1024 feminized seeds

Medical Seeds


Excellent Well-Rounded Strain

1024 is a multiple Cup-winning strain that combines all the elements of a great cannabis plant. It has all the flavors and effects you could possibly want from a Sativa-dominant plant. It’s excellent for flavor connoisseurs and effect-junkies.

This strain is ideally grown in both indoor and outdoor environments. The plant has a top-secret genotype and comes with a super high THC content. Indoors, you can expect a total yield of around 600 grams/m2, with the plants vegetating for around 2-3 weeks before a total flowering period of 11-13 weeks commences. Outdoors the plant will grow with a vigorous nature – reaching upwards of 3-3.5 meters tall and producing a very healthy 600-800 grams of total yield per plant. It can be harvested in mid-October and comes from a mix of Chilean and Spanish genetics. It is also suitable for most growing methods, including organic, coco and hydroponics.

  • Medium soil feed needed
  • Great for SCRoG Growing
  • Can take powerful 900W lights
  • Compatible with LST Technique

Great for A Strong High

This strain contains a diverse range of flavors and aromas – including a mix of sweetness, combined with spices, fruits, and a particular muskiness. The high THC levels make its effects very strong, so it’s definitely not recommended for the beginning user of cannabis!

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