
Male Marijuana Plants: What Can You Do With Them?

Last updated: 11 February 2020

male weed plant

When it comes to cannabis cultivation, most growers focus on female plants since they are the ones that produce the coveted buds. However, male cannabis plants also play an important role in the cultivation process. While they don’t produce flowers, they are not entirely useless to a grower. In fact, there are several uses for male cannabis plants that can be beneficial to both cultivators and consumers alike. From breeding new strains to producing hemp fiber and extracting cannabinoids, male marijuana plants offer a world of possibilities. In this article, we will explore the various ways to use male plants and the potential benefits they bring to the table.

What Is the Difference Between Male and Female Weed Plants?

The difference between male and female cannabis plants lies in their reproductive organs. Female plants produce cannabis flowers, which contain the highest concentration of cannabinoids, including THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol). These are what people typically consume for medicinal or recreational purposes. Male cannabis plants produce pollen sacs, which are crucial for the fertilization of female plants. When the male plant reaches maturity, the sacs burst open, releasing pollen into the air or onto nearby female plants, initiating seed production. That's why it’s crucial to separate male plants from female ones during cultivation to prevent seed production in female plants, as this can reduce the potency and quality of the flowers. Generally, female cannabis plants are preferred in the industry due to their higher cannabinoid content, while male plants are often considered undesirable in controlled cultivation settings. Nonetheless, both male and female cannabis plants play key roles in the reproduction and continuation of the species.

How to Identify a Male Plant

male marijuana plant

Identification of the sex of the plant is first possible when it’s around 3-4 weeks into growth for male plants and 4–6 weeks in for female plants. That’s when the cannabis plant starts developing pre-flowers. Cannabis pre-flowers are little versions of adult flowers that appear on marijuana plants relatively early in the vegetative stage and can help indicate the plant's gender before the beginning of the flowering stage. Male pre-flowers look like a ‘spade’ from a deck of cards. Also, if you notice multiple pollen sacs and no white pistils, then you are dealing with a male plant. Sometimes, the pollen sacs may not be very obvious during early growing stages, but once you notice several hairless pre-flowers stacked together like a bunch of grapes, then you know for sure you’re dealing with a male plant. On the other hand, female pre-flowers tend to have a fat bottom and are usually longer and narrower than their male counterparts. They may also have 1–2 wispy white hairs sticking out from the top. After identifying the gender of your plants, don’t forget to separate the males from the females if you don’t plan to breed them and produce seeds!

cannabis seeds for beginners

Ways to Put Male Cannabis to Use

Now that we know how to identify which plants are male, let's talk about the benefits of male cannabis plants and how we can put them to use.

Breeding New Strains

After spending some time growing cannabis for consumption only, you might become interested in creating your own strains with desired qualities – e.g. buds that are more resinous, have higher yields or deliver faster turnaround. Well, you will need your males to do this!

Breeding new strains is like playing Frankenstein in the world of cannabis. It's all about taking two unlikely candidates – female marijuana plants and male pollen – and creating a beautiful, unique hybrid. Think of it as the ultimate matchmaker for plants. However, this isn't some amateur Tinder for shrubs. Instead, it's a sophisticated game of genetics, where we dive deep into the gene pool and select the best traits to propagate. It's like being a mad scientist with a green thumb. We carefully select plants with the juiciest buds, the most potent smells, and the best mind-bending effects. It's all about creating something new, something bold, something that will blow your mind when you light it up.

Don’t forget that the male provides up to 50% of a seed’s genetic makeup. Therefore, select only the best males with the best qualities in your garden for breeding new strains. Are some of them more potent? Maybe some are highly resistant to mold and pests? Use your males to pass on these desirable qualities to future generations.

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Using It For THC Concentrates

male cannabis plant

It’s also a good idea to use your males for THC-rich concentrates. Although less potent than females, male plants still have some THC and thus are psychoactive. While male cannabis plants don’t produce buds, small amounts of cannabinoids can be found in the sacs, leaves and stems of the plant. In fact, male plants have a higher THC concentration in their leaves than females during the vegetative growth stage. The same way you use leftover sugar leaves from females, you can use the males for all the same purposes! The males will have most resin concentrated in the sepals and other areas where pollen is produced. Don’t toss out all this goodness – make hash or other concentrates using these THC-rich parts!

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Making Edibles with Your Male Plants

Making edibles with male plants can be a great way to utilize every part of the cannabis plant. While male plants do not produce the coveted buds like their female counterparts, they are still full of beneficial compounds that can be extracted and used. One popular method is to create cannabutter, which can then be used in various recipes. To begin, it’s important to decarboxylate the male plants – a process that involves heating them to activate the cannabinoids. Once decarboxylation is complete, the male plants can be ground up and infused into butter or oil to create a potent base for cooking. From there, the possibilities are endless – you can make cookies, brownies, or even savory dishes using cannabutter. Not only does this allow for a more sustainable and resourceful use of the entire plant, but it also adds a unique twist to traditional food. So, don't let your male cannabis plants go to waste; get creative and enjoy the benefits they have to offer in the form of delicious edibles.

