Sementes Feminizadas de Strawberry Lemonade (Barney's Farm)

Barney's Farm


Informações sobre a cepa Strawberry Lemonade

Uma híbrida com dominância de 60% Sativa, esta strain é provavelmente a maior e mais alta do catálogo da Barney’s Farm, com rendimentos igualmente altos para combinar com sua altura e tamanho geral, especialmente em ambientes outdoor. Trata-se de uma strain bastante potente, com sabor encorpado e delicioso.


A Strawberry Lemonade, da Barney's Farm, foi criada tendo sabores e potência em mente, então os seus criadores escolheram como pais fenótipos da Strawberry e da Lemon OG com aroma e potência elevados. Essas saborosas influências aparecem em cada trago que você dá.

Tempo de Floração

A maioria das plantas estará pronta em 9 a 10 semanas em ambientes Indoor, e em meados do outono no caso de climas ensolarados e quentes em ambientes outdoor.


Se você der espaço e tempo para essa planta vegetar adequadamente, a Strawberry Lemonade trará altas recompensas, com rendimentos mais que abundantes de até 2,5 kg por planta em outdoor. As colheitas em Indoor são igualmente notáveis, com até 700 g/m² com luzes HDI de 600-1000W.


Os efeitos da Strawberry Lemonade são energéticos e animadores, deixando você concentrado, calmo e feliz - um grande remédio para tratar o estresse, ansiedade, glaucoma e náuseas.

Para Animar
Para Focar

Nível de THC e CBD

Se cultivadas corretamente, estas genéticas são capazes de produzir até 24% de THC, bem como um respeitável teor de 0,8% de CBD para suavizar sua enorme potência.

Aroma e Sabor

Cheios de terpenos, seus buds têm um sabor doce semelhante ao de limonada de morango, como seu nome em inglês já diz, com subtons puxados para o Skunk. Seus aromas são doces, limonados e lembram morango, com notas terrosas e de haxixe.


Dicas de cultivo

Esta é uma strain que requer um pouco mais de cuidado do que o normal, mas seus rendimentos valem todo o esforço. Os buds tendem a ser alongados, mas nem um pouco fofos, e totalmente cobertos com muita resina, repleta de tricomas no momento da colheita. Devido à sua grande estatura e características de crescimento rápido, pode não ser a melhor strain para os growers iniciantes, mas aqueles que dedicarem tempo e esforço serão recompensados com uma colheita gigante.

  • Use várias técnicas de manejo da copa para segurar o desenvolvimento vertical da planta.
  • Planeje um período vegetativo mais curto ao cultivar esta strain em espaços mais apertados.
  • Plante-a no início da primavera e cultive-a várias vezes para um rendimento gigante em outdoor.

Sementes de Strawberry Lemonade

Uma das maiores e mais produtivas strains híbridas com predominância Sativa por aí, esta strain inovadora está disponível online apenas na forma de sementes feminizadas - a opção perfeita tanto para iniciantes quanto para profissionais.

delivery Envio: a partir de 15 dias
13 análises
  • slowing
    4 Setembro 2023
    4 Setembro 2023
    • Vantagens
      Estou muito surpreso com o rendimento. O cheiro é muito doce e bom
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      Acho que é uma planta muito forte. Além de uma mudança de casa e algum pequeno erro, ela não teve nenhum problema específico (bug, folhas, etc.). Tive alguma deficiência de nutrientes porque também mudei durante a floração a marca dos fertilizantes. Também acho que deveria começar a adicionar mais água na 4,5ª semana de floração (1 litro em parcela de 12 litros provavelmente não é suficiente para chegar ao fundo do solo).

