Morning Glory (Barney's Farm)

Barney's Farm


Bom para iniciantes, excelente para produtores experientes

Morning Glory é um cruzamento triplo entre as raças locais afegãs e havaianas com a Skunk # 1. Esta poderosa mistura genética aproveitou as melhores qualidades de seus pais para se tornar um híbrido de floração rápida dominante Sativa com fortes resistências, adequado para cultivadores inexperientes e todas as configurações.

Sempre que você cruzar linhagens tradicionais, obterá uma planta forte e resiliente que não requer muitos cuidados e manuseio. Ao adicionar a genética da Skunk # 1 à mistura, a Barney's Farm criou esta pequena joia de uma variedade. Ela é uma linhagem dominante de 60% Sativa, atingindo 100 cm em ambientes internos e 90-100 cm em ambientes externos. Também vai crescer muitos ramos laterais que, à medida que a colheita se aproxima, começam a desenvolver botões longos, densos e úmidos. Ela terminará a floração após 8-9 semanas - ou em meados de outubro ao ar livre - e produzirá 550g / m 2 ou até 450g / planta.

  • Nutrientes recomendados: BioBuzz, Atami, Oregon's Only, Terpinator, Superthrive.
  • Técnicas recomendadas: LST e cobertura irão melhorar os rendimentos.
  • Iluminação: responde bem à iluminação LED 300W durante a vegetação, aumentando para LED 1000W assim que a floração começa.
  • Normalmente, testa a 15-20% de THC com <1% de CBD.

Morning Glory: uma maneira estimulante de começar o dia

Os efeitos tendem para sua influência Sativa, sendo edificante, enérgico, social e falante. A sensação é cerebral no início, mudando para uma agradável sensação de zumbido corporal. Os sabores são suaves, frescos e florais, lembrando frutas da floresta, enquanto os aromas são fortes, pungentes e picantes com tons terrosos e skunk.

Esta cepa está fora de produção

Infelizmente, sua produção foi suspensa, mas escolhemos algumas sementes muito parecidas para você - dê uma olhada.

8 análises
  • Skunk_Life85
    2 Março 2020
    2 Março 2020
    • Vantagens
      Ok, so she smells close to trainwreck, tastes like some gooood kush with an exotic sweet smile backround. It is the giggly type of bud. I LMAO non stop. Smooth smoke, TAKES OVER any room you are in. Outstanding strain, there is no anxiety, which I get from some strains. Will definitely be growing this strain again!
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      She was a dream to grow! She was super frosty and smelled like tropical fruit to the max, with a nice funk background. Her leaves were fat and shaped more like an Afghan. Super easy to grow, doesn’t like to be over fed or over watered. She does like heavy P/K levels during flower. Never passed 1000ppm at peak flower. Definitely worth growing if you are not trying to grow mainstream strains. So the flavor, it is smooth earthy on the inhale and guava fruit on the exhale. It's still smells like papaya, but the flavor is completely different.
      The high is relaxed but alert, you get the headband effect as well. Great for meditation. No jitters or anxiety and uplifting.

  • thechef2016
    15 Fevereiro 2020
    15 Fevereiro 2020
    • Vantagens
      The taste of Morning Glory is Absolutely Amazing!!! Like fresh flowers and fresh fruit plus a hint of lavender❤️❤️❤️ Reminds me of the candy, sweet tarts 😍 😍 😍
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      Absolutely my favorite strain! Yummy! 😍

  • KWGriff
    30 Novembro 2019
    30 Novembro 2019
    • Vantagens
      Good taste and very relaxing effect.
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      Another great strain, made me feel very relaxed and calm. Had a nice citrus, pepper taste to it. It is a total stress destroyer. The high for me was a bit heady, but still manageable and later it worked into a nice mellow relaxing body high. Made me want to take a nap and I slept blissfully. I like it!

  • A.alb
    26 Outubro 2019
    26 Outubro 2019
    • Vantagens
      Best Sativa strain for productive and creative mornings! It’s my morning coffee now! ☕
    • Desvantagens
      Didn’t notice any
    • Impressões gerais

      So cool! I really fell in love with this wonderful strain! Many thanks to Herbies! Will keep buying here!

  • XD
    5 Outubro 2019
    5 Outubro 2019
    • Vantagens
      Long-lasting, energetic and uplifting strain - my best morning coffee.)) Love its citrusy and peppery taste!
    • Desvantagens
      Can cause dry mouth and red eyes.
    • Impressões gerais

      I smoke 24/7 and by far this strain is the best one that I’ve tasted.

  • cturne04
    23 Agosto 2019
    23 Agosto 2019
    • Vantagens
      I personally love this strain. It's definitely one to get you up and moving. VERY good for stress relief. It's one of my go-to strains for unwinding after a long day at work, when I'm not quite ready to go to bed yet.
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      I highly recommend to try this strain! Morning Glory is my love! ❤ ❤ ❤

  • Tomfromdelmonte
    22 Agosto 2019
    22 Agosto 2019
    • Vantagens
      Amazing girls
    • Desvantagens
    • Impressões gerais

      Week 6. Topped all and gave a haircut. Bought a 1000w mars hydro light to go in alongside the viparspectra, have 1600w in there now. Girls just look super happy although could do with a tent double the size. Adding liquid seaweed to nutrient mix.

  • SafetyLast
    17 Junho 2019
    17 Junho 2019
    • Vantagens
      Awesome strain! It’s worth trying!
    • Desvantagens
      Extremely dry mouth, even red and dry eyes.
    • Impressões gerais

      The second strain I ever tried to grow. Still one of my favorites. I find this strain to differ in effects between situations. Among friends, this strain provides a chill high, comfortable leaning back, great for having a relaxed conversation while playing games with friends and having a laugh. After a while the Indica becomes more pronounced and you get slower, sleepier, and even more couch potato. When alone, the Indica is clearer present, relaxed body sensation earlier. Philosophical and concentrated thought. If smoked more, distracted often, slower, mild CEVs. Spicepepper with a long lime finish. Sharp smell.

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