Make Juice Or Tea

male pot plant

As we said, although in lower concentrations, the male plant contains the same cannabinoids as the females. This makes it optimal for making THCA drinks – for example, teas and juices. Cannabolic acids such as CBDA and THCA in cannabis juice benefit the human body in the same way other forms of marijuana do.

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male cannabis

Cannabis juice provides a better option of benefiting from cannabinoids without worrying so much about adverse side effects or getting high. Just don’t use the bigger leaves and thicker stalks so as to avoid a bitter plant taste.

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Use It In Your Regular Garden

Just like females, male plants also produce terpenes – aromatic oils that give cannabis its unique and delightful scent and taste. These terpenes are associated with pest and disease control, and for this reason, you may want to include your males in a flower or vegetable garden. You can also use dried male plant parts to create a terpene-rich oil and use it to repel insects and pests. Just ensure that your flower garden (with male cannabis plants) is well separated from any female cannabis plants to avoid cross-pollination.

Male cannabis plants possess lengthy taproots that have the capability to enhance soil quality by facilitating better absorption of moisture and nutrients. Moreover, these male plants harbor significant micronutrients that can be utilized as compost or mulch.

Produce Hemp Fiber

how to make a male plant female

Both males and females can produce fibers. However, there’s a distinctive difference in the type of fibers that the two plants can produce. These fibers are normally put to different uses. For instance, male fibers have firm and fibrous stalks which can be used to produce a softer material. Their fiber is also softer and thinner compared to that produced by females. These qualities make them desirable for producing household items such as high-quality cloth such as towels or bed linens.

Although making a tablecloth from your male weed plant might not be on your to-do list, this information expands our understanding and shows how we can use this amazing plant in different and eco-friendly ways. It's about discovering new possibilities and appreciating the plant beyond its usual uses.

How To Identify The Sex Of Your PlantREAD NOW

Male Cannabis Plants: Wrapping Up

In the captivating world of cannabis cultivation, male plants may not take center stage like their female counterparts, but their role is far from ordinary. Nature has designed cannabis plants with purposeful intent. While females steal the spotlight with their buds, males bring their unique contributions to the table. From crafting new strains through genetic matchmaking to weaving hemp fiber into soft, luxurious materials, male cannabis plants possess hidden potential waiting to be unlocked. Don't underestimate these unsung heroes, as they hold the key to innovation and sustainable practices in the ever-evolving cannabis industry. By embracing the full spectrum of possibilities they offer, we can open the door to a greener, more exciting future in cannabis cultivation.

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Outside gardener
Growing outside, just discovered two out of my seven plants that look to have small pollen sacs like male plants. Just one tiny sac at each juncture next to a tiny hair. Should I wait before pulling to see if more show up or pull now? Also if I pull them I would like to use for tinctures ( your lemonade recipe). What part of the plant since there are no buds yet do I use, and do I need to dry and cure it first?
Hello, Outside GardenerThat would be more convenient to suggest if you would take a photo of the plants under question and share them with us, we would be able to assist you. Also, regarding the recipe - if it means using the buds, then at this state the plant is not yet ready to be used in that recipeRespectfully, Herbies
What do you mean by disinfect the area? Like also spraying the room? And how far does the male and female have to be away from each other?
Hello Vanessa,This means that male plants could have spread pollen, so you need to clean the whole area to avoid pollination. As for the distance - it is better to plant them in different greenhouses, and clean your clothes after you exit the male plant house. Do not plant both genders if you plant outdoors as cannabis pollen may travel many kilometers, especially if you have pollinating insects, such as bees, in the area
I know that cannabis tea has a long list of health benefits
Hello Sam,In general the effect is not harmful, but often - positive
Hello friends! Can you smoke male marijuana plants?
I've smoked and vaped male Leaves, and I got high
Yes, the leaves work! Males have THC in the leaves, dry them for around 5 days. And you’ll get high, not stoned just high…😉 Many older smokers actually prefer to stay functional by not getting too stoned.
Male plants contains low amount of THC and practically useless for degustation, but can be used for other purposes like making cream or tea
All i can really say is "WHY" ud have to smoke like a whole male plant to get a good high going. waste of time just kill it or save it for hash or keep it as a house plant.
I’ve never tried it, but i'd imagine it'd give u one hell of a headache
I smoke the leaves from male plants with good results. I like a nice functional "buzz" without being too stoned, so the leaves of my males do the trick.
Do you let them dry?
Hello Esme,Leaves from male plants? That's unusual, thank you for sharing your experience with us
Should I disinfect my whole area after knowing I have a male plant?
If you catch it early enough before the pollen sacks rupture and you remove it carefully I wouldn’t see the need to disinfect the entire area. But if you are unsure if they ruptured it wouldn’t hurt to disinfect.
Totally agree with James
Worth reading! Thanks a lot.
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