Sementes Feminizadas de LSD (Barney's Farm)

Barney's Farm


Informações da Cepa LSD

A strain de cannabis LSD da Barney’s Farm é uma híbrida de sucesso (70% Indica / 30% Sativa) com alta resistência a diferentes doenças e pragas. Em termos de qualidade, sua fumaça se destacou como a Melhor Indica no voto popular da High Times Cannabis Cup 2008.


A LSD foi criada pelo cruzamento de Original Skunk #1 e uma Afgani Indica, carregando tudo o que normalmente estaria associado a essas linhagens: crescimento vigoroso, estrutura compacta, período de floração curto e o mais importante, uma chapação pesada, ainda que prazerosa, bem no estilo Indica.

Tempo de Floração

A LSD é uma verdadeira Indica nesse quesito. Após somente 60-65 dias de floração, você encontrará buds completamente amadurecidos, além de enormes, densos e cobertos de resina.


Tanto os jardineiros iniciantes como os growers mais antigos ficarão perfeitamente satisfeitos com as colheitas enormes que estas sementes produzem. Colha até 700g por m² em Indoor e entre 600-750 g por planta no Outdoor.


A LSD guiará você através de sentimentos prazerosos de todos os tipos, dominados por um profundo relaxamento mental e corporal. Seu nome bastante sugestivo se deve a seu perfil único de canabinoides, capazes de fazer com que as pessoas vejam um mundo distorcido por sua imaginação.

Para Relaxar

Nível de THC

25% de THC é um teor que os growers de hoje em dia já estão acostumados. No entanto, para uma strain clássica, é um verdadeiro milagre - neste ponto, a LSD está à frente de seu tempo.

Aroma e Sabor

O perfil de terpenos da LSD é incrivelmente complexo, ainda que balanceado. Seus aromas e sabores são terrosos e almiscarados, mas pungentes e com aromas de Skunk e notas herbais. Além disso, seu sabor residual tem uma carga de castanhas terrosas, com um toque de limão adocicado.

Cepas Doces

Dicas de Cultivo

As plantas da LSD produzem buds densos com muitos tricomas. No cultivo Indoor, as plantas podem chegar a 100 cm, e no Outdoor, a altura varia entre 90 e 100 cm. Os aromas desta strain são bem fortes, então recomendamos que você utilize filtros de carvão - um preço baixo a se pagar pela quantidade e qualidade dessas flores cheias de THC. Aí vão umas boas dicas para começar seu cultivo:

  • Utilize técnicas de ScROG para maximizar o rendimento potencial da LSD
  • Experimente esta planta em Outdoor para experimentar sua incrível resistência
  • Sua ótima resistência a mofo garante colheitas mesmo em climas mais quentes

Sementes de LSD

Disponíveis à venda como sementes feminizadas, a LSD é uma escolha perfeita para growers que têm a produção de buds como sua principal prioridade. Todas as sementes serão fêmeas, e cada uma delas trará muitos gramas de flores impecáveis.

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104 análises
  • Witjah
    28 Junho 2021
    28 Junho 2021
    • Vantagens
      LSD is my favorite Indica strain
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      have grown this strain 5 times. Big buds you want to support for more weight and thick compact buds.
      And don't let your humidity run high at the end of your flowering, or you can get mold
      I«m a Haze connoisseur so I tend to pass on most Indica but LSD has this incredible taste like no other (someting different). It’s definitely my favourite indica strain

  • Fresco
    26 Abril 2021
    26 Abril 2021
    • Vantagens
      The strain is excellent.
    • Desvantagens
      Can cause paranoia
    • Impressões gerais

      I find it ideal for beginners to grow, but not to smoke. I tried a bud,, which had to be cut and which at the time of the harvest was in the bank for about a month. This variety made me feel euphoric for a while, which others did not manage. (This effect was from a very small dose.) Then I tried a little more .. I felt hungry as usual and the rippling effect set in. The indica was replaced by sativa, I wanted to lie down, then take a walk. I went to the store for something tasty and did not want to return home, as it is spring outside, it became warm and I really wanted to take a walk. By the way, I was delighted with how the snow seemed to me, it was dazzling white .. although we have a rather gloomy and gray city. But then she came ... paranoia. It began to seem to me that they found out about my mini garden, and a man was watching me in the car, after a while I forgot about it, but I could not throw this thought out to the end.
      All in all, smoke this strain wisely, it is really powerful stuff.
      At the expense of the volume of the harvest. I'm shocked .. I counted on less than 100 grams, I couldn't even think of 200, but it turned out about 250. True, I still doubt these numbers, because the scales each time show different values, depending on the dishes, in which I measure, once I counted 300 grams .. I did not believe it at all. I am super happy :)

    Fotos de clientes
  • Truro
    6 Abril 2021
    6 Abril 2021
    • Vantagens
      Definitely evening stuff. 5/5 strain
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      LSD by Barney's has been one of the best performing strains I've tried out. Definitely an Indica-dominant hybrid strain through and through - stays relatively small and buds are nice and compact. Can't ask for more, but I really wish I had taken some clones! Just under an ounce from the plant, could have been more if I let her ride out a couple more days but this was what worked best with my timetable. Looking forward to the next one!

  • Funky Skunk
    24 Novembro 2019
    24 Novembro 2019
    • Vantagens
      Potent and hard-kicking strain with sticky and smelly buds.
    • Desvantagens
      One plant was a real dwarf - small and thin with a few buds caked with sticky resin. Very smelly and resinous. The other plant was a giant with 12 long leaves - which is a rare thing (as a rule, there are 7-9 leaves). Insanely potent.
    • Impressões gerais

      I’ve heard that Barney’s Farm put two high-class seeds and one quality seed in a 3-seed pack. I guess it explains why I got a dwarf among giants. I’d like to grow this bud again! If you feed her well, she will impress you with amazing buds and effects.