  • HyperFST
    28 Dezembro 2021
    28 Dezembro 2021
    • Vantagens
      BONITOS BudsGrande estruturaForte PotênciaSabor incrívelSabor é imaculado O efeito é um dos melhores que já provei
    • Desvantagens
      Eu não posso dizer que tenho nenhum
    • Impressões gerais

      Espantado. Absolutamente pasmo. Basta olhar para eles 🥰🤩

    Fotos de clientes
    28 Dezembro 2021
    Olá HyperFST, É ótimo saber sobre seu sucesso com esta variedade, elas ficam ótimas nas fotos
    Respeitosamente, Herbies Seeds
  • Trichome_threshold
    30 Junho 2021
    30 Junho 2021
    • Vantagens
      This strain is absolutely easy to grow and have a huge yield potential. I got 2 phenotypes with very different smell. The first Phenotype have a very hazy smell and the second one have a very sweet fruity berry smell with hints of OG.
      The effect is defenitly sativa dominant and i would discribe it as uplifting and energetic.
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      Oh my god what a yield. 💪😊
      It was totally 656g of dry buds and 15g iceolator hash. I definitely have enough weed until the next harvest. I'm very happy with the outcome, especially because it's the first time i was using the Autopot System. I made some small mistakes and see already some things i can improve at the next run. 😋
      The root development was much stronger than with the fabric pots and as we all know: More roots = more fruits. 😜
      The combination of the FLOrganics fertilizer with the Biotabs products worked very well and i will use it this way again. 👌
      The Sanlight Q4W proved one more time to be an outstanding grow light and the Flex20s did a great job on the lower area. There are absolutely no Popcorn Buds. 👏
      Last but not least the California Lightworks UV-B lights smashed it again. It's insane to see how the trichomes went into overdrive already after the first days of use. The UV-B lights have together just 50W and running for maximum 4 hours per day, but the impact is realy strong. Highly recommended if you can get your hands on it ! 👊

    Fotos de clientes
  • bobtheblob
    11 Fevereiro 2021
    11 Fevereiro 2021
    • Vantagens
      A beast that surprised me a lot - yield is massive and the growing is easy, strawberry tones changed to more mango-like after harvest. This pheno also gave me lots of black and purple hues.
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      I’m super happy! Popped another one and will try to get more out of it. My lady was super sweet and full of tropical aromas, though while growing it was pure strawberry

    Fotos de clientes
  • MELs_Garden
    31 Dezembro 2020
    31 Dezembro 2020
    • Vantagens
      This is one of my favorite strains.
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      The flavor is incredible, the buds are fleshy and they spread very well. The smell is fruity and with a touch of lemon, exactly what it tastes like when smoked. The effect is the best of all. Hit hard ... you get a rush after hitting the first puffs and after a few minutes the laughter begins. Every time I smoked one with my partner at night we ended up crying with laughter at any nonsense. After the rise leaves you very calm. Perfect for both day and night but preferably for daytime smoking.

  • MrGr3en
    17 Junho 2020
    17 Junho 2020
    • Vantagens
      Easy to grow
      Rock-hard buds
      It’s a perfect strain for daytime use.
      Tastes like strawberries with hints of Fanta👌.
      Very tasty strain.
      One of my favorites at the moment.
    • Desvantagens
      Can cause dry mouth
    • Impressões gerais

      It smells like strawberry fanta and tastes like that.
      One two hits from this strain and you feel a clear effect.
      After two hits, you can also chill out or sleep well.
      My favorite strain at the moment.
      I highly recommend this strain to everyone.
      💪 👌 😁

  • GrowFanatic
    14 Junho 2020
    14 Junho 2020
    • Vantagens
      Very easy to grow
      Super potent strain
    • Desvantagens
      Can cause paranoia
      Strong smell
    • Impressões gerais

      Not picky. The smell is super strong! The plant didn't get as big as I thought but that could have been me. I will grow her again for sure.

  • Wachsemilian
    20 Maio 2020
    20 Maio 2020
    • Vantagens
      This stuff is wonderful! First you become very high and then slowly turning into medium to strong stoned/couchlock ...The aroma and taste is mild, sweet and slightly fruity😍 i love this strain.
    • Desvantagens
      Can cause dry eyes
    • Impressões gerais

      The Grow:
      The plants didn´t make any problems all around their Life cycle..
      ATTENTION: these girls are VERY hungry ...They can take up to Ec 1.7 with ease... (well that is a lot for me😅)
      the plants get huge fast and stretch extremely when the light is switched to 12/12..
      THE SMELL: This Strain Smells like berries with hints of pine.
      I am in love 😍
      The yield: is very impressive almost 600 gram of dried buds in 0.6 squaremetres… very impressive😎
      The Bud structure: The Buds are rock-hard even if they look like a "Sativa Bud".
      A shitload of trichomes and the resin production is of the hook as you can see on the pics
      I can recommend this to everyone who like a really good smoke .This stuff is one of my new favorites.

