Grapefruit Auto (Fast Buds)

Fast Buds


Informações sobre a estirpe automática de toranja

A variedade de cannabis Grapefruit Auto feminizada e autoflorescente tem suas origens no criador Fast Buds. Sua história genética é como um Vancouver Sour Citrus cruzado com um Ruderalis, o que significa que esta versão automática é uma boa representação do original com o traço autoflorescente adicionado.

Época de Floração

Grapefruit Auto tem um tempo de floração muito curto, assim como a maioria das autoflores. No geral, ela leva apenas 63-70 dias para ir da semente à colheita.


Com uma colheita variando de 400-600g / m² (1,31-1,97 onças / pés 2 ) em ambientes internos e 50-300g (1,8-10,6 onças) por planta ao ar livre, a qualidade e a quantidade são facilmente compatíveis com esta cepa autoflorescente, tornando o Grapefruit Auto um adição popular a qualquer sala de cultivo.


Os efeitos do Grapefruit Auto são bem equilibrados entre o corpo e a cabeça erguidos, deixando você relaxado, motivado e feliz. O teor de THC acima da média torna esta cepa útil para o tratamento de dor crônica, artrite, reumatismo, epilepsia, glaucoma e outras condições.

Para Relaxar

Níveis de THC e CBD

O Grapefruit Auto tem um teor de THC bastante alto de 19%, junto com uma porcentagem de CBD de cerca de 1%.

Cheirar e saborear

Os aromas do Grapefruit Auto são doces e azedos com notas frutadas. Sem surpresa, dado seu nome, seu perfil de terpeno resulta em notas fortes de tons de toranja.

Cepas Doces

Dicas de crescimento

Grapefruit Auto é uma planta baixa e atarracada com pouca ramificação colateral. Geralmente cresce para formar uma cola grande e longa que ficará totalmente coberta de tricomas e resina. Devido aos seus genes Ruderalis e grande resistência a pragas e doenças, pode ser cultivada tanto em ambientes internos como externos. Ela não requer muitos nutrientes, mas pode requerer muita luz.

  • A planta geralmente atinge 60-90 cm (1'11 ”-2'11”) de altura.
  • Embora não seja a maior planta da sala, seu cheiro forte vai compensar seu tamanho, então adicionar um filtro de carbono pode ser uma boa ideia.
  • Esta cepa não requer muitos cuidados especiais, apenas uma quantidade padrão de fertilizante e muita luz.

Sementes de toranja para automóveis

As sementes de Grapefruit Auto podem ser suas hoje por um ótimo preço. Herbies Seeds vende as melhores sementes feminizadas de Grapefruit Auto online, então certifique-se de comprar a sua e adicionar esta variedade deliciosa à sua coleção o mais rápido possível.


delivery Envio: a partir de 2 dias
14 análises
  • Emery1991
    8 Setembro 2021
    8 Setembro 2021
    • Vantagens
      Eu não tinha certeza do que esperar desse, mas superou minhas expectativas. Uma linhagem extraordinária também cresceu, estou encantado com esta. Resistência muito forte também aos elementos e às doenças. Belo aroma forte de toranja agridoce! Delicioso .. 👌
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      Uma bela estirpe também cresce. Bom tamanho compacto, e ganha um pouco de peso. Nice Solid Nuggets, One grande Main Cola. Poderia ter partido por mais tempo, mas devido ao tempo eu tive que puxar um pouco mais cedo. Embora parecesse um pouco molhado demais, mas a chuva torrencial de alguns dias veio e não valeu o risco. Aromas maravilhosos e nem mesmo secos ou curados. 😵

  • Siriuz
    31 Maio 2021
    31 Maio 2021
    • Vantagens
      coisas diurnas ou noturnas, grande impulso de energia.
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      a colheita de toranja foi ótima, alta também é ótima, ela acabou ficando roxa na maioria das flores. Super gelada e fedorenta, definitivamente, ótimos botões rápidos, infelizmente, só tenho uma semente sobrando, espero conseguir ganhar alguma coisa

  • Green_Blood
    27 Abril 2020
    27 Abril 2020
    • Vantagens
      A pure pleasure to grow!
    • Desvantagens
      Some fox tailing due to some heat stress in flowering.
    • Impressões gerais

      Was a pleasure growing these genetics. Love the pungent citrus / fuel aromas coming from the plants as they hang for drying. Plants grew massive with impressive branches full of buds with little to no training. Would not mind giving this strain another run. Great yield and amazing citrus terps! HIGH-ly recommended

  • MaryJaneBoston
    18 Março 2020
    18 Março 2020
    • Vantagens
      My best morning coffee)))
    • Desvantagens
      Can cause dry mouth
    • Impressões gerais

      This strain is currently my favorite for Wake-N-Bake. The experience is a very clear-heading feeling with moderate energy. I can replace a morning coffee with a large bowl of Grapefruit. The stoned feeling lasts for about 2 hours and I would recommend doing something outdoors like hiking after application. This strain doesn't seem to be too strong, so I find it necessary to smoke more to get the high that I require.

