Exodus Cheese Autoflowering feminized seeds

Green House Seeds


Autoflowering Cheese

Exodus Cheese Auto feminized cannabis seeds provide autoflowering plants with the classic stony and long lasting Cheese effects and aromatic profiles. In less than two and a half months, you will have short plants with decent yields whose effect will creep into your body and mind!


Exodus For Your Growing Skills

This autoflowering strain is excellent for novice growers due to its resilience and ease of cultivation. Also great for stealth operations since it will grow to a height between 80-90 cm.

If provided appropriate temperatures, pH and EC levels, your plants should yield around 500 g/m2 while grown indoors and produce 70-80 g per plant grown outdoors. Average flowering time is around 2 months, but flowers can be ready for harvest in less than two months in some cases.

To ensure maximum yield, provide vegetative stage nutrients during the pre-flowering phase.

Potent Creeper

Cheese is known for its creeping, heavy-stoned effects that last for a long time. Its autoflowering version will provide these as well as its creamy, milky flavor that reminds of a mix of blue and whipped cheese. Aromas also will include those similar to onions and legumes.


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4 reviews
  • TriedIt
    16 November 2019
    16 November 2019
    • Advantages
    • Disadvantages
    • General impressions

      It’s a great strain for this price! I think it’s perfect for hydroponics! The yield is not something spectacular but the quality of it is superior! Thanks Herbies!

  • andre
    17 October 2019
    17 October 2019
    • Advantages
      grows fast
    • Disadvantages
    • General impressions

      One of the main pros of this strain is fast growth and maturity. The effect is also really nice. The con is its smell! It's more sage than cheese, therefore easy to guess what it is.
      It grows beautifully, very fast. Requires 150-200 ml of water everyday. 10 hours of daylight. Some drainage is required. 

    23 May 2019
    23 May 2019
    • Advantages
      just great
    • Disadvantages
    • General impressions

      Not my first order, delivered in perfect condition, everything germinated, the bonus was a nice surprise! Nice taste, the high is long lasting, at least 3 hours. It was growing on a windowsill, I only watered it with filtered water or that from a fish tank. Feb 28 - seed, May 22 - curing.

  • Silentium est aurum
    21 May 2019
    21 May 2019
    • Advantages
      Introspective head high that is slow at the beginning, but long lasting when it gets to full power. Perfect for self-exploration. You just suddenly realize why you hate one thing and is extremely fond of another. 1.5h in and Indica joins in, you’re relaxed, sleepy with distorted perception of time. A song’s verse comes to an end and you expect the whole song to finish and then you’re shocked it’s been only one verse! You know what I mean? You go grab a snack, you keep eating for 15 minutes, then look at the clock and it’s only been three minutes… When I overdo it I get paranoid because of audio and visual hallucinations. It’s not too euphoric, but a great opportunity to look inside yourself, your best and worst sides. It makes you sensual and very open about your sexual fantasies, perfect moment to share them with your partner!
    • Disadvantages
      there’s not much info on this strain, most people say that it’s not for beginners. On the one hand, it’s kinda true because starting from week 4-5 it starts showing signs of different deficiencies, so an impressive beginner might go crazy! On the other hand, i’m a beginner myself and I did it! in 70 days! My advice is to be careful with nitrogen, you do a little too much and the leaves turn into claws
    • General impressions

      I have problems with sleep and this strain makes a big positive difference! Now I can easily go to bed earlier and sleep nicely until the alarm goes off! You close your eyes, observe the kaleidoscope of bright colors and slowly submerge into the dream state. 250W HPS, 60x60x250 grow box, 20l pot, store-bought soil, 6.3-6.6 ph. The result is 63 grams of weed.

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