  • Federikush
    8 Maio 2020
    8 Maio 2020
    • Vantagens
      Made me creative, relaxed and uplifted
    • Desvantagens
      Low resistance to spider mites.
    • Impressões gerais

      PHENO #1 the tallest one, mostly sativa, very strong skunk smell, with some sweet and lemony tones, but very pungent. May be this one should have been at least 1 to 2 more weeks , but I travel in a couple of days so I had no option. I found more spider mites on this pheno than in the other plants.
      PHENO #2 medium height, lots of pistils, low sweet smell, I haven’t found so many spider mites on this particular pheno.
      PHENO #3 (my favourite) the most short indica pheno, STRONG LEMONY smell and taste (I dried some lower buds from this one and the smoke is lemony from start till the end).

  • PaZePremiums
    21 Abril 2020
    21 Abril 2020
    • Vantagens
      What a wonderful sativa! Since being a 60 % sativa 40% indica there’s a bit of both feels. I personally feel like it is a manageable sativa high (No paranoia or anxiety). Specifically makes me wanna talk more and happily crank through all of my growing work! Very uplifting with the Indica making it not be too overwhelming. Incredibly smooth smoke/vape, ash seems to be grayish/white. Overall, this is my favorite sativa I’ve ever grown due to never feeling overwhelmed by the high even for a veteran! If you've got a room of these girls you will certainly be rewarded greatly! Hope i was able to help others grow strawberry lemonade!
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      Overall grow was very good! It reached around 55" probably would have been more if i wouldn’t have bent the main stalk! Colas very long and outstretched whilst holding greatly dense sativa buds that are very heavy and loaded with trichomes! Overall 9/10 would absolutely grow this again!

  • Buddeegrowers
    17 Abril 2020
    17 Abril 2020
    • Vantagens
      Made me creative, energetic and giggly.
      Daytime smoke! Lovely and smooth.
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      Always gives me giggles! Not a massive yield but quality is great. Leaning more to the lemon side def would grow it again and give it some training for better yield. Quality over quantity! 🔥

  • NuggetPawn
    10 Abril 2020
    10 Abril 2020
    • Vantagens
      Resistant to mold
    • Desvantagens
      Can cause insomnia
    • Impressões gerais

      The Stretch & Overall Grow:
      She grew from 14 inches to 48 inches in 2 weeks from flip day. So yeah, quite a stretch.
      One thing to note is, during flower, I didn't have a very good dehumidifier, for 3 weeks I was consistently running 70-100% RH in the tent (I had no choice at the time) and I didn't get a single mold or PM issue. Maybe I was lucky, but thought it was worth mentioning for sure!
      When she was chopped:
      I chopped her when the tops were slightly dark amber, cloudy and opaque
      Most importantly, THE HIGH:
      She is an energetic high, me and some friends started smoking at 8pm and managed to stay up until 3/4am. She keeps you up without being to overbearing. Was great for jokes and giggles. Smoked approx 1.5g between 3 of us, was more than enough. No headaches to report the morning after. Not one to smoke if you want to go to sleep anytime soon, although tbh, we’ve never tried.

  • CCgrow
    25 Março 2020
    25 Março 2020
    • Vantagens
      A must have strain!
      Recommended nutrients: Botanicare Rhizo Blast
    • Desvantagens
      Can cause dry mouth
    • Impressões gerais

      Outstanding cannabis, I love the terpene profiles of this strain - a must grow strain.
      Amazing strain but not for beginners. She is a hungry beast and once you understand how much trichomes production occurs with the strain your feeding schedule needs to be on point to follow the plant's regime. Once I had all those things dialed down the bud quality speaks for itself. To date this is my new favorite strain leaving you with a calm, extremely happy and energetic feeling. Great for daytime and for a productive day. Many thanks to Herbies!

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