  • lsd
    11 Novembro 2019
    11 Novembro 2019
    • Vantagens
      Suitable for novice growers.
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      2 seeds out of 3 germinated. I planted them in a 5L pot and kept under 2 HPS lamps 25W for a month and then switched to 400W LEDs. The plants survived low temperatures (-7C) and the heat (39C). When I used HPS lamps they added 7 cm in height but with LEDs they gained 2-4 cm/day. It’s my first grow. I kept them flowering for 1 week, tried once and couldn’t resist!

  • Crazy
    4 Novembro 2019
    4 Novembro 2019
    • Vantagens
      All of the seeds germinated and gave me stable heavy yields at the end
    • Desvantagens
      Pure advantages if you know how to grow it
    • Impressões gerais

      All seeds germinated after 2 days on wet cotton pads. Once they sprouted I planted them in 1,5-2 cm slots. I used a bio soil based on organic slime. After days the seeds sprouted and the seedlings started reaching out towards the sun. The plants slowed down during the first 2 weeks but then they started growing faster with a fat stem and leaves. Doesn’t like high temperatures like 35C or above - top leaves turn yellow and roll up, but if the temperature drops in 5-10C, the plants tend to recover. Urea-based fertilizers helped to strengthen roots and boost up her growth. I’m very satisfied with what I got! Top quality seeds and safe packing. Recommend this strain to everyone!

  • Henry Miller
    3 Outubro 2019
    3 Outubro 2019
    • Vantagens
      The strain makes a potent stone-effect. Although she sometimes can cause a slight boost of energy, she’s ideal for a nighttime consumption on a couch with a movie or something.
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      Very good yield, pleasant aroma and potent effects. The THC level is a bit lower than claimed by the breeder but it’s enough to hit you hard. A very potent strain. Likes organic nutrients!

  • Wizard
    25 Setembro 2019
    25 Setembro 2019
    • Vantagens
      Extremely potent.
    • Desvantagens
      Heavy smell during flowering.
    • Impressões gerais

      She gave me a 3-hours long couch lock. Great for meditation, diving into your inner world and visual trips but definitely not for socializing. An excellent choice for the night time, she gives a nice euphoric effect lasting for 5-6 hours next day. Best strain to boost up your brain. Ideal for a quality time with yourself but there is a risk of being delirious.

  • High Cube
    12 Setembro 2019
    12 Setembro 2019
    • Vantagens
      Just good all over, it's strong, tasty, high yielding... all of it
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      She’s easy to grow and productive. I chopped 470g/bush. Pleasant and pungent aroma, dense and heavy smoke (after 6 months of curing). Potent Indica effect with a boost of creative energy and loss of orientation (sometimes). 2-3 drags is enough for an old-timer to feel her Indica potency.

  • Three A Light
    8 Julho 2019
    8 Julho 2019
    • Vantagens
      - Good germination
      - High yield
      - Easy growing
      - Very potent
      - Likes training
    • Desvantagens
      Can cause paranoia if overdosed.
    • Impressões gerais

      I grew her in a 120x120 tent with 800W LED. She has a very good germination rate, and the plants are robust with Sativa-like leaves although I expected to see the Indica ones. Thrives in coco 900 ppm. Enjoys training like LST and FIMming.
      She takes 120 days from seed to harvest with 40 days of vegetation. The total yield was 650g of high-quality dense flowers from all bushes. Her intense sweet smell with earthy notes is amazing!

  • Skyscraper
    12 Junho 2019
    12 Junho 2019
    • Vantagens
      LSD is an impressive strain! She grows compact with dense and veeeery sticky nugs. Vigorous and fast!
    • Desvantagens
      Needs much space, a bit expensive.
    • Impressões gerais

      Her long-lasting experience makes me long for growing and trying her again

  • Scientist
    17 Maio 2019
    17 Maio 2019
    • Vantagens
    • Desvantagens
      It can cause anxiety dreams sometimes but the strain is good for sleep disorders.
    • Impressões gerais

      Very powerful strain!

  • rastaman
    12 Maio 2019
    12 Maio 2019
    • Vantagens
      this thing hits hard! lsd gives you a mind-bending experience
    • Desvantagens
      none really
    • Impressões gerais

      It’s a bomb! Super potent high and thought-provoking effect! VISUAL EFFECTS - one more thing which I never experience with other strains. They’re mild but still… Do not hesitate trying her out!

  • Grandpa Kevin
    5 Abril 2019
    5 Abril 2019
    • Vantagens
      I grow it mainly for how strong it is and it's worth all the work
    • Desvantagens
      Very dainty lady! picky when it comes to fertilization, use it very moderately
    • Impressões gerais

      Super potent strain! She requires some growing experience to bring a good harvest. I recommend using only organic fertilizers both indoors and outdoors. Some grow her indoor and overdose with chemical nutrients. It’s hard to remove chemical out of soil - only hydro can handle it. Too much chemicals ruin the natural growth of the plant - you’ll never get it right with chemicals. Besides, they affect the taste and potency! So, I prefer only organic nutrients, cow manure in particular. Don’t be afraid to use it even in a high concentration. Check it out! Go organic and you’ll like it! As for the strain herself, I grew her outdoors and used organic soil and nutrients. She grew 3m tall and hits hards!

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