiniest stems reaching all the way to the base of the stalk. The smells are amazing and I’m loving the stone!
      After drying and curing and giving it a month in jars with proper maintenance, this is some of the best smoke I’ve ever had. I was helping my cousin with his plants and we were smoking a bowl of this and he was going on and on about the taste. Even days later! I will definitely grow again! I’m trying to smoke her sparingly lol

  • Green_Friends_Inc
    3 Dezembro 2019
    3 Dezembro 2019
    • Vantagens
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      Favorite strain of the grow. Possibly new favorite of all time! 3 seeds 3 different phenos all🔥 pheno #1 was tallest, longest and most are covered in trichomes fan leaves had some purpling of both calyx and leaf. Tons of hash material from the trim. Smelled the sweetest tasted amazing sweet and smooth. Pheno #2 was / my favorite! GORILLA ZKITTLEZ HAS A SOUR OHENO AND IT IS FIRE FIRE FIRE. Shortest of the 3. Most closely noded. First round show up. Incredibly shimmery. The taste and smell are once in a lifetime. Pheno #3 was the stickiest although all are super sticky. Huge petioles. Pheno#3 has a smell and taste in the middle of the other two, very sweet and barely sour. All three phenos are the winners!

  • Hellishjam
    1 Novembro 2019
    1 Novembro 2019
    • Vantagens
      Wicked plant to grow she was a monster! It is very easy to train and responded well to LST and topping. I will be going this strain again.
    • Desvantagens
      Can cause dry eyes and dry mouth.
    • Impressões gerais

      I really would have like to seen her weight if she hadn't have gotten damaged by the hurricane, oh well it what it is she was a monster for sure and a nightmare to trim! The lesson learnt way for defoliation is required just before flower shit was outa control there for while. Would like to try her again.

  • Willtg93
    20 Outubro 2019
    20 Outubro 2019
    • Vantagens
      I like this plant!
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      This is different altogether I'm too stoned writing this and don't even know what to write other than this is the best I've had in 10 years of smoking! Your mind just wonders off defo get some munch too! If you get your hands on this your very lucky.

  • YetiSpaghetti
    15 Outubro 2019
    15 Outubro 2019
    • Vantagens
      Excellent genetics!
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      This grow was very easy overall. The light burn really worried me, but she really pushed through it. She didn't have any issues with my nutrient regiment and after I finished the manifold, I pretty much just watched her grow. The buds smell very pungent; the gorilla glue definitely shines through, but at the same time, the fruity tastes certainly aren't overshadowed. I got a nice, relaxed high that I would personally recommend for either day or nighttime use. This is definitely a one-of-a-kind strain that I would recommend to absolutely anyone! Thanks to Herbies!

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