
First Time Growing Bruce Banner #3 By Original Sensible Seeds Grow Report

Last updated: 20 September 2020

bruce banner 3 grow report

I’ve been growing weed at home for years, and during that time I rarely change up my strains. Usually, I just keep a few mothers and cut clones from them. However, as any long-term grower will tell you, all mother plants eventually run out of steam. I noticed a steady decrease in quality and yields over my last few harvests, so I decided to experiment with some new strains to switch things up. One of them, Bruce Banner #3 by Original Sensible Seeds, came highly recommended from a fellow home grower, so I decided to try my hand at this new strain.

Bruce Banner #3 is a cross between OG Kush and Strawberry Diesel. Mature plants feature huge, powerful green buds. This is a photoperiodic version of Bruce Banner, which I chose specifically because I have prior experience growing these types of plants.

bruce banner #3 by original sensible seeds grow diarie

I’d heard a lot about Bruce Banners, specifically that this strain is as hearty and healthy as its indestructible namesake, and that it’s highly resilient to pathogens like fusarium or powdery mildew. These kinds of infections can quickly spread and kill a garden, so it’s important for a strain to be able to resist them. Bruce Banner’s resilience, along with its potency, made it an easy choice for me.

Gear I Used To Grow Original Sensible Seeds’ Bruce Banner #3

Because I live in a fairly populated area, I only grow indoors. Usually, I’ll fill an entire room of my house with plants. However, since I was running this grow cycle as an experiment, I only grew a single plant to give me better control of the variables in my garden.

Instead of using a full room of my house, I set up a grow tent for better control over environmental conditions like humidity and temperature. I also love tents because they prevent the light from leaking in or out, which I find crucial when growing photoperiods.

I used a LED grow lamp to provide light in my garden. I like LEDs because they’re powerful enough to provide the light I need while keeping energy costs down. In addition, LED lights put off significantly less heat than similar types of grow lamps. That makes it easier to control the climate within a garden.

Unfortunately, to grow this Bruce Banner #3, I only had 1-gallon (3.7-liter) pots available. I’d have preferred a larger one, but I had to make do with what was available. I started off by germinating my plant in a rock wool cube before transplanting it into coco coir. While I love the flexibility that soil gardens provide, I wanted to be able to dial in my nutrient mix, which required a soilless medium. I’ve used House & Garden for years and I love it, so I used their line of nutrients.

Original Sensible Seeds’ Bruce Banner #3 Detailed Grow Diary

I was a little surprised at how long it took for Bruce Banner #3 to reach maturity – a full 12 weeks. That seems like a long time in comparison to many of the 10-week strains out there, but the quality is worth it.

The Vegetative Stage: 5 Weeks From Seed

I lucked out with this strain before I even started. I only planted one seed, which germinated perfectly. It never occurred to me until after the seed had germinated that maybe it would never do so and I would need another. My luck seemed to continue throughout the grow cycle.

bruce banner #3 by oss grow report

For the first four weeks of my grow cycle, OSS Bruce Banner #3 stayed in the vegetative phase. I kept it under about 18 hours of light per day to make sure it didn’t switch into flowering too early. I wanted to make sure it got at least 5 weeks of veg time before I switched my lights to 12/12 for the flower cycle.

Although they’re often overlooked, controlling temperature and humidity are two of the most important jobs for a pot grower. In the vegetative phase, plants like their conditions to be warm and moist, emulating the hot, long days of summer. During the day, my temperature hovered around 75 degrees Fahrenheit (24 degrees Celsius), and at night it dipped to 69 degrees Fahrenheit (21 degrees Celsius). I kept my relative humidity at around 55%.

My nutrient mix changed significantly throughout the veg cycle. I used the following mixes and kept my pH at 5.9.

  • Week 1: PH Perfect Sensi Coco Grow A: 1 ml/l, PH Perfect Sensi Coco Grow B: 1 ml/l
  • Week 2: PH Perfect Sensi Coco Grow A: 1 ml/l, PH Perfect Sensi Coco Grow B: 1 ml/l
  • Week 3: PH Perfect Sensi Coco Grow A: 1 ml/l, PH Perfect Sensi Coco Grow B: 1 ml/l, Pro Cal 1 ml/l
  • Week 4: PH Perfect Sensi Coco Grow A: 2 ml/l, PH Perfect Sensi Coco Grow B: 2 ml/l, Pro Cal 1 ml/l
  • Week 5: PH Perfect Sensi Coco Grow A: 1 ml/l, PH Perfect Sensi Coco Grow B: 1 ml/l, Pro Cal 1 ml/l

bruce banner 3 grow diarie

I topped my plant during week 3 to help maximize my yields. I also defoliated a few days before flipping the plant into flower to ensure proper light penetration. Finally, I ScrOGged my plant for the same reason.

