Critical Skunk Regular seeds

Mr. Nice Seedbank


Mr Nice Critical Skunk Seeds Info

Critical Skunk has the potential to be a heavy strong plant and one for those commercial ventures. We would expect it to yield similarly to the Critical mass 650-800 grams per square meter. Of course we are talking of a selected mother being cloned in this yield estimation.

Indoor flowering usually takes between 6-8 weeks but it really depends upon the mother you select. Grown outside in the Northern Hemisphere it would expect to be complete around the end of September or early October. In the Southern Hemisphere you could count on March for completion.

For the inexperienced growers to the most advanced. Especially for greenhouse growers worldwide or short outdoor seasons.

This plant has the possibilities to add yield and flavor to the grow room. It is like growing a dense cola of all things good and flavorsome in serious indicas.

Critical Skunk Regular (Mr. Nice Seedbank) related collections

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Pack size :
15 seeds
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