10 for 10 on germination
6 hours ago
Chris long
I just ordered a few seeds, Auto flowering seeds. I've been growing outside for the past two years. But this year being legal in Ohio everyone thinks they can throw seeds in the ground and grow like it's a vegetable. My plant this year turned into a hermaphrodite and full of seeds. So I ordered the seeds from Herbie seed my first time and I'm gonna try growing indoors over the winter. I chose the auto flowering seeds cuz I want to see if they really do have a life cycle of 30-60 days. I'm counting on BIG BUDS and Christmas buds. I'll post pictures of how I do. Hopefully they'll be as great as the pictures look. Thanks for your company being there for us enthusiasts of great looking buds
10 hours ago
There customer service and communication is second to none. I have always found their service reliable and very timely.The representatives I have dealt with have always been helpful and polite, an excellent company to deal with.Payment issues have been difficult at times, the company has provided videos to explain alternative payment methods and eventually the issue has been resolved.Grew a plant last year for the first time in 40 years. Their help and articles were exceptional leading to a plant that was also exceptional.
10 hours ago
Thanks guys for your help as my seeds never made it and you replaced them for me 👍!...Great customer service!...
14 hours ago
Great customer service and always great seeds purchased through PayPal this time and the seeds were here within 2 weeks
22 hours ago
Service price and delivery is very good 👍🏿
22 hours ago
All the seeds never generated. What a waste. It's been 14 days and this what they look like. Used there directions and nothing.
23 hours ago
Maryjane Bunker
Half of my seeds either didn't pop or died before roots established in rooter. I paid $15 for one seed and was really looking forward to trying the Blackberry Moon Rock Only to have it die in the rooter. I'm out .Moving to a company that has a viable product
23 hours ago
I've been using Herbies for a couple of years now every seed I've gotten has germinated an they have good varieties I have no complaints thanks Herbies
1 day ago
Great online customer service for us older folks thanks amber
1 day ago
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Planting Germinated Cannabis Seeds The Right Way

Last updated: 14 April 2021

how to plant germinated weed seeds

Planting germinated cannabis seeds means making them crack and show the taproot between paper towels or in a similar setup, and then gently transferring them into the medium. Knowing your seeds are viable and alive gives you the peace of mind to patiently wait for the sprouts.

It’s possible to plant pot seeds the way nature intended: straight into the medium. However, planting germinated cannabis seeds is the method least taxing to your nerves and that gives you maximum control.

Planting Germinated Cannabis Seeds: Why And When?

For experienced growers, germinating marijuana seeds is something done almost on cruise control. However, first-timers may find this a nerve-wracking ordeal. They start to panic and make all kinds of mistakes. Nonetheless, germinating cannabis seeds before planting them has its benefits.

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Why Germinate Seeds Before Planting Them?

Planting marijuana seeds after germination, not before it, is the least traumatic germination method not only for the grower, but also for the plant. When the seed is awakening, the conditions should be just right. Otherwise, you can run into problems:

  • The medium can be made too moist, and this can lead to damping off and similar issues.
  • After a couple of days, the soil begins to dry out, starting from the surface. If the seed hasn’t cracked by this time, it won’t crack at all due to the lack of moisture.
  • If you plant the seed too deep, it can suffocate, especially if the soil is soaked with water.
  • Some seeds take longer to sprout. Inexperienced growers lose their patience and begin to excavate, damaging the seed in the process.

Because of all this, it’s always safer to germinate your seeds first and then put them in the ground.

best soil for growingREAD NOW

When To Plant Germinated Marijuana Seeds

Suppose you’ve placed weed seeds between moist paper towels. The seeds may crack and show taproots after only 12 hours, but this usually takes longer – typically, a day or two.

You don’t have to rush and plant them as soon as you see that your seeds are alive and well. Provide a few extra hours for the taproot to become a bit longer – a half-inch (about 1cm) is okay, although more than an inch (2.5cm) is too much and should be avoided.

Planting germinated weed seeds

When to plant germinated cannabis seeds

Planting Germinated Cannabis Seeds Step By Step

The whole process is actually very straightforward, quick, and seamless, but for your convenience, we’ve broken it down into separate steps.

  1. Take an opaque solo cup and fill it with potting soil.
  2. Water it, but not too much. Make the soil moist, without making it wet through. The water should be drinking quality, left to de-gas for at least 24 hours, and have a pH between 6.0 and 6.5. DON’T ADD ANY NUTRIENTS JUST YET! Nutrient-rich soils are actually damaging to young sprouts. If you absolutely insist on using something, let it be some innocuous organic product such as Endoboost Hydro or Superthrive, but definitely nothing stronger.
  3. Take a pencil and make a hole in the soil big enough for the seed and its taproot.
  4. Gently put the seed in the hole with the root pointing downward. Use tweezers, making sure not to touch the root or damage it in any way.
  5. Cover everything with a bit of soil.
  6. Now spray some water on top or gently pour just one teaspoon of water. This will make the soil settle around the seed and its root.

That’s it. You now know how to plant germinated weed seeds.

What To Do Next

The seed will soon be up, shed its outer shell, and grow first the cotyledons and then the true leaves. At the same time, the seedling will develop its root structure, which will soon fill the whole medium and reach the bottom and the sides of the solo cup. Depending on its size, this could take 1 or 2 weeks. By then, the seedling will be strong enough for you to transplant it into a bigger container or plant it outside.

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How deep should I plant seeds after they’ve germinated out of their shell?

Some people leave the ‘helmet head’ stick just above the surface, while others completely cover the seed with a bit of soil. It’s up to you, really. However, try not to place the seed deeper than half an inch (1cm) under the surface.

How can I plant germinated cannabis seeds with long taproots?

If the taproot is long and winding, make the hole deep and wide enough that the root fits without bending. Then fill the hole with soil and water a little, so that the soil settles and isn’t too loose around the root.

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Can I use distilled water. My tap water is horrible
Should germinated seed in pot be left in dark or light to sprout?
Hello Patrick! Pots should indeed be under light, otherwise seeds won't just sprout
Hush puppy
I have big hands and big fingers when I tried to take the germinated seeds out of the water They stick to my fingers. So I should just use tweezers?
Same problem...i put mine first in a white wet towel and the i take it from there with the tweezers!!
Hello! Using tweezers is indeed a wise decision as it's not only convenient, but a sterile way
seth from virginia
I recommend planting by hand not tweezers as the seeds will pop out of the tweezers as it just did for me and you will lose your seed
The Devil
One question if any of y'all can answer; is there a way to identify male/female plants once they've begun growing or is it only possible to tell once they begin flowering?
Cale Holder
If you veg the plant for long enough it will show its sex within the pre flowers . Occasionally it’s hard to tell with the pre flower but I’d say 95 % accuracy this way . Other than that you can usually tell for sure about 6-9’days into flower . I don’t think I have ever mis diagnosed with preflower but I have questioned it before that’s for sure .
I wish i knew!! So frustrating
Hello,There are actually a couple of ways to tell male and female plants apart. For example, the difference in stalks; it is thought that male plants have thicker stalks, as they are usually taller than female ones. Anothey way is to look at leaves; female plants are believed to have more of them. With that being said, we must say such methods aren't always applicable and might lead one astray, so after all it's better to wait for them to begin flowering
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