Satori regular (Mandala Seeds)

Mandala Seeds


Satori:   Alta incrível para buscas criativas

As propriedades poderosas e estimulantes do Satori se instalaram rapidamente. Seus efeitos intoxicantes são recomendados para fumantes experientes, com cabeça alta que estimula a criatividade e é perfeito para quem gosta de atividades artísticas. Satori é conhecido por aliviar o estresse, ansiedade e depressão, e é considerado benéfico para uma ampla gama de condições médicas. Ele produz uma forte sensação de euforia e é ótimo para uso durante o dia, quando você quiser fazer as coisas.

Para Transar

Mel e sabores de equipe para satisfazer seus sentidos

O cheiro doce de mel do Satori e o sabor um tanto picante e frutado são uma indulgência para os sentidos. Ele oferece um sabor fortemente picante que permanece no paladar, oferecendo suaves notas terrosas de sabor doce e fresco. Seu perfil de terpeno de alto mirceno, cariofileno e linalol confere ao seu aroma e sabor distintos.


Satori: crescimento sem estresse com excelentes rendimentos

Quem procura uma safra de cannabis fácil de cultivar vai encontrá-la com esta lendária variedade de cannabis. Este híbrido Sativa-dominante de alto desempenho é uma ótima escolha para o jardim de qualquer pessoa, independentemente de sua experiência no cultivo de cannabis.

  • Resiliência notável a insetos e outras pragas de jardim.
  • Fica ralo, permitindo que várias plantas sejam plantadas juntas em fileiras estreitas.
  • SOG é recomendado para maximizar os níveis de colheita.
  • Normalmente não requer nutrientes quando plantado em solo de alta qualidade e tamanho de vaso adequado.
  • Em cultivos hidropônicos, os níveis de CE devem ser mantidos baixos.
  • Recomenda-se que os cultivadores internos usem lâmpadas HPS de 400-600W por metro quadrado.
  • Produz botões verdes leves e pesados com cristais extremamente resinosos.
  • Colheita dentro de 9 a 10 semanas após o início da fase de floração.
  • Os cultivadores externos podem esperar 850-1200g por planta, enquanto os cultivadores internos podem esperar 550-600g por metro quadrado.

Apresentando um novo grupo de sativas de alto desempenho

Mandala Seeds passou anos aperfeiçoando Satori, inicialmente introduzindo esta “nova geração de sativa” em 2005. É parte de uma coleção de cepas raras de raças nativas da coleção Mandala de genética nepalesa. Satori foi criado para tornar mais fácil o cultivo de sativa em ambientes fechados e hidropônicos. Segundo Mandala, o Satori é um projeto em andamento onde as sementes são continuamente testadas para atualizar ou renovar sua linhagem genética atual.

Satori regular (Mandala Seeds) coleções relacionadas

Este produto está esgotado
Tamanho do pacote :
10 sementes
12 análises
  • Bong Appetit Baby
    16 Dezembro 2019
    16 Dezembro 2019
    • Vantagens
      harvests are always good
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      Here are your pics, herbies. Satori, 102 days old clones. The clones rooted well and grew some nice buds. Each is always at least 100g. 

  • Groweroo
    4 Dezembro 2019
    4 Dezembro 2019
    • Vantagens
      the high
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      Super strain, even though it’s hard to impress me! 2 bowls and you’re out for 3-4 hours, so easy to green out.I had a couple friends at mine, one of them got all sweaty and the other one kept asking when it will let go because he was unable to go home like this. Its productivity left me really happy, out of 10 seeds 2 didn’t germinate. Anyway, huge yields 10/10 to this strain, strongly recommended

  • Mana
    26 Novembro 2019
    26 Novembro 2019
    • Vantagens
      doesn't need much attention yet gives a good harvest
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      Awesome strain! It always hits and it always hits good! for 4 hours straight. It grows vigorously, good for beginners. My score is 5/5! Try it

  • pppottt
    18 Novembro 2019
    18 Novembro 2019
    • Vantagens
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      We’re halfway through! Everything is going as planned. Peace!

