Grand Daddy Purp regular seeds

Grand Daddy Purp


Grand Daddy Purp Regular’s Effects: Disappear In Relaxation

Grand Daddy Purp regular cannabis strain is the real-deal Indica that will make your face and body melt and get lost in the shower of creative thoughts. A bowl of this regular cannabis strain will relax your muscles to the point they’ll feel as if they were made of slime. This is a true couchlock experience you can’t miss! When it comes, you’ll forget about any tension or pains and will peacefully drift in the ocean of positivity. As you might have already guessed, Grand Daddy Purp regular is not only an exceptionally potent strain but also a great natural medicine. It helps patients worldwide with stress, pains, nausea, insomnia, and more.

Grand Daddy Purp Regular: It Tastes Like Purple!

This regular cannabis seed turns into buds with the signature grape flavor. The aroma of Grand Daddy Purp is irresistible and reminiscent of freshly-squeezed grape juice with delicious hints of ripe fruit. The taste complements the aroma perfectly - it is a fusion of tempting musk, soil, and, once again, grape and fruit. 

Growing The Colorful Miracle

With an average flowering period of just 72 days, Grand Daddy Purp produces average-sized harvests of compact, but very dense and full purple buds – this is a recipe for the ultimate bag appeal. Thanks to their Indica heritage, Grand Daddy Purp regular seeds grow to become bushy and sturdy plants. Many weed cultivators report it growing many fan leaves.

  • Grand Daddy Purp regular cannabis strain could use some defoliation – implement this technique to expose bud sites to more light, and, consequentially, improve the yield.
  • For enhanced purple hues, lower your night temperatures closer to the end of the grow and always let the air in the grow room circulate.
  • To eliminate the fruity weed smell from your grow room, use carbon filters.

Mysterious Genetics Of The Grand Strain

The lineage of Grand Daddy Purp regular remains some sort of a mystery. Rumor has it, Grand Daddy Purp was created by crossing Mendo Purps with an unknown Skunk and weed genetics from Afghanistan. Anyway, whatever the truth is, Grand Daddy Purp seedbank has definitely succeeded in creating one of the most legendary weed varieties ever known!

Grand Daddy Purp regular (Grand Daddy Purp) related collections

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Pack size :
10 seeds
3 reviews
  • Rose
    9 September 2020
    9 September 2020
    • Advantages
      Great strain
      Top quality seeds
      Worth trying
    • Disadvantages
    • General impressions

      Grew a few of these out last season, and was pleasantly surprised at the efficacy of the harvest. Not a huge producer, but definitely top quality strain. I will grow her again for sure

  • Gary Grey
    11 August 2020
    11 August 2020
    • Advantages
      My all time favorite especially in the evening
    • Disadvantages
    • General impressions

      Wondering how to beat insomnia, stress, and anxiety without having a date with the doctor? This is the remedy, a gift to you from nature

  • Leo
    26 June 2020
    26 June 2020
    • Advantages
      Amazing purple buds
    • Disadvantages
    • General impressions

      This strain stayed short and compact but turned amazing hues of purple and blue

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