The Flowering Stage: Week 6 To Harvest

bruce banner #3 by original sensible seeds grow report

Once my plant was a little over a foot tall, I change my lights from 18/6 to 12/12. Since this particular Bruce Banner strain is photoperiodic, I had to make this change before it would start flowering. During the first 2 weeks of the flower cycle, the plant nearly doubled in size.

bruce banner #3 by oss grow diarie

bruce banner #3 by original sensible seeds grow diarie

I defoliated my plant two more times: once in week 5 of flower and once in week 9. Essentially, whenever the plant started looking too bushy, I got rid of some fan leaves. I try to defoliate proactively – it’s a great way to combat potential infections since it improves light penetration. Defoliation preemptively to prevent infections is much easier than trying to cure them after they arise.

I kept my mix at 6.0 pH throughout the entire grow cycle. However, my nutrient mix changed almost weekly. Here’s a breakdown:

  • Week 6: PH Perfect Sensi Coco Grow A: 2 ml/l, PH Perfect Sensi Coco Grow B: 2 ml/l, Pro Cal 1 ml/l
  • Week 7: PH Perfect Sensi Coco Grow A: 2 ml/l, PH Perfect Sensi Coco Grow B: 2 ml/l, Pro Cal 1 ml/l, Massive Bloom Formulation: 2 ml/l, Supa Silky: 1 ml/l
  • Week 8: PH Perfect Sensi Coco Grow A: 2 ml/l, PH Perfect Sensi Coco Grow B: 2 ml/l, Pro Cal 1 ml/l, Massive Bloom Formulation: 3 ml/l, Supa Silky: 2 ml/l
  • Week 9: PH Perfect Sensi Coco Grow A: 2 ml/l, PH Perfect Sensi Coco Grow B: 2 ml/l, Pro Cal 1 ml/l, Massive Bloom Formulation: 2 ml/l, Supa Silky: 2 ml/l
  • Week 10: PH Perfect Sensi Coco Grow A: 2 ml/l, PH Perfect Sensi Coco Grow B: 2 ml/l, Pro Cal 1 ml/l, Massive Bloom Formulation: 2 ml/l, Supa Silky: 2 ml/l
  • Week 11: PH Perfect Sensi Coco Grow A: 2 ml/l, PH Perfect Sensi Coco Grow B: 2 ml/l, Pro Cal 1 ml/l, Massive Bloom Formulation: 2 ml/l, Supa Silky: 2 ml/l
  • Week 12: PH Perfect Sensi Coco Grow A: 2 ml/l, PH Perfect Sensi Coco Grow B: 2 ml/l, Pro Cal 1 ml/l, Massive Bloom Formulation: 2 ml/l, Supa Silky: 2 ml/l, Rezin 2 ml/l
  • Week 13: Flawless Finish: 2 ml/l
  • Week 14: Flawless Finish: 2 ml/l

bruce banner 3 grow diarie

My Results Of Growing Original Sensible Seeds’ Bruce Banner #3

After I cut my plant down, I hung it in the dark for about a week to dry. Then, I cured the buds in mason jars for 3 weeks. By the time I was done, I’d harvested 145g (5.2 ounces), which isn’t that great of a yield. I blame this on my small pot – if I’d used a bigger one, it would have allowed the plant to grow larger.

However, I was impressed by the quality of the buds, which provided the unique hybrid high that Bruce Banner is known for. I also noticed throughout the grow cycle that Bruce Banner #3 is highly resilient to pathogens like fusarium or powdery mildew. I’ll definitely be adding this strain into my regular rotation, although I’ll need to upgrade to bigger pots.

bruce banner #3 by oss grow diarie

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Michael rudge
How long do you use light after planting germinated seeds until the sprout through the soil please
Hello Michael, you can use the same schedule as for growing period
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