    17 Novembro 2019
    17 Novembro 2019
    • Vantagens
      strong smoke and high yields
    • Desvantagens
      nothing so far
    • Impressões gerais

      Very nice herb! Effects are ranging, makes you wanna listen to music, eat, watch somethin, go for a walk… It’s pest and disease resistant, very good yields! 10 out of 10 germinated with only two boy seeds

  • indigo
    12 Novembro 2019
    12 Novembro 2019
    • Vantagens
      good yield and strong effects
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      Cool strain, seeds are top quality, all of them germinated and each of them was fem! I was happy with the yield and even happier with the effects! Smooth euphoric feel that makes you want to create. Music becomes mind-blowing

  • Lucky 550
    15 Outubro 2019
    15 Outubro 2019
    • Vantagens
      - High-yielding;
      - Dense buds;
      - Resilient;
      - Strong and long-lasting effect
      - High quality of seeds
    • Desvantagens
      - long flowering
    • Impressões gerais

      Well, Satori! Mandala Seeds has created a great strain with top yields and nice dense buds! Resistant towards 40+ temps during both veg and early flowering.The smell is there only if you plant more than one seed and only starting from week 3-4. The effects are long lasting, easily keep you high for  3-4 hours. Some tolerance might appear but it’s pretty slow. Out of 10 seeds only one didn’t germinate so it gives us 90% germination, which is great, 4 out of 9 were girls. In my own experience, flowering that is shorter than 10 weeks takes out 10-15% from your harvest. On week 10 I'd suggest putting it on a 24/12 cycle for one more week and you’ll get +10-15% bonus to your harvest 
      Remember, these plants always gain the most during the last 2-3 weeks of flowering!

  • Psycho
    14 Outubro 2019
    14 Outubro 2019
    • Vantagens
      Lots of buds!
    • Desvantagens
      I've got only one girl
    • Impressões gerais

      Unfortunately, Mandala doesn’t produce feminized Satori and I want those so bad! out of 10 seeds that I got 8 germinated and 7 were boys, lucky me! But that one girl was amazing, the best ever! After curing it amused me even more. Enormous yields. A+!

  • Push
    2 Setembro 2019
    2 Setembro 2019
    • Vantagens
      one of the best strains if you can deal with it
    • Desvantagens
      very tall
    • Impressões gerais

      Germination rate 100%, but I killed 2 myself by just loving them too hard I guess. I was growing it in my 3 m wide and 2 m tall greenhouse alongside tomatoes and cucumbers. All of the nutrients I used were the same organics and minerals that I used for the other plants in the greenhouse. However, it won’t stop growing! They’re 0,5m tall already and I’m trying to bend it but i’m already sure that it’ll be taller than 2m. Extremely vigorous growth both upwards and sideways.I’m happy with this strain but if you’re considering growing it in a greenhouse, keep in mind that this big lady needs a separate greenhouse of her own! I’m harvesting it not earlier than november/december.

  • silly
    21 Maio 2019
    21 Maio 2019
    • Vantagens
    • Desvantagens
      nothing so far
    • Impressões gerais

      Great great strain! It’s been through so much, +50C heat, lamp heat burns, overfertilization and it survived and thrived no matter! Awesome quality and effects. Makes you hungry and talkative, very creative, you could write poems on it. Lasts for 3 - 4 hours coming and going gradually. Loved ordering at Herbies. A+

  • EnergyKick
    16 Maio 2019
    16 Maio 2019
    • Vantagens
      a lot!
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      Love this shop, not my first order for seeds here. Nice strain, grows vigorously, didn’t have any problems with it. Out of 10 seeds 7 were boys, that’s weird, happening to me first time.Another curious thing, growing in the same conditions plants were still looking different but the flowers were all the same shape and size. Potent yet smooth in action.

  • Shadow
    9 Abril 2019
    9 Abril 2019
    • Vantagens
      Easy to keep. Grows nicely without extra effort
    • Desvantagens
      None yet
    • Impressões gerais

      When I was growing this strain for the first time I was a goofy beginner. Now that I know more about growing I decided to try Satori again. Real vigorous strain, indeed. It grows fast and gains a lot of mass during flowering. It’s sativa genes coming through. It’s still too early to talk about the effect, but judging from my previous experience, it’s decent. Very uplifting, and energizing. INexperienced folks might green out though. 

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