White Widow X The Ultimate Regular seeds

Dutch Passion


Dutch Passion White Widow X The Ultimate Seeds Info

For many years we have had repeat requests for a White Widow cross, she is one of the original iconic breeds and the strongest indica-dominant in our collection.  The Ultimate is perhaps our heaviest yielder, but also very powerful.  A male White Widow and female ‘Ultimate’ were put together to produce this mixed indica/sativa. The high is strong and intense yet allows you to remain active.  The plants are very oily with a noticeable Haze taste together with earthy/citrus flavours which are twisted together with pine.  She grows up to 1.5m tall with very good yields and does well in all mediums with the best results in DWC (deep water culture).  Plants can be harvested as early as 8 weeks but some will prefer to wait 10 weeks for full bud production and ripeness.

White Widow X The Ultimate regular (Dutch Passion) related collections

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Pack size :
10 seeds
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