Peyote Cookies (Barney's Farm)

Barney's Farm


Informações da Strain Peyote Cookies

Para começar, a Peyote Cookies tem um sabor a goiaba, baunilha e café que parece realmente ter saído de uma brisa de peyote. Ela é uma strain feminizada de cannabis de fotoperíodo, criada pela Barneys Farm - um dos Breeders de melhor avaliação do mercado. Esta híbrida de dominância indica é o resultado do cruzamento de duas strains incrivelmente poderosas: a Peyote Purple - uma bela indica com um efeito intenso, quase psicodélico - e a Cookies Kush, outra criação da Barneys Farm, essa sim com um sabor indiscutivelmente incrível.

Para Relaxar

Adequada para todos os growers

O cultivo das sementes de Peyote Cookies é muito simples. Sua linhagem genética de dominância indica faz com que ela seja naturalmente mais baixa, porém robusta e bem arbustiva, o que, com um pouco de treinamento, torna essa strain ideal para o cultivo indoor (de interior). Além de seu tamanho gerenciável, a Peyote Cookies completa seu ciclo de floração após 55-65 dias no interior de estufas e em meados de outubro para cultivadores que preferem o exterior de casa (o chamado cultivo Outdoor). A produção para esta strain em indoor é de 550-600 g/m², enquanto os cultivadores de outdoor podem esperar colher até 750 g por planta! O fato de ser resistente e fácil e cultivar - mesmo ao ar livre, juntamente com um conjunto fantástico de atributos, a torna adequada para growers de todos os níveis de habilidade.

Aqui estão mais algumas informações para ajudá-lo a cultivar esta strain - que já é fácil de cultivar naturalmente:

  • Altura média - A Peyote Cookies atinge uma altura final de 90-100 cm.
  • EC máximo de água - 1,6 na vega, até 2,0 na floração.
  • PH da água: 5,8 - 6,0.
  • Iluminação recomendada: Vega: 300 W CFL, Flora: 600 W LED.
  • Nutrientes recomendados: Orga Grow Holland Organic Nutrients For Marijuana Plants.
  • Ela é muito resistente ao mofo e aos fungos, mas mantenha a umidade baixa na floração para evitar esses problemas

Um excelente sabor

Essa é uma strain baixa em CBD, mas alta em THC e é uma variedade que tem sabores que vão deste notas de baunilha até algo que lembra a goiaba e algo de um sabor terroso - isso que é uma seleção bem feita! Principalmente após a colheita, você irá produzir uma máquina de resina doce e forte, com um tempo de floração que pode ser tão rápido quanto 55 dias (em setembro para outdoor)! E o melhor? Ela não vai crescer muito alta.


Além de seu aroma pungente e sabor suave, a Peyote Cookies tem um intenso efeito bem típico das indicas - relaxante e duradouro, que te deixa colado no sofá. Contendo até 21% de THC, a Peyote Cookies é adequada para usuários medicinais, pois pode ajudar a aliviar os sintomas de ansiedade, estresse e dor crônica.

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11 análises
  • sammy
    1 Agosto 2021
    1 Agosto 2021
    • Vantagens
      solid strain, would highly recommend
    • Desvantagens
      Didn’t notice any
    • Impressões gerais

      I’m in love!! At 25+ percent THC I knew it’d be a great night time strain but had to try it during the day when I got it. I swear after trying over 30 strains throughout the past year tweaking my pain relief I’ve never found anything quite like peyote cookies. I felt like I was back in the 80’s giggling like a fool LOL!! It is by far the best pain relief with an added sativa twist into giggleland to start your ‘treatment’ off right. At least a three hour trip of bliss. Great for anytime as long as you stay home 🤤😜 lol Don’t hesitate to try it, I’m so glad I did!!
      Peyote Cookies Weed Strain Effects & Reviews | Leafly

  • mary
    14 Julho 2021
    14 Julho 2021
    • Vantagens
      All-time favorite sleepytime strain
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      Easy easy indoor grow in 30 gallon cloth pot under leds. Covered in resin, and smells great. Smooth smoke and takes great. Good yield, not great, but will be growing again definitely. Feels relaxed and happy, too much puts me to sleep.
      Peyote Cookies Weed Strain Effects & Reviews | Leafly

  • relax
    23 Março 2021
    23 Março 2021
    • Vantagens
      Made me feel relaxed
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      If you are looking for something that just simply relaxes you, this is the indica strain for you. Couch lock, mellow, smooth, long-lasting, chill...I need to be careful with any strain (sativa holy shit keep it away from me), even some indicas. Not a bit of paranoia or anything of the sort so you are good to go.

