Deep Neville regular seeds

Medical Seeds


Powerful THC-Rich Strain

Deep Neville Regular is a hybrid strain which crosses the famous Neville’s Haze with Deep Chunk. This plant carries intense green foliage and purple traces, producing compact buds which are literally full of resin. Ideal for a highly energetic and immediate high.

Deep Neville Regular Growing Details

This strain is ideally grown in both indoor and outdoor situations. It is warned that the male flowers will start to show little balls in the nodes a few days before the females start showing their identity. It is important to be aware that the male plants might flower at the same time as the females. The buds are not too big; however, they will be very compact and full of resin, with a dark purple touch. The indoor flowering period is a moderate 8-11 weeks. We recommend keeping your seeds in a vegetative state for 1-1.5 weeks before switching up your lighting schedule to start the flowering phase. The strain will produce an average yield indoors of around 450-550 grams per square meter, whilst outdoors you can expect around 450 grams per plant.

Need Some Energy?

This strain provides an intense amount of energy when consumed, giving it an immediate effect. Perfect for those using throughout the day. The buds are not recommended to amateur smokers due to the risk of developing anxiety (because of the super high THC content).

Deep Neville regular (Medical Seeds) related collections

This strain is out of production

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