Golden Berry (Genofarm Seeds)

Genofarm Seeds


Brand Genofarm Seeds
Type of seeds Feminized
Type of seeds Photoperiod
Suitable for growing Indoor, Outdoor
THC Very high
CBD Very low
% Sativa/ Indica/ Ruderalis Indica dominant
Harvest 550 - 700 g/m² indoors
800 - 2000 g/plant outdoors
Indoor flowering time 45 - 55 days
Height 90 - 220 cm
Effect Unlimited potential


Genofarm Goden Berry Feminised Seeds

This variety was made because there was a need for a big productive plant that finished quickly. This plant has a formidable structure, therefore, it supports itself without the need of nets or canes. In short, this is one of the most commercial varieties from our collection. Growers claim high-quality crops are achievable and with only 45-day flowering. This short flowering period has made it a popular growers choice when production is one of the most sought parameters. The quality is defiantly maintained compared to other longer flowering species. The flowers are hard and compact, fully charged with white resin and give excellent results when being used for oil extractions.

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