  • jonkofied
    17 Junho 2020
    17 Junho 2020
    • Vantagens
      My fav strain
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      This strain is another new favorite of mine, not huge plants but the nuggets are nice purple, dense, packed with thc, very smelly. The taste is sweet, berry like very strong high, uplifting, very good for medical use.

  • biggreens420
    3 Junho 2020
    3 Junho 2020
    • Vantagens
      Easy to grow
      Top quality buds
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      This is one of my favorites so far she’s got speed in flower, juicy dense purple and silver buds, a nice smooth earthy fruity taste like cookies with a juicy hint and a great smoke both head and body in my opinion it relaxes you a lot, but doesn’t stop you completely from doing anything it relaxes you as you do them and your mind just drifts a little it also makes me hungry not necessarily munchies but hungry would recommend to all as it’s easy to grow and I got top quality buds.
      smoke 10/10
      high 9/10
      taste 9/10
      growth 10/10
      yield 8/10
      This girl is easy to grow. It’s a fast flowering strain and the finished product is top quality she likes nutes topping and training and I would recommend her to everyone. Enjoy!

  • ShowsWorld
    28 Maio 2020
    28 Maio 2020
    • Vantagens
      Stable genetics
      A great strain
    • Desvantagens
      Can cause dry eyes
    • Impressões gerais

      Very dense buds. Beautiful strain. Overall, I am very satisfied with this strain. Very strong and stable genetics I highly recommend this strain to experienced growers as well as newbies. Very easy to grow and it’s a great smoke.

  • Eauderay
    22 Abril 2020
    22 Abril 2020
    • Vantagens
      Made me happy, relaxed and sleepy
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      This strain is one of my favorites, she is coated with trichomes and some leaves and buds turns purple at harvest time, I could have waited a little more but I needed space for others so harvested when trichomes were milky. Her buds are compact and sticky.
      Very strong earthy smell and effects after smoking are also lol, this one is for nighttime or whenever I need a downer!

  • TheBeavers
    16 Abril 2020
    16 Abril 2020
    • Vantagens
      I’m satisfied with this beauty 👌
      Easy to grow
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      This genetics is great, super healthy growth, fast flowering, amazing colours n the most particular combination of aromas we ever had!
      The scissors hash was really pungent n gave an incredibly clear high! 👌
      High still very clear n strong, great both for day and night time!!! Buds are dense with a perfect calyx/leaf ratio and full of trichomes, frosty! 👽
      The taste is a pleasant mix of fruity aromas and kush scents! 😻👊

  • FlavoursUk
    13 Abril 2020
    13 Abril 2020
    • Vantagens
      Easy to grow
      Top quality strain
    • Desvantagens
      Can cause dry mouth
    • Impressões gerais

      Great grow, great strain and a nice harvest. Only difference I would make is having more space and light for her as I had quite a few strains running along side her. Many thanks to Herbies Head Shop! Thanks for the opportunity to grow her. Quality strain and even better pheno. Would grow this strain again for sure.

  • organically
    24 Março 2020
    24 Março 2020
    • Vantagens
      Overall, a good grow.
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      this strain is AWESOME! Very, very tasty.
      it smells almost indescribable – it smells sweet with hints of coffee. Love it!
      cool effects like a high in stages - smooth but then hitting hard!
      easy to grow, good yields,
      she's a wonderful plant, too!
      one of my new fav strains! 😍

  • JamesBond777
    13 Março 2020
    13 Março 2020
    • Vantagens
      Worth trying
      Ideal for daytime use.
    • Desvantagens
      Can cause dry mouth
    • Impressões gerais

      Great strain. It was an absolute pleasure to grow this beauty! The smoke is nice, the buds are so dense! Overall, I am happy.

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