Kandy Kush Regular seeds

Reserva Privada


Brand Reserva Privada
Type of seeds Regular
Type of seeds Photoperiod
Suitable for growing Indoor, Outdoor
% Sativa/ Indica/ Ruderalis 40% Sativa / 60% Indica
Harvest 450 - 550 g/m² indoors
Indoor flowering time 63 - 70 days
Height High
Effect Sedative dream
Genetics OG Kush x Train Wreck (T4)


Reserva Privada Kandy Kush Cannabis Seeds Info

The sweetness of this Kush hybrid is comparable to kandy and after one hit you will keep coming back for more!!

Heavy crystal production comes on after the 5th week but dose not stop producing!

One of the most resinous plants in our cataloge.

True California flavor.

Kandy Kush Regular (Reserva Privada) related collections

This strain is out of production

Unfortunately, it has been discontinued, but we've picked some very similar seeds for you – take a look.

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