Skywalker feminized seeds

Dutch Passion


Dutch Passion Skywalker Feminised Cannabis Seeds Info

Skywalker is a hybrid product of a Mazar female and a Blueberry male.

The intention was to create one of the best Indicas in the world.

The special Blueberry taste and aroma are combined in this hybrid with the vigor and yield of Mazar. Blueberry characteristics such as “curling leaves”, slow initial growth, and bluish hues have disappeared in this hybrid, while taste, aroma (fruity and fresh), and the quality of the “high” are retained.

Grown from clones at “Sea of Green”, these seeds will yield about 400 gr./m2 under optimum conditions.

This strain is out of production

Unfortunately, it has been discontinued, but we've picked some very similar seeds for you – take a look.

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