10 for 10 on germination
6 hours ago
Chris long
I just ordered a few seeds, Auto flowering seeds. I've been growing outside for the past two years. But this year being legal in Ohio everyone thinks they can throw seeds in the ground and grow like it's a vegetable. My plant this year turned into a hermaphrodite and full of seeds. So I ordered the seeds from Herbie seed my first time and I'm gonna try growing indoors over the winter. I chose the auto flowering seeds cuz I want to see if they really do have a life cycle of 30-60 days. I'm counting on BIG BUDS and Christmas buds. I'll post pictures of how I do. Hopefully they'll be as great as the pictures look. Thanks for your company being there for us enthusiasts of great looking buds
10 hours ago
There customer service and communication is second to none. I have always found their service reliable and very timely.The representatives I have dealt with have always been helpful and polite, an excellent company to deal with.Payment issues have been difficult at times, the company has provided videos to explain alternative payment methods and eventually the issue has been resolved.Grew a plant last year for the first time in 40 years. Their help and articles were exceptional leading to a plant that was also exceptional.
10 hours ago
Thanks guys for your help as my seeds never made it and you replaced them for me 👍!...Great customer service!...
14 hours ago
Great customer service and always great seeds purchased through PayPal this time and the seeds were here within 2 weeks
22 hours ago
Service price and delivery is very good 👍🏿
22 hours ago
All the seeds never generated. What a waste. It's been 14 days and this what they look like. Used there directions and nothing.
23 hours ago
Maryjane Bunker
Half of my seeds either didn't pop or died before roots established in rooter. I paid $15 for one seed and was really looking forward to trying the Blackberry Moon Rock Only to have it die in the rooter. I'm out .Moving to a company that has a viable product
23 hours ago
I've been using Herbies for a couple of years now every seed I've gotten has germinated an they have good varieties I have no complaints thanks Herbies
1 day ago
Great online customer service for us older folks thanks amber
1 day ago
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Promo Estate di Herbies #1: 25% di Sconto su Blueberry Hill

Ultimo aggiornamento: 13 Giugno 2023

promo estate di herbies 1 25 di sconto su blueberry hill

Sei pronto a godere delle nostre fantastiche offerte? con l'aumento delle temperature, ogni mese abbassiamo il prezzo di una delle nostre varietà di punta per un'intera settimana!

La prima Promo Estate inizia oggi: dalle 17:00 del 13 giugno alle 17:00 del 19 giugno (CEST), approfitta del 25% di sconto sulla nostra fantastica varietà Blueberry Hill per iniziare bene la bella stagione.

Blueberry Hill: Una Delizia da Sogno

Rilassarsi non è mai stato così facile! Blueberry Hill è estremamente potente grazie al suo 26% di THC ed è un'indica quasi pura. Un vero must per chi ama sdraiarsi e rilassarsi al sole lasciandosi cullare da una sensazione di relax che allontana lo stress e la tensione.

Blueberry Hill (Herbies Seeds) Blueberry Hill (Herbies Seeds)
  • Fotoperiodo
  • Gioia e spensieratezza
  • 450 - 650 g/m² all'interno
    1200 - 1800 g/pianta all'aperto
  • 26 %
Vai alla varietà

Sia in coltivazioni indoor che all’esterno, aspettati secchiate di cime resinose. Questa bellezza produce fino a 650 g/m² dopo appena 50-55 giorni di fioritura indoor e fino a 1800 grammi per pianta a fine settembre quando viene coltivata all'aperto. Abbiamo già parlato del suo sapore dolce e leggermente aspro di mirtillo e spezie? Beh, ora l'abbiamo fatto!

Visita il nostro catalogo e assicurati questa varietà finché dura l'offerta! È il momento di rendere la tua estate davvero indimenticabile. E ricorda, ogni mese porta una nuova Promo Estate, quindi torneremo presto con altre varietà e sconti incredibili!

Herbies Head Shop si rifiuta espressamente di supportare l'uso, la produzione o la fornitura di sostanze illegali. Per maggiori dettagli leggi il nostro Disclaimer Legale.

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