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Kukulkán feminized seeds
Kukulkan - Private Reserve of the Deities
The Kukulkan cannabis strain is composed of two heavy-hitters: Chronic and Black Domina. This feminized beauty is easy to grow indoors or outdoors, making her the go-to strain for every type of cultivator. You’ll be impressed by her strong stems as they hold Kukulkan’s massive harvest - upwards of 550-grams/㎡.
Growing Kukulkan cannabis seeds is a pleasurable experience because she isn’t needy. This marijuana strain is known to grow to a medium size, which is ideal when cultivating in an indoor environment.
If you decide to grow Kukulkan outdoors, make sure you allow her to get as large as possible to witness her bumper crop harvestability. Outdoors, Kukulkan is capable of producing 2000g/ plant.
Once harvest season is upon you, make sure you have your trusty trimming scissors ready for the massive amount of scissor hash that this cannabis strain produces.
Additional Information:
- Container Size: Small to medium.
- Light Requirements: 600-watts indoors, full-sun outdoors.
- Temperature requirements: Under 32℃.
- Nutrient Requirements: Standard dosage.
Flower of the Gods
The moment you indulge in Kukulkan, your mind will reel, and you’ll be left in a world you forgot was possible. Her 20% THC concentration will become apparent, and any worries you may have had will be wiped clean. Indulging in Kukulkan is akin to hitting the reset button of your mind, and her aroma and flavor will leave you obsessed with this blissful cannabis strain.
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