Durban regular seeds (CannaBioGen)

Czech Republic


Durban by Cannabiogen- A Radiant Beauty with Magical Qualities

Originating from South African, this Sativa-dominant regular strain is highly recognized around the world and by cannabis connoisseurs. The strain was named after the port city of Durban where it was first discovered by the Zulu tribe in the “Valley of 1000 Hills." Historically, the Zulu tribe valued this strain due to its stimulating and euphoric power. They would smoke it through pipes and bone to invigorate and enhance their senses before going into a battle. Novice smokers are warned to be cautious of the powerful and flavorful influence of the African jewel.

Durban makes her radiant appearance in average height and well-developed figure with densely resinous flowers having mixed green, orange and purple colors. Its beauty is not the only advantage – the strain is quite unpretentious and does well even in cold climates. On top of that, it boats medium indoor and outdoor yields. When gown indoor, Durban produces 450g from short plant of 1.8m. However, this radiant beauty and can grow as tall as 3m outdoors.

  • Durban Regular may cope indoor and greenhouse but is a better choice of outdoor cultivation especially in areas of higher latitudes.
  • She displays high resistance for fungi and pest attack.
  • Flowering time is 10-14 weeks.

Durban - Simply Potent

The African Queen is only for the strong-hearted. The strain produces a fast and powerful psychedelic effect that can boost your mood and energy level into better creativity, strength and social interactions.

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