Fast Flowering Green Crack feminized seeds

Humboldt Seeds


Fast Flowering Green Crack: Harmonious Relaxation

With an impressive yet not overwhelming 18% THC content, together with its 60% Indica/40% Sativa genotype, Fast Flowering Green Crack produces an exceptionally balanced high while gifting its users with a distinctive energy boost to feel light and relaxed. Looking for a clear headspace and no danger of couchlock? This cannabis variety is an easy choice for those looking for a reliable daytime strain.

Bittersweet Flavors And Aromas

This marijuana variety will never be left unnoticed. The center of any party, Fast Flowering Green Crack has that oomph that gets people talking! The shamelessly in-your-face smell gradually unfolds into an enjoyably rich and layered sweetness, while the taste is a perfect accompaniment, blossoming in notes of plump fruit and exotic spice.

The Pleasure Of Growing Fast Flowering Green Crack

Novices and seasoned growers alike are destined for a big win when dealing with the feminized cannabis seeds of Fast Flowering Green Crack. Each tiny nut contains enough vigor to grow into a branchy Sativa-like plant and produce a groundbreaking yield of 1200g/plant in mid-September outdoors, or 600 g/m² in a record 44-50 days indoors.

  • With an outdoor height of 2.5m, be careful if you’re planning on keeping the plant discreet.
  • However, it’s a low-maintenance plant that’s easy to grow and well-suited for beginners.
  • Its long branches may need additional support.
  • Be sure to use carbon filters needed if you want to eliminate its pungent smell.
  • The quick flowering period means a lesser risk of damage from humidity and pests.

Taking The Best From Its Brilliant Genetics

This cannabis seed continues the line to become the first Fast Flowering version of Green Crack. Crossing the original Green Crack with its auto-flowering version has made it possible to yield tons of smelly and sticky ash-green buds of the highest quality in record-breaking time.

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