Pina Rita regular seeds

TGA Subcool Seeds (SubCool’s The Dank)


Effects Of Pina Rita Regular: Non-Stop LOL

Joy and euphoria - these are the 2 main ingredients making the unforgettable effect of Pina Rita regular cannabis strain. It is strongly recommended to people suffering from stress, anxiety, and depression, because Pina Rita’s buds can help anyone look at everything from a new, more positive perspective. Get ready to uncontrollably smile, giggle, LOL, and simply have a great time.


Taste And Aroma Straight From A Fruit Garden

As for Pina Rita regular’s taste and aroma profile, it is definitely on the fruity side of the spectrum. Picture smelling a huge basket of fresh fruit - this is the aroma you’re going to get from Pina Rita regular. The taste is even sweeter, it is candy-like, with distinctive notes of cherry, pineapple, and a little spice to balance out the flavors.


Pina Rita Regular - One Of The Easier Sativas To Grow

Performing equally well both indoors and outdoors, Pina Rita regular cannabis strain is one of the easier to grow Sativas on the market. It doesn’t get too tall, and its height can be additionally controlled by training techniques. The flowering period is also manageable and only takes around 2 months.

  • The growing plants of Pina Rita regular smell very sweet - the aroma is pleasant, but if you want to conceal your garden, use carbon filters
  • Implement LST and HST techniques to control the growth and boost the yields
  • This is a regular cannabis strain, meaning you’ll need to sex your plants and discard of the males to avoid pollination

Taking Only The Best From Its Genetics

TGA Subcool Seeds did a great job in picking a perfect pair of parent strains for their hit weed variety, Pina Rita regular. The lineage contains the old-school legend, and a bestseller from the 70s, Highland Oaxan Gold from Mexico, and the extremely resinous and flavorful Space Dude. As the result, Pina Rita takes the euphoric, giggly high from the first parent, and incredible taste reminiscent of fruity candy from the second one.

Pina Rita regular (TGA Subcool Seeds / SubCool’s The Dank) related collections

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Pack size :
5 seeds
10 seeds
1 review
  • Alex
    15 June 2020
    15 June 2020
    • Advantages
      Pina Rita smells awesome like cherry, pineapple and other fruits! Yummy!
    • Disadvantages
    • General impressions

      Really great stuff!

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