  • Tylando
    4 Fevereiro 2020
    4 Fevereiro 2020
    • Vantagens
      Grew really fast
    • Desvantagens
      Resistant to grower mistakes
    • Impressões gerais

      One pheno was sweet mandarin orange, the second pheno was gassy and lightly woody/piney with sour citrus notes but it's not as prevalent as the other pheno. Some decent colas, mostly pop but that was my own fault due to inexperience. Would love to give it another try. I definitely learned a lot from this grow. Even if I made rookie mistakes. I think I would use a different brand of soil on the next run and maybe do light feedings next time around. Overall I would like to try this strain again as the aromas are really nice. Cheers everyone and thanks to Herbies.

  • AndyStark
    23 Dezembro 2019
    23 Dezembro 2019
    • Vantagens
      Wonderful strain! It’s not my first time growing and I can definitely say this is the most undemanding strain I’ve ever seen! Just 8 fluorescent lamps, nothing else, and my plant grew strong, not too tall. The internodes are so tight that it’s practically impossible to shape the canopy. Very responsive to attention! Update on the harvest in a couple of weeks
    • Desvantagens
      The smell!!!
    • Impressões gerais

      A-. The only bummer is the smell. Two jars of ONA gel couldn’t handle it even though before 1 was enough for other strains that I was growing. All in all there’s no better strain to grow in moderate climates outdoors! Wouldn’t recommend it for grow boxes though, just because of the smell. Respect to Herbies

  • bit24
    23 Dezembro 2019
    23 Dezembro 2019
    • Vantagens
      The effect
    • Desvantagens
      The smell
    • Impressões gerais

      Grapefruit really is a great strain which I enjoyed a lot! Low-maintenance strain, no problems at all! I kept it in a grow box with 15l of soil under 400W HPS, no trouble! Didn’t go hard on the fertilizers, just used bio a couple of times and that’s it. It didn’t die or even get weaker from high or low temperatures. Very quick, took me 65-70 days from seed to harvest to pick around 2l of buds from it, maybe even more. So happy with it!
      The buds are highly resinous and all covered in crystals
      The main con here must be the smell, which appears during flowering. Even the driy buds still smell a lot, and I think it’s because of the resin. If you open the jar to get a bud from there your room is gonna smell for quite some time! But it’s nothing really
      The effect is quite potent, 10/10/ it boosts your mood, makes you happy and active. It’s suitable for daytime because eyes don’t get red and with it you can do even something that you normally hate. I did the whole day of gardening on it and it’s a huge achievement for me!
      No couchlock unless you overdo
      lasts for 2.5 - 3 hours and the effect gets stronger over time, not instantly.
      One important thing - it really helped me with arthritis!
      I grew it in 2017, gonna try again in 2019
      My verdict - just a wondrous strain, must have!  

  • Kusto
    26 Novembro 2019
    26 Novembro 2019
    • Vantagens
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      Respect to Herbies! The strain is fire! Just like any other from FastBuds

    26 Novembro 2019
    26 Novembro 2019
    • Vantagens
      just great
    • Desvantagens
      not all plants are perfect
    • Impressões gerais

      Herbies, hope you keep doing a great job with seeds from FastBuds with perfect quality and genetics. One thing - one plant is a little deviant. Bonus seeds are lit! Thanks

  • Geode
    16 Novembro 2019
    16 Novembro 2019
    • Vantagens
      My first time growing cannabis, it took a long time to get everything ready for it, but the process was unproblematic. The effects after curing are bomb good. Am I recommending it to others? Yes yes and yes
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais


  • Bubba
    6 Julho 2019
    6 Julho 2019
    • Vantagens
      effects are great as always
    • Desvantagens
      not very strong plant
    • Impressões gerais

      all strains from fastbuds are not resistant towards temp fluctuations or excessive watering. However even the worst mutant of theirs would perform well in terms of quality and quantity! And if you stick to feng shui your mind will be blown and you won’t be able to put it back on. Favorite seed bank!

  • Beekeeper
    4 Julho 2019
    4 Julho 2019
    • Vantagens
      All good if the seeds germinate! Out of 5 only 2 sprouted, that sucks
    • Desvantagens
      No doubt it’s a good strain and all, but my last order wasn’t that successful because only 2 seeds germinated and it’s less than 50%
    • Impressões gerais

      I’ve always used Herbies to get my seeds and everything was always perfect. Pretty upset that I wasn’t as lucky this time. The strain is great anyway, just the bad seeds

  • BY
    7 Junho 2019
    7 Junho 2019
    • Vantagens
      Very strong strain with a hash taste
    • Desvantagens
      Low yields. When I ordered 3 seeds, two of them popped. When I received 3+2 - 0% germination. Might have been old seeds.
    • Impressões gerais

      The strain is awesome!

  • Deadly
    26 Abril 2019
    26 Abril 2019
    • Vantagens
      kicks in good
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      I grew 2 bushes, each produced 20 grams of buds. 2 50W blue and red LED lamps. Vigorous growth and flowering, dense buds. Very few branches, it grows like a stick, so the yields are low ofc. But oh boy isn’t it strong. I have to smoke a blunt in takes. One roll lasted for 7 times once. The effect is about 3 hours long + 2 hours of comedown. Energy is up while the appetite is down, i recommend. Perfect choice for a stealthy indoor, but for the outdoors you could choose something more productive.

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