Dank Commander seeds

Rare Dankness Seeds


Smells Like Cat Spirit

Dank Commander marijuana seeds were produced by the Colorado seedbank Rare Dankness. Breeders crossed their top-notch strain Rare Dankness with highly flavored Catpiss. The result is a regular cannabis strain with classic OG lemony hues complemented with Kush notes and mix of alpine flowers. Dank Commander was awarded as the Winner at The Legends of Hashish Cup in 2013.

This strain is an Indica/Sativa hybrid which grows vigorously outdoors and indoors. There is a number of nuances to note and control:

  • Good humidity and airflow control required to prevent mold issues – colas are very dense and can’t stand high humidity;
  • Mature plants form a lot of side branches that need support as they can’t bear heavy weight of hard buds;
  • Flavor is so pungent that it reminds cat piss – it is highly advisable to use carbon filters for odor control.

Dank Commander – Perfect Strain for Hash

One of the main features growers will get with this strain is possibility to make high-class hash and drysift. Dank Commander seems to be one of the best plants for hash-makers. The effect is Indica-like stone, sedative, calm and relaxing.

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Pack size :
